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检索条件"作者=Marco Basile"
2727 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
The identification of wildlife-vehicle collision hotspots: Citizen science reveals spatial and temporal patterns
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Ecological Processes 2021年 第1期10卷 99-111页
作者: Francesco Valerio marco basile Rosario Balestrieri Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture Environment and DevelopmentInstituto de Investigação e Formação AvançadaUniversidade deÉvoraPólo da MitraAp.947006-554ÉvoraPortugal. UBC-Unidade de Biologia da Conservação Departamento de BiologiaUniversidade deÉvoraPólo da MitraAp.947002-554ÉvoraPortugal. Associazione per la Ricerca la Divulgazione e l’Educazione Ambientale–ARDEAVia Ventilabro80126 NapoliItaly. Chair of Wildlife Ecology and Management University of FreiburgTennenbacher Str.479106 FreiburgGermany. Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Villa Comunale 180121 NaplesItaly.
Linear infrastructures(e.g.,roads,railways,pipelines,and powerlines)pose a serious threat to wildlife,due to the risk of wildlife-vehicle collisions(roadkills).The placement of mitigation measures,such as crossing str... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Diversity of beetle species and functional traits along gradients of deadwood suggests weak environmental filtering
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Forest Ecosystems 2023年 第1期10卷 56-63页
作者: marco basile Francesco Parisi Roberto Tognetti Saverio Francini Fabio Lombardi marco Marchetti Davide Travaglini Elena De Santis Gherardo Chirici Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Zürcherstrasse 1118903BirmensdorfSwitzerland Swiss Ornithological Institute Seerose 16204SempachSwitzerland GeoLAB-Laboratory of Forest Geomatics Department of AgricultureFoodEnvironment and ForestryUniversita degli Studi di FirenzeFirenzeItaly Dipartimento Agricoltura Ambiente e AlimentiUniversita degli Studi del MoliseVia De Sanctis86100CampobassoItaly Fondazione per il Futuro delle Citta FirenzeItaly Dipartimento di Agraria Universita Mediterranea di Reggio CalabriaLocalita di Feo di VitoReggio Calabria89122Italy Dipartimento di Bioscienze e Territorio Universita degli Studi del MoliseContrada Fonte Lappone86090PescheItaly
Background: Gradients in local environmental characteristics may favour the abundance of species with particular traits, while other species decline, or favour species with different traits at the same time, without a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Disentangling the role of wave function overlap, exciton–exciton interaction, carrier confinement and shape in the properties of spherical quantum wells
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Nano Research 2025年 第2期18卷 949-957页
作者: marco Califano Pollard Institute School of Electronic and Electrical EngineeringUniversity of LeedsLeeds LS29JTUK Bragg Centre for Materials Research University of LeedsLeeds LS29JTUK
There is a widespread conviction,fuelled by simple effective mass theoretical modelling,that the enhanced optical properties of quantum shells(i.e.,CdS/CdSe/CdS core/shell in a shell structures)derive from a combinati... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Role of copper chelating agents: between old applications and new perspectives in neuroscience
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第3期20卷 751-762页
作者: Rosalba Leuci Leonardo Brunetti Vincenzo Tufarelli marco Cerini marco Paparella Nikola Puvača Luca Piemontese Department of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Science University of Bari Aldo MoroBariItaly Department of Precision and Regenerative Medicine and Jonian Area(DiMePRe-J) Section of Veterinary Science and Animal ProductionUniversity of Bari Aldo MoroBariItaly Department of Engineering Management in Biotechnology Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi SadUniversity Business Academy in Novi SadNovi SadSerbia
The role of copper element has been an increasingly relevant topic in recent years in the fields of human and animal health, for both the study of new drugs and innovative food and feed supplements. This metal plays a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
From mice to humans:a need for comparable results in mammalian neuroplasticity
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第2期20卷 464-466页
作者: marco Ghibaudi Enrica Boda Luca Bonfanti Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi OrbassanoItaly Department of Veterinary Sciences University of TurinTurinItaly Department of Neuroscience Rita Levi-Montalcini University of TurinTurinItaly
Brain plasticity-A universal tool with many variations:The study of brain plasticity has been gaining interest since almost a century and has now reached a huge amount of information(>80,000 results in PubMed).Overall... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Tailoring sub-5 nm Fe-doped CeO2 nanocrystals within confined spaces to boost photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light
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Journal of Energy Chemistry 2025年 第2期101卷 263-277页
作者: Giuseppina Iervolino Olimpia Tammaro marco Fontana Bruno Masenelli Anne D.Lamirand Vincenzo Vaiano Serena Esposito Department of Industrial Engineering University of Salerno Department of Applied Science and Technology and INSTM Unit of Torino-Politecnico Politecnico di Torino Center for Sustainable Future Technologies POLITO Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia INSA Lyon Ecole Centrale de Lyon CNRS Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 CPE LyonINL
This work aimed to study the efficiency of the reverse micelle(RM) preparation route in the syntheses of sub-5 nm Fe-doped CeO2nanocrystals for boosting the visible-light-driven photocatalytic hydrogen production fr... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Novel Methodologies for Preventing Crack Propagation in Steel Gas Pipelines Considering the Temperature Effect
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Structural Durability & Health Monitoring 2025年 第1期19卷 1-23页
作者: Nurlan Zhangabay Ulzhan Ibraimova marco Bonopera Ulanbator Suleimenov Konstantin Avramov Maryna Chernobryvko Aigerim Yessengali Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan UniversityShymkent160012Kazakhstan Department of Industrial Civil and Road Construction Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan UniversityShymkent160012Kazakhstan Mechanics Sound&Vibration LaboratoryDepartment of Civil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringNational Taiwan UniversityTaipei10617Taiwan Department of Reability&Dynamic Strength A.Pidhornyi Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of National Academy of Sciences of UkraineKharkiv61046Ukraine
Using the software ANSYS-19.2/Explicit Dynamics,this study performedfinite-element modeling of the large-diameter steel pipeline cross-section for the Beineu-Bozoy-Shymkent gas pipeline with a non-through straight crac... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Familial adenomatous polyposis and changes in the gut microbiota: New insights into colorectal cancer carcinogenesis
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World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology 2021年 第6期13卷 495-508页
作者: Antonio Biondi Francesco basile marco Vacante Department of General Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialties University of CataniaCatania 95123Italy Multidisciplinary Research Center for Rare Diseases University of CataniaCatania 95123Italy
Patients with familial adenomatous polyposis(FAP),an autosomal dominant hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome,have a lifetime risk of developing cancer of nearly 100%.Recent studies have pointed out that the gut micro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Generation,interrogation,and future applications of microglia-containing brain organoids
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第12期20卷 3448-3460页
作者: Julia Di Stefano Federica Di marco Ilaria Cicalini Una FitzGerald Damiana Pieragostino Marleen Verhoye Peter Ponsaerts Elise Van Breedam Laboratory of Experimental Hematology Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute(Vaxinfectio)University of AntwerpWilrijkBelgium Bio-Imaging Lab University of AntwerpWilrijkBelgium Center for Advanced Studies and Technology(CAST) G.d’Annunzio University of Chieti-PescaraChietiItaly Department of Innovative Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry University“G.d’Annunzio”of Chieti-PescaraChietiItaly CÚRAM Center for Research in Medical DevicesBiomedical EngineeringUniversity of GalwayIreland Galway Neuroscience Center University of GalwayIreland μNEURO Research Center of Excellence University of AntwerpWilrijkBelgium
Brain organoids encompass a large collection of in vitro stem cell–derived 3D culture systems that aim to recapitulate multiple aspects of in vivo brain development and ***,this review provides a brief introduction t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Biomarkers in colorectal cancer: Current clinical utility and future perspectives
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World Journal of Clinical Cases 2018年 第15期6卷 869-881页
作者: marco Vacante Antonio Maria Borzì Francesco basile Antonio Biondi Department of General Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialties University of Catania
Colorectal cancer(CRC) is a major cause of cancer death worldwide. CRC has poor prognosis and there is a crucial need for new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers to avoid CRC-related deaths. CRC can be considered a s... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论