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    • 872 篇 临床医学
    • 46 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
    • 38 篇 中西医结合
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  • 14 篇 system
  • 14 篇 antioxidant
  • 14 篇 syndrome
  • 14 篇 treatment
  • 14 篇 diseases
  • 13 篇 hepatitis


  • 7 篇 《windows
  • 6 篇 上海交通大学医学...
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检索条件"作者=María Arregui"
1872 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
The Children’s Faecal Matter Structure Is Built by Their Parents
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Open Journal of Epidemiology 2019年 第1期9卷 64-74页
作者: Eduard Cueto Rua Ricardo Wright Cecilia Zubiri Luciana Guzmán Claudia Losada M. Inés Urrutia maría T. Gonzalez Ricardo Drut mariela Espósito Norberto Recalde Jorge Fiad Ignacio Goni Natalia Belén maría Cristina arregui Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Universidad Nacional de La Plata La Plata Argentina Comisión de Investigación Científica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina Pediatric Hospital “Sor maría Ludovica” La Plata Argentina Universidad Nacional de La Plata La Plata Argentina Consultant in Pediatrics Mar del Plata City Argentina Dolores City Argentina
Introduction: Humans have gone through physical changes over the last 4 million years. The mouth, however, has not changed teeth quantity or quality. Eight incisors for fruits, vegetables and tubers;four little canine... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Associated or Concomitant Diseases Influence Significantly the Health-Sickness Concept in Celiacs
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Open Journal of Epidemiology 2017年 第2期7卷 139-158页
作者: Eduardo Cueto Rúa maria Teresita Gonzalez Villar Ricardo Wright Claudia Losada Gómez Karol martínez maría arregui Luciana Guzmán Cecilia Zubiri Viviana Bernedo Anabella Zosi Lorena Menéndez Lucas Ruiz Leopoldo Mancinelli maría Urrutia Ricardo Drut School of Medical Sciences La Plata National University La Plata Argentina
It is well-known that feeling to be a healthy or sick person most probably results from the mind than from the body. We all know healthy people who feel sick and vice versa. We were interested in the health and sickne... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Impacts of PI3K/protein kinase B pathway activation in reactive astrocytes: from detrimental effects to protective functions
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第4期20卷 1031-1041页
作者: Ramón Pérez-Núñez maría Fernanda González Ana maría Avalos Lisette Leyton Cellular Communication Laboratory Programa de Biología Celular y MolecularCenter for Studies on ExerciseMetabolism and Cancer(CEMC)Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas(ICBM)Facultad de MedicinaUniversidad de ChileSantiagoChile Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases(ACCDiS) Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences&Faculty of MedicineUniversidad de ChileSantiagoChile Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Facultad de Ciencias de la SaludUniversidad Autónoma de ChileSantiagoChile
Astrocytes are the most abundant type of glial cell in the central nervous *** injury and inflammation,astrocytes become reactive and undergo morphological and functional *** on their phenotypic classification as A1 o... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Astrocytes, reactive astrogliosis, and glial scar formation in traumatic brain injury
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第4期20卷 973-989页
作者: maría Belén Cieri Alberto Javier Ramos Laboratorio de Neuropatología Molecular IBCN UBA-CONICETFacultad de MedicinaUniversidad de Buenos AiresBuenos AiresArgentina
Traumatic brain injury is a global health crisis,causing significant death and disability *** that follows traumatic brain injury has serious consequences for neuronal survival and cognitive impairments,with astrocyte... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Differential response of injured and healthy retinas to syngeneic and allogeneic transplantation of a clonal cell line of immortalized olfactory ensheathing glia:a double-edged sword
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第8期20卷 2395-2407页
作者: maría Norte-Muñoz maría Portela-Lomba Paloma Sobrado-Calvo Diana Simón Johnny Di Pierdomenico Alejandro Gallego-Ortega mar Pérez JoséMCabrera-Maqueda Javier Sierra Manuel Vidal-Sanz maría Teresa Moreno-Flores marta Agudo-Barriuso Grupo de Investigación Oftalmología Experimental Departamento de OftalmologíaOptometríaOtorrinolaringología y Anatomía PatológicaFacultad de MedicinaUniversidad de MurciaInstituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria(IMIB)Campus de Ciencias de la SaludMurciaSpain Experimental Sciences Faculty Universidad Francisco de VitoriaPozuelo de AlarcónMadridSpain Anatomy Histology and Neuroscience DepartmentMedicine FacultyUniversidad Autónoma de MadridMadridSpain Center of Neuroimmunology Service of NeurologyLaboratory of Advanced Imaging in Neuroimmunological DiseasesHospital Clínic of BarcelonaInstitut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer(IDIBAPS)and Universitat de BarcelonaBarcelonaSpain Medicine Faculty Universidad Francisco de VitoriaPozuelo de AlarcónMadridSpain
Olfactory ensheathing glia promote axonal regeneration in the mammalian central nervous system,including retinal ganglion cell axonal growth through the injured optic ***,it is unknown whether olfactory ensheathing gl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
The emerging role of mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles to ameliorate hippocampal NLRP3 inflammation induced by binge-like ethanol treatment in adolescence
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第4期20卷 1153-1163页
作者: Susana Mellado maría JoséMorillo-Bargues Carla Perpiñá-Clérigues Francisco García-García Victoria Moreno-Manzano Consuelo Guerri maría Pascual Department of Physiology School of Medicine and DentistryUniversity of ValenciaValenciaSpain Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Unit Príncipe Felipe Research CenterValenciaSpain Neuronal and Tissue Regeneration Laboratory Príncipe Felipe Research CenterValenciaSpain
Our previous studies have reported that activation of the NLRP3(NOD-,LRR-and pyrin domain-containing protein 3)-inflammasome complex in ethanol-treated astrocytes and chronic alcohol-fed mice could be associated with ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Kinetics of the reaction of OH radical with ethylfluoroacetate,ethyl 4,4,4-trifluorobutyrate,and butylfluoroacetate
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第5期151卷 273-283页
作者: Pedro L.Lugo Vianni Straccia mariano A.Teruel maría B.Blanco Laboratorio Universitario de Química y Contaminación del Aire(L.U.Q.C.A) Institute for Research in Physical Chemistry of Córdoba(I.N.F.I.Q.C.)Department of Physical ChemistryFaculty of Chemical SciencesNational University of CórdobaUniversity CityCórdoba 5000Argentina Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Research University of WuppertalWuppertal DE-42097Germany
Kinetics of the gas-phase reactions of•OH radicals with a series of fluoroesters were studied for the first time at 298±3 K and atmospheric *** rate coefficients were determined by in situ FTIR spectroscopy in nitrog... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Olfactory receptors in neural regeneration in the central nervous system
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第9期20卷 2480-2494页
作者: Rafael Franco Claudia Garrigós Toni Capó Joan Serrano-marín Rafael Rivas-Santisteban Jaume Lillo Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiomedicineFacultat de BiologiaUniversitat de BarcelonaBarcelonaSpain CiberNed Network Center for Biomedical Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases Spanish National Health Institute Carlos ⅢMadridSpain School of Chemistry Universitat de BarcelonaBarcelonaSpain Department of Biochemistry and Physiology School of Pharmacy and Food SciencesUniversitat de BarcelonaBarcelonaSpain Laboratory of Computational Medicine Biostatistics UnitFaculty of MedicineAutonomous University of BarcelonaCampus BellaterraBarcelonaSpain
Olfactory receptors are crucial for detecting odors and play a vital role in our sense of smell,influencing behaviors from food choices to emotional *** receptors also contribute to our perception of flavor and have p... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Atmospheric chemistry of trifluorodicarbonyls initiated by Cl atoms:Reactivity trends,mechanism,and acid formation yields
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2025年 第5期151卷 12-25页
作者: Pedro L.Lugo Vianni G.Straccia Cynthia B.Rivela mariano A.Teruel maría B.Blanco Laboratorio Universitario de Química y Contaminación del Aire(L.U.Q.C.A) Instituto de Investigaciones en Fisicoquímica de Córdoba(I.N.F.I.Q.C.)Dpto.de Fisicoquímica.Facultad de Ciencias QuímicasUniversidad Nacional de Córdoba.Ciudad Universitaria5000 CórdobaArgentina Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Research University of WuppertalDE-42097 WuppertalGermany
Rate coefficients of the gas-phase reactions of Cl atoms with a series of fluorinated diketones(FDKs):CF_(3)C(O)CH_(2)C(O)CH_(3)(TFP),CF_(3)C(O)CH_(2)C(O)CH_(2)CH_(3)(TFH)and CF_(3)C(O)CH_(2)C(O)CH(CH_(3))2(TFMH),have... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry in Teenagers with Esophageal Atresia
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Open Journal of Epidemiology 2020年 第1期10卷 81-89页
作者: Cecilia Zubiri Rosa Ramos Cecilia Curvale Raúl Matanó Paula Borobia Anabella Zosi Verónica Garrido Julieta Hernández Lucía Gutierrez Luciana Guzmán maría Cristina arregui marina Prozzi Sandro Miculan Viviana Bernedo Maximiliano Fernández Rivas Cristina Lorenzo Florencia Recalde Verónica Valdiviezo Darío Fajre Cintia Antonioli mariana Allende Claudia Losada Teresita Gonzalez Department of Gastroenterology at Hospital de Niños Sor maría Ludovica La Plata Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Gastroenterology at Hospital de Alta Complejidad El Cruce Florencio Varela Buenos Aires Argentina Posadas Hospital Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Nutrition at Hospital de Niños Sor maría Ludovica La Plata Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Surgery at Hospital de Niños Sor maría Ludovica La Plata Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Hospital de Niños Sor maría Ludovica La Plata Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Pneumonology at Hospital de Niños Sor maría Ludovica La Plata Buenos Aires Argentina
Introduction: Children with surgically repaired esophageal atresia (EA) show esophageal dysmotility. Due to the performance of high-resolution manometry (HRM), three motility alteration patterns have been described, w... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论