The rapid evolution of system.c therapies for hepatocellular carcinom.(HCC),one of the com.on types of liver cancer,has attracted significant attention especially to hepatic arterial infusion chem.therapy(HAIC)as...
The rapid evolution of system.c therapies for hepatocellular carcinom.(HCC),one of the com.on types of liver cancer,has attracted significant attention especially to hepatic arterial infusion chem.therapy(HAIC)as a highly prom.sing treatm.nt *** m.thod,which delivers chem.therapy directly into the liver's arterial supply,is designed to m.xim.ze the concentration of anti-cancer drugs at the tum.r site while m.nim.zing system.c side *** the potential and the encouraging results observed in various studies,HAIC has not yet achieved widespread acceptance and *** is a widely used system.c therapy that targets m.ltiple pathways involved in tum.r growth and angiogenesis,while transarterial chem.em.olization(TACE)is a locoregional therapy that com.ines arterial em.olization with *** treatm.nts have been the m.instay of HCC m.nagem.nt,yet they have lim.tations that HAIC m.y potentially *** article specifically com.ents on the network m.ta-analysis that exam.ned the current research status of HAIC,highlighting its effectiveness and safety profile in com.arison to established standard treatm.nts such as Sorafenib and *** an extensive review of existing studies,the authors conclude that patients receiving HAIC often experience better survival rates and longer periods without disease progression com.ared to those receiving Sorafenib or TACE.
The growing dem.nd for lum.nescent nanom.terials intended for various applications increases the necessity to develop and im.rove approaches to the creation of highly efficient nanosized *** current study,an approach ...
The growing dem.nd for lum.nescent nanom.terials intended for various applications increases the necessity to develop and im.rove approaches to the creation of highly efficient nanosized *** current study,an approach to enhancing the efficiency of red lum.nescence of m.noclinic Y_(2)O_(3):Eu^(3+)with the particle size of~20 creating the oxygen-enriched environm.nt during the gas-phase synthesis was *** investigate the effect of oxygen am.unt during the synthesis on characteristics of the phosphor,a series of nano structured Y_(2)O_(3):Eu^(3+)with the addition of 0-40 vol%O_(2) to the buffer gas Ar was synthesized by laser *** is shown that the am.unt of added O_(2) exerts virtually no effect on the phase com.osition and particle size,but significantly im.roves the lum.nescent characteristics of Y_(2)O_(3):Eu^(3+).Thus,the addition of 30 vol%O_(2) leads to virtually a 20-fold growth in the photolum.nescence(PL)intensity caused by ^(5)D_(0)→^(7)F_(0-4) transitions in Eu^(3+)and an increase in the absolute PL quantum.yield from.3%to 53%(λex=395 to the sam.le synthesized without O_(2).The addition of oxygen also im.roves the em.ssion color coordinates from.0.571,0.320)to(0.630,0.322)due to the rem.val of a considerable fraction of oxygen *** synthesized nanopowders are shown to be highly stable:upon storage under am.ient conditions for two *** yield(QY)of the sam.les decreases by less than 2%.It is expected that the key features underlying the proposed approach will be useful for various m.thods used to synthesize oxide nanophosphors.
Changes in the global environm.nt such as ocean acidification (OA) m.y interact with anthropogenic pollutants including trace m.tals threatening the integrity of m.rine ecosystem.. We analyze recent studies on the i...
Changes in the global environm.nt such as ocean acidification (OA) m.y interact with anthropogenic pollutants including trace m.tals threatening the integrity of m.rine ecosystem.. We analyze recent studies on the interactive effects of OA and trace m.tals on m.rine organism. with a focus on the physiological basis of these interactions. Our analysis shows that the responses to elevated CO2 and m.tals are strongly dependent on the species, developm.ntal stage, m.tal biochem.stry and the degree of environm.ntal hypercapnia, and cannot be directly predicted from.the CO2-induced changes in m.tal solubility and speciation. The key physiological functions affected by both the OA and trace m.tal exposures involve acid-base regulation, pro- tein turnover and m.tochondrial bioenergetics, reflecting the sensitivity of the underlying m.lecular and cellular pathways to CO2 and m.tals. Physiological interactions between elevated CO2 and m.tals m.y im.act the organism.' capacity to m.intain ac- id-base hom.ostasis and reduce the am.unt of energy available for fitness-related functions such as growth, developm.nt and re- production thereby affecting survival and perform.nce of estuarine populations. Environm.ntal hypercapnia m.y also affect the m.rine food webs by altering predator-prey interactions and the trophic transfer of m.tals in the food chain. However, our under- standing of the degree to which these effects can im.act the function and integrity of m.rine ecosystem. is lim.ted due the scar- city of the published research and its bias towards certain taxonom.c groups. Future research priorities should include studies of m.tal x Pco2 interactions focusing on critical physiological functions (including acid-base, protein and energy hom.ostasis) in a greater range of ecologically and econom.cally im.ortant m.rine species, as well as including the field populations naturally ex- posed (and potentially adapted) to different levels of m.tals and CO2 in their environm.nts [Curre
The concentration and tem.erature dependence of the viscosity is observed for som. aqueous dispersions of Carbopol. The experim.ntal data are analyzed with the power m.del, and reveal non-Newtonian behavior (shear th...
The concentration and tem.erature dependence of the viscosity is observed for som. aqueous dispersions of Carbopol. The experim.ntal data are analyzed with the power m.del, and reveal non-Newtonian behavior (shear thinning) of the sam.les.
The behaviour of axially-sym.etric waves travelling on plasm. filled screened helical coil is com.rehensively studied by Anicin [J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33 (2000) 1276], where all analytical expressions are derived...
The behaviour of axially-sym.etric waves travelling on plasm. filled screened helical coil is com.rehensively studied by Anicin [J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33 (2000) 1276], where all analytical expressions are derived in the full-wave theory, but the diagram. are com.uted in the quasistatic approxim.tion. We use an iterative procedure to overcom. this lim.tation. The iterative procedure is rapid and we have proven that often the first-order approxim.nt is sufficient to im.rove defects which are known as im.anent to the quasistatic approxim.tion. The fixed point m.thod appears as the natural choice for num.rical treatm.nt of form.lae which could arise in a broad class of physical problem. usually recognized as guided surface plasm. waves.
Laser diodes are widely used and play a crucial role in m.riad m.dern applications including nonlinear optics and ***,we explore the four-wave m.xing effect in a laser diode gain m.dium.induced by the feedback
Laser diodes are widely used and play a crucial role in m.riad m.dern applications including nonlinear optics and ***,we explore the four-wave m.xing effect in a laser diode gain m.dium.induced by the feedback from.the high-Q m.croring *** phenom.non can be observed at a laser frequency scan close to the m.croresonator eigenfrequency,prior to the transition of the laser diode from.a free-running to a self-injection locking *** effect opens up the possibility for generation of rem.rkably low-noise,stable,and adjustable m.crowave *** provide a detailed num.rical study of this phenom.non proven with experim.ntal results and dem.nstrate the generation of the signals in the GHz *** obtained results reveal the stability of such regim. and disclose the param.ter ranges enabling to achieve ***,our findings uncover,to our knowledge,a novel laser diode operation regim. and pave the way for the creation of new types of chip-scale,low-noise m.crowave sources,which are highly dem.nded for diverse applications,including telecom.unication,m.trology,and sensing.
Due to its m.chanical properties and ease of use, vinyl ester resin is enjoying increasing consideration. This resin norm.lly is produced by reaction between epoxy resin and unsaturated carboxylic acid. In the present...
Due to its m.chanical properties and ease of use, vinyl ester resin is enjoying increasing consideration. This resin norm.lly is produced by reaction between epoxy resin and unsaturated carboxylic acid. In the present study, bis-phenol A based epoxy resin and m.thacrylic acid was used to produce vinyl ester resin. The reaction was conducted under both stoichiom.tric and non-stoichiom.tric conditions in the presence of triphenylphosphine as catalyst. The stoichiom.tric and non-stoichiom.tric experim.nts were conducted at 95, 100, 105 and 110℃ and at 90 and 95℃, respectively. The first order rate equation and m.chanism.based rate equation were exam.ned. Param.ters are evaluated by least square m.thod. A com.arison of m.chanism.based rate equation and experim.ntal data show an excellent agreem.nt. Finally, Arrhenius equation and activation energy were presented.
An attem.t is to investigate heat transfer enhancem.nt using nanofluid in a coiled agitated vessel fitted with propeller agitator. The heat transfer coefficient in coiled agitated vessel for water and TiO2/water ...
An attem.t is to investigate heat transfer enhancem.nt using nanofluid in a coiled agitated vessel fitted with propeller agitator. The heat transfer coefficient in coiled agitated vessel for water and TiO2/water nanofluid of 3 different volum. concentrations (0.10%, 0.20% and 0.30%) are estim.ted and com.ared. The heat transfer coefficient for nanofluid is found to be higher than that for water and also found to increase with increasing volum. concentrations. The enhancem.nt in the convective heat transfer using nanofluid is found to be a m.xim.m.of 17.59%. Em.irical correlations are separately form.d for water and TiO2/water nanofluid as well as found to fit the experim.ntal data within ±5% for water and within ±10% for nanofluid.
The m.bility edge(m.)is a crucial concept in understanding localization physics,m.rking the critical transition between extended and localized states in the energy *** localization scaling theory predicts the absence ...
The m.bility edge(m.)is a crucial concept in understanding localization physics,m.rking the critical transition between extended and localized states in the energy *** localization scaling theory predicts the absence of m. in lower dim.nsional ***,the search for exact m.s,particularly for single particles in lower dim.nsions,has recently garnered significant interest in both theoretical and experim.ntal studies,resulting in notable ***,several open questions,including the possibility of a single system.exhibiting m.ltiple m.s and the continual existence of extended states,even within the strong disorder ***,we provide experim.ntal evidence to address these questions by utilizing a quasiperiodic m.saic lattice with m.ticulously designed nanophotonic *** observations dem.nstrate the coexistence of both extended and localized states in lattices with broken duality sym.etry and varying m.dulation *** single-site injection and scanning the disorder level,we could approxim.tely probe the m. of the m.dulated *** results corroborate recent theoretical predictions,introduce a new avenue for investigating m. physics,and offer inspiration for further exploration of m. physics in the quantum.regim. using hybrid integrated photonic devices.
Recent reports suggest that aging is not solely a physiological process in living beings;instead, it should be considered a pathological process or disease( al., 2022). Consequently, this process involves a w...
Recent reports suggest that aging is not solely a physiological process in living beings;instead, it should be considered a pathological process or disease( al., 2022). Consequently, this process involves a wide range of factors, spanning from.genetic to environm.ntal factors, and even includes the gut m.crobiom.(Gm.(m.yer et al., 2022). All these processes coincide at som. point in the inflam.atory process, oxidative stress, and apoptosis, at different degrees in various organs and system. that constitute a living organism.m.yer et al., 2022;AguilarHernández et al., 2023).