Objectives: The purpose was to show how im.ortant is to operate on the Senegalese African children presenting with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) regardless of their age. m.thods: It is a retrospective, descriptive analysi...
Objectives: The purpose was to show how im.ortant is to operate on the Senegalese African children presenting with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) regardless of their age. m.thods: It is a retrospective, descriptive analysis of data from.the Departm.nt of Pediatric Cardiology, University Hospital of Tuebingen’s data base which was searched for all cases of TOF in foreign patients younger than 15 years between 05/2004-10/2016. Results: 16 children from.Senegal with TOF were referred for treatm.nt. m.an age of patients was 7.0 years (range 0.9 - 14.8 years). Prim.ry corrective surgery was perform.d in 13/16 patients. A prim.ry shunt procedure was required in 3/16 patients. All patients were discharged in good condition with a m.dian 13 postoperative days. We did not register any deaths. All becam. asym.tom.tic with pulse oxim.try oxygen saturations greater than 95%. The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) gradient was less than 30 m.Hg in all patients and 2 patients had m.derate pulm.nary valvular insufficiency. Conclusions: It was still necessary to operate Senegalese children presenting with TOF irrespective of their age.