The norm.l presentation of a patient with a drug induced m.them.globinem.a is a low pulse oxim.try (SpO2) reading, usually in the m.d 80% range, while having a very high PaO2 on an arterial blood gas (ABG)1. We presen...
The norm.l presentation of a patient with a drug induced m.them.globinem.a is a low pulse oxim.try (SpO2) reading, usually in the m.d 80% range, while having a very high PaO2 on an arterial blood gas (ABG)1. We present a case where the initial ABG showed a very high PaO2 and a m.tabolic alkalosis while the SpO2 fluctuated (85%- 99%). Those findings com.ined with hem.dynam.c instability com.licated the diagnosis and delayed optim.l care.
Solar cells from.perovskites have experienced rapid developm.nt as exam.les of third-generation solar cells in recent years. The traditional trial-and-error m.thod is inefficient, and the search space is incredib...
Solar cells from.perovskites have experienced rapid developm.nt as exam.les of third-generation solar cells in recent years. The traditional trial-and-error m.thod is inefficient, and the search space is incredibly large. This m.kes developing advanced perovskite m.terials, as well as high conversion efficiencies and stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs), a challenging task. A growing of data-driven m.chine learning (m.) applications are being developed in the m.terials science field, due to the availability of large databases and increased com.uting power. There are m.ny advantages associated with the use of m.chine learning to predict the properties of potential perovskite m.terials, as well as provide additional knowledge on how these m.terials work to fast-track their progress. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual m.del to im.rove the efficiency of a perovskite solar cell using m.chine learning techniques in order to im.rove its perform.nce. This study relies on the application of design science as a m.thod to conduct the research as part of the study. The developed m.del consists of six phases: Data collection and preprocessing, feature selection and engineering, m.del training and evaluation, perform.nce assessm.nt, optim.zation and fine-tuning, and deploym.nt and application. As a result of this m.del, there is a great deal of in advancing the field of perovskite solar cells as well as providing a basis for developing efficient and cost-effective solar energy technologies in the future.
The nanocrystalline sam.les Nd_(1-x)m.(x)FeO_(3)(x=0.0 and 0.1;m.Co^(2+)and Ni^(2+))were prepared using the citrate com.ustion *** X-ray diffraction(XRD)pattern confirm.d that the nanoparticles were synthesized in an ...
The nanocrystalline sam.les Nd_(1-x)m.(x)FeO_(3)(x=0.0 and 0.1;m.Co^(2+)and Ni^(2+))were prepared using the citrate com.ustion *** X-ray diffraction(XRD)pattern confirm.d that the nanoparticles were synthesized in an orthorhom.ic *** particle size of Nd_(1-x)m.(x)FeO_(3) is in the range of 29-59 *** selected area electron diffraction(SAED)indicates the sam.les were prepared in a polycrystalline *** sam.les Nd_(1-x)m.(x)FeO_(3)(x=0.0 and 0.1;m.Co^(2+)and Ni^(2+))have anti ferrom.gnetic *** Fe^(3+)spins are aligned antiparallel, the antiferrom.gnetic(,which are affected by m.ny factors such as the bond angle between the Fe^(3+)(Fe^(3+)-O_(2)--Fe^(3+))and the Dzyaloshinskii-m.riya(D-m.*** doping of Co^(2+)and Ni^(2+)ions in NdFeO_(3) enhances the m.gnetic properties of the NdFeO_(3).The saturation m.gnetization(m.)of Nd_(0.90)Co_(0.10)FeO_(3) increases 1.8tim.s than that of NdFeO_(3).The exchange bias field(HEX)of the Co-doped sam.le is two tim.s greater than that of NdFeO_(3).The m.gnetic anisotropy constant(K)of the 10%Co-doped sam.le increases by 11 factors com.ared to that of NdFeO_(3).The Tauc plot illustrates that the sam.les have a direct optical *** divalent cation substitution(Co^(2+)and Ni^(2+))decreases the optical band gap of NdFeO_(3),leading to the recom.endation of using the sam.les Nd_(0.90)Co_(0.10)FeO_(3) and Nd_(0.90)Ni_(0.10)FeO_(3) in photocatalysis of dye degradation from.*** rem.val efficiencies of Cr6+at pH=6 are 88.06%,85.54%,and 85.52%for the sam.les NdFeO_(3),Nd_(0.90)Co_(0.10)FeO_(3),and Nd_(0.90)Ni_(0.10)FeO_(3),*** Freundlich is the best-fit m.del for NdFeO_(3) to adsorb Cr6+ions from.aqueous solutions.
This study exam.nes the nonlinear behaviors of a clam.ed-clam.ed porous pipe of a functionally graded m.terial(FGm. that conveys fluids and is equipped with a retaining clip, focusing on prim.ry resonance and sub...
This study exam.nes the nonlinear behaviors of a clam.ed-clam.ed porous pipe of a functionally graded m.terial(FGm. that conveys fluids and is equipped with a retaining clip, focusing on prim.ry resonance and subcritical dynam.cs. The nonlinear governing equations for the FGm.pipe are derived by the extended Ham.lton's principle, and subsequently discretized through the application of the Galerkin *** direct m.thod of m.lti-scales is then used to solve the derived equations. A thorough analysis of various param.ters, including the clip stiffness, the power-law index, the porosity, and the clip location, is conducted to gain a com.rehensive understanding of the system.s nonlinear dynam.cs. Through the analysis of the first natural frequency, the study highlights the influence of the flow velocity and the clip stiffness, while the com.arisons with m.tallic pipes em.hasize the role of The exam.nation of the forced response curves reveals saddle-node bifurcations and their dependence on param.ters such as the detuning param.ter and the power-law index, offering valuable insights into the system.s nonlinear resonant behavior., the frequency-response curves illustrate the hardening nonlinearities influenced by factors such as the porosity and the clip stiffness, revealing nuanced effects on the system.response and resonance characteristics. This com.rehensive analysis enhances the understanding of nonlinear behaviors in FGm.porous pipes with a retaining clip, providing key insights for practical engineering applications in and optim.zation.
Over the last few decades, dengue fever epidem.cs have increased in frequency and intensity worldwide, m.king it a m.jor global concern for public health. Its prevention, which is essentially vector-based control, is ...
Over the last few decades, dengue fever epidem.cs have increased in frequency and intensity worldwide, m.king it a m.jor global concern for public health. Its prevention, which is essentially vector-based control, is already being com.rom.sed by reports of resistance of the vector Aedes aegypti to insecticides. To tackle the rapid increase in insecticide resistance and outbreaks, the biological vector control is a prom.sing approach. One of the strategies of this approach is the use of entom.pathogenic fungi because of their great efficacy and their eco-friendly aspects. However, som. aspects of their use, such as the low efficiency, the high cost of production and the sensitivity to various adverse conditions, need to be addressed for their successful large-scale application. Therefore, innovative technologies based on strains of transgenic fungi with im.roved biocontrol potentials by genetic engineering are actively pursued. Although these m.dified m.coinsecticides are acclaim.d for their better effectiveness against target insects, the concern rem.ins their potential adverse effects on the environm.nt and hum.n health. The present review is dedicated to giving an update on recent developm.nts in transgenic entom.pathogenic fungi (TEF) for Aedes m.squito control. Future perspectives are also proposed to address the safety concerns related to the release of transgenic entom.pathogenic fungi into the environm.nt.
Inspired by nature's self-sim.lar designs,novel honeycom.-spiderweb based self-sim.lar hybrid cellular structures are proposed here for efficient energy absorption in im.act *** energy absorption is enhanced by optim....
Inspired by nature's self-sim.lar designs,novel honeycom.-spiderweb based self-sim.lar hybrid cellular structures are proposed here for efficient energy absorption in im.act *** energy absorption is enhanced by optim.zing the geom.try and topology for a given *** proposed hybrid cellular structure is arrived after a thorough analysis of topologically enhanced self-sim.lar *** optim.zed cell designs are rigorously tested considering dynam.c loads involving crush and high-velocity bullet ***,the influence of thickness,radial connectivity,and order of patterning at the unit cell level are also *** m.xim.m.crushing efficiency attained is found to be than 95%,which is significantly higher than existing traditional *** on,the first and second-order hierarchical self-sim.lar unit cell designs developed during crush analysis are used to prepare the cores for sandwich *** tests are perform.d on the developed sandwich structures using the standard 9-m. *** influence of m.ltistaging on im.act resistance is also investigated by m.intaining a constant total thickness and of the sandwich ***,in order to avoid layer-wise weak zones and hence,attain a uniform.out-of-plane im.act strength,off-setting the designs in each stage is *** sandwich structures with first and second-order self-sim.lar hybrid cores are observed to withstand im.act velocities as high as 170 m.s and 270 m.s,respectively.
Causality,the science of cause and effect,has it possible to create a new of *** m.dels are often referred to as causal *** those of m.them.tical,num.rical,em.irical,or m.chine learning(m.)nature,causal m....
Causality,the science of cause and effect,has it possible to create a new of *** m.dels are often referred to as causal *** those of m.them.tical,num.rical,em.irical,or m.chine learning(m.)nature,causal m.dels hope to tie the cause(s)to the effect(s)pertaining to a phenom.non(i.e.,data generating process)through causal *** paper presents one of the first works at creating causal m.dels in the area of structural and construction *** this end,this paper starts with a brief review of the principles of causality and then adopts four causal discovery algorithm.,,PC(Peter-Clark),FCI(fast causal inference),GES(greedy equivalence search),and GRa SP(greedy relaxation of the sparsest perm.tation),have been used to four,including predicting the load-bearing capacity of axially loaded m.m.ers,fire resistance of structural m.m.ers,shear strength of beam.,and resistance of walls against im.ulsive(blast)*** from.this study reveal the possibility and m.rit of discovering com.lete and partial causal ***,this study also proposes two sim.le m.trics that can help assess the perform.nce of causal discovery algorithm..
This paper exam.nes the transport analysis, including both heat transfer and transfer, in hybrid nanofluid flow containing gyrotactic m.croorganism. towards a curved oscillatory surface. The influence of m.gnetic...
This paper exam.nes the transport analysis, including both heat transfer and transfer, in hybrid nanofluid flow containing gyrotactic m.croorganism. towards a curved oscillatory surface. The influence of m.gnetic fields is also inspected in term. of their physical characteristics. To depict the of transport, m.dified versions of both Fick's and Fourier's laws are used. Additionally, the characteristics of both heterogeneous and hom.geneous reactions are also incorporated. Utilizing a curvilinear coordinate system. the flow form.lated as partial differential equations(PDEs)for m.m.ntum. concentration, m.croorganism.field, and energy. An analytical solution to the obtained flow equations is achieved utilizing the hom.topy analysis m.thod(HAm..The effects of significant flow param.ters on the pressure and m.croorganism.fields, velocity, oscillation velocity, concentration, and tem.erature distributions are shown via graphs., the variations in skin friction, transfer rate, heat transfer rate, and local m.tile due to different involved param.ters are presented in tables and are analyzed in detail. Graphical results indicate that the curves of velocity and tem.erature fields are enhanced as the values of the solid volum. fraction variables *** is also verified that the concentration rate field decreases as the values of the hom.geneous reaction strength param.ter and the radius of curvature param.ter increase, and it increases with the Schm.dt and the heterogeneous reaction strength *** outcom.s show a favorable response of the m.tile to advanced values of the Peclet, the Schm.dt, the m.croorganism.difference param.ter, and the bio-convective Lewis