Toxicity in reaction mixtures of atrazine irradiated on immobilized TiO2 at varying irradiation times was studied using an algal growth test on unicellular green alga Raphidocelis subcapitata and a cytotoxicity test w...
Toxicity in reaction mixtures of atrazine irradiated on immobilized TiO2 at varying irradiation times was studied using an algal growth test on unicellular green alga Raphidocelis subcapitata and a cytotoxicity test with a RTgill-W1 cell line. The toxicity of atrazine samples to algae decreased exponentially with the time of irradiation on TiO2 up to 3 h for both IC50 and IC20 values calculated for growth rate inhibition and yield. A trend to increasing variability between replicates in atrazine samples irradiated on TiO2 for longer time periods was observed;the trend was particularly pronounced in samples irradiated for 3 and 5 hours, where the atrazine samples caused moderate stimulation in lower concentration treatments (up to 550 μg/l of the initial atrazine concentration). None of the atrazine samples showed significant cytotoxicity to the rainbow trout gill cell line (RTgill-W1).
一池碧水,点点荷花,几只红鲤;色如宣纸,形如纸伞,宛如彩墨,原来地毯也可以如此的充满诗情画意!意大利设计师Vito Nesta和ludek Lancellotti共同设计了一款名为IKE e KOI的纯羊毛地毯,IKE e KOI在日语中有"池塘"和"红鲤"之意,因此"...
一池碧水,点点荷花,几只红鲤;色如宣纸,形如纸伞,宛如彩墨,原来地毯也可以如此的充满诗情画意!意大利设计师Vito Nesta和ludek Lancellotti共同设计了一款名为IKE e KOI的纯羊毛地毯,IKE e KOI在日语中有"池塘"和"红鲤"之意,因此"池塘"和"红鲤"也是这款地毯的主要元素。IKE e KOI地毯的设计灵感来源于设计者的亚洲之旅以及对古代日本的研究,地毯的外形犹如中国古代的油纸伞,图案也极具东方韵味,仿佛一幅幅美丽的彩墨画,但其生产制造却是由最好的工匠在印度完成,因此,IKE e KOI地毯也是一件跨越国界的产品。