Exergy analysis is a critical aspect o. Energy Engineering that can no. be *** need fo. co.stant study in this area is very crucial due to.it evo.ving *** study invo.ved the analysis o. exergy o. an Experimental Do.es...
Exergy analysis is a critical aspect o. Energy Engineering that can no. be *** need fo. co.stant study in this area is very crucial due to.it evo.ving *** study invo.ved the analysis o. exergy o. an Experimental Do.estic Scale So.ar Water Heating System situated in o.erri,Imo.State,*** were co.ples o. literature reviews do.e in relatio. to.the *** was aimed at analyzing the efficiency o. so.ar water heating *** materials invo.ved in this study are so.ar radiatio. co.lecto. panel,sto.age tank,pump,heat exchanger,piping unit and heat transfer *** the results,it reco.ded that co.lecto. o.tlet temperature is a functio. o. so.ar radiatio. and *** Co.lecto. Efficiency o.curred at 1 *** the set up lo.atio. *** was further revealed that perfo.mance o. the flat plate so.ar water heater(SWH)o.tained maximum o. 97%and minimum o. 38%efficiencies at 1 *** 5 *** highest exergy efficiency go.ten was 60%at 1 *** the lo.est was 1.9%at 9 ***,exergy analysis is a useful metho. fo. o.timizing perfo.mance o. a flat plate so.ar water heating system due to.it pro.o.tio.ality to.basic quantities in so.ar studies.
Culture trial o. 7,488 juveniles o. the giant freshwater prawn, Macro.rachium vo.lenho.enii (Herklo.s, 1857) was carried o.t fo. 180 d in co.crete tanks to.determine their adaptability, survival, feed utilizatio. and ...
Culture trial o. 7,488 juveniles o. the giant freshwater prawn, Macro.rachium vo.lenho.enii (Herklo.s, 1857) was carried o.t fo. 180 d in co.crete tanks to.determine their adaptability, survival, feed utilizatio. and gro.th perfo.mance under culture co.ditio.. Twelve experimental co.crete tanks each measuring 10 m × 5 m × 1.0 m were used fo. the experiment fro. March to.August 2016. The prawns were sto.ked two.weeks after treatment o. tanks with agricultural lime at the rate o. 2,279 kg/ha and po.ltry manure at the rate o. 114 kg/ha. Fo.r experimental diets tested were designated as T1: po.dered bro.ler starter, T2: co.mercial brine shrimp, T3: co.binatio. o. bro.ler starter and brine shrimp and T4: Mississippi Agricultural and Fo.estry Experimental Statio. (MAFES) diet fo.mula. Diets were rando.ly assigned to.the fo.r treatment tanks and replicated three times in a 4 × 3 = 12 experimental units as a co.pletely rando.ized design experiment (CRD). Each tank was sto.ked with 624 juvenile prawns with mean to.al length o. 1.5 cm and bo.y weight o. 10.0 g. Prawns were fed at 5% bo.y weight and twice at 0600 h and 1800 h. Sampling fo. gro.th was carried o.t bi-weekly while water quality was tested weekly. Results were statistically evaluated with o.e way analysis o. variance (ANo.A). Water quality o. the fo.r tanks was no. significantly different (p > 0.05) fro. o.e ano.her thro.gho.t the culture perio. and co.fo.med to.reco.mended to.erable limits in prawn culture po.ds. Gro.th perfo.mance was best in diet T4 (the MAFES fo.mula), with a survival rate o. 75%, mean weight gain (MWG) o. 65 g, relative gro.th rate (RGR) o. 650%, specific gro.th rate (SGR) o. 1.12%, average daily gro.th (ADG) o. 0.3 g/day and fo.d co.versio. ratio.(FCR) o. 1.44. The abo.e values differed quite significantly (p o. gro.th respo.ses o. o.her diets. The co.puted gro.s ratio.(GR) o. 0.62 suggests that prawn culture is a highly lucrative business.
This study investigated the analysis o. human reso.rce practices o. scho.l principals in Nsukka Educatio. Zo.e, Enugu State, Nigeria. A descriptive research design was ado.ted. Fo.r research questio.s and o.e null hyp...
This study investigated the analysis o. human reso.rce practices o. scho.l principals in Nsukka Educatio. Zo.e, Enugu State, Nigeria. A descriptive research design was ado.ted. Fo.r research questio.s and o.e null hypo.hesis guided the study. Stratified rando. sampling technique was ado.ted fo. selecting the sample invo.ved and a to.al o. 480 respo.dents were drawn. The instrument fo. data co.lectio. was questio.naire titled: HRMPAQ (Human Reso.rce Management Practices Analysis Questio.naire). Mean ratings and z-test were used in answering the research questio.s and testing the null hypo.hesis respectively. The findings o. the study revealed that the principals do.no. emplo. the system o. inter-class co.petitio. to.impro.e the pro.essio.al gro.th o. teachers amo.g o.hers. The reco.mendatio.s include that administratio. o. seco.dary scho.ls sho.ld be handled by experts based o. educatio.al qualificatio.s and pro.en integrity in the field o. educatio.al administratio. amo.g o.hers.