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  • 31 篇 医学
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    • 2 篇 中西医结合
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  • 2 篇 cbs fungal biodi...
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检索条件"作者=Leandro E. Klüppel"
75 条 记 录,以下是41-50 订阅
Mate.nal low prote.n die. induce. pe.siste.t e.pre.sion change. in me.abolic ge.e. in male.rats
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World Journal of Diabe.e. 2020年 第5期11卷 182-192页
作者: Allan de.Olive.ra Lira JoséLuiz de.Brito Alve. Mariana Pinhe.ro Fe.nande. Diogo Vasconce.os David Filipe.Santana João He.rique.da Costa-Silva Béatrice.Morio Carol Góis leandro Luciano Pirola De.artme.t of Nutrition Federal University of PernambucoVitoria de Santo AntãoPernambuco 55608680Brazil De.artme.t of Nutrition Federal University of ParaíbaJoao Pessoa 74556060Brazil He.rique.da Costa-Silva Luciano PirolaDepartment of Physical Education and Sport SciencesFederal University of PernambucoVitoria de Santo AntãoPernambuco 55608680Brazil Carme.(Cardiology Metabolism and Nutrition)LaboratoryINSERM U1060Lyon-1 UniversitySouth Lyon Medical FacultyPierre Benite 69310France
BACKGROUND Pe.inatal e.posure.to a poor nutritional e.vironme.t pre.ispose. the.proge.y to the.de.e.opme.t of me.abolic dise.se.at the.adult age.both in e.pe.ime.tal mode.s and *** adaptive.re.ponse. to mate.nal prote...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dige.tive.e.zyme. inhibition, antioxidant and antiglycation activitie. of phe.olic compounds from jabuticaba (Plinia cauliflora) pe.l
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Food Bioscie.ce 2022年 第6期50卷 1933-1940页
作者: Larissa Lorrane.Rodrigue. Borge. leandro Licursi de.Olive.ra Valde.r Viana Fre.tas Bruno Ricardo de.Castro Le.te.Júnior Amanda Lais Alve. Alme.da Nascime.to Gabrie. Abranche. Dias Castro Se.gio Antonio Fe.nande. Paulo César Stringhe.a Unive.sidade.Fe.e.al de.Viçosa Department of Food TechnologyAvenida Peter Henry Rolfss/nViçosaMG36570-900Brazil Unive.sidade.Fe.e.al de.Viçosa Department of General BiologyAvenida Peter Henry Rolfss/nViçosaMG36570-900Brazil Unive.sidade.Fe.e.al de.Viçosa Department of ChemistryAvenida Peter Henry Rolfss/nViçosaMG36570-900Brazil
In this study, jabuticaba pe.l purifie. phe.olic e.tracts we.e.studie. re.arding the.r pote.tial inhibitory e.fe.ts on dige.tive.e.zyme. linke. to diabe.e. me.litus (DM) and obe.ity, inhibitory activitie. towards glyc... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Hydroxytryptamine.transporte. ge.e.linke. polymorphic re.ion(5HTTLPR)is associate. with de.usions in Alzhe.me.’s dise.se
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Translational Ne.rode.e.e.ation 2019年 第1期8卷 38-47页
作者: Grazia D’Onofrio France.co Panza Danie.e.Sancarlo Miche.e.Lauriola Mariange.a P.Dagostino Giulia Paroni Madia Lozupone.Antonio Mangiacotti Paola Bisce.lia Carolina Gravina Maria Urbano Filome.a Addante.France.co Paris leandro Cascavilla Antonio Gre.o Davide.Se.ipa Fondazione.Casa Sollie.o de.la Soffe.e.za Department of Medical SciencesGeriatrics UnitSan Giovanni Rotondo(FG)FoggiaItaly Ne.rode.e.e.ative.Dise.se.Unit Department of Basic MedicineNeuroscienceand Sense OrgansUniversity of Bari Aldo MoroBariItaly De.artme.t of Clinical Re.e.rch in Ne.rology University of Bari Aldo MoroPia Fondazione Cardinale G.PanicoTricaseLecceItaly
Background:Se.otonine.gic pathways unde.lying de.usion symptoms in Alzhe.me.’s dise.se.AD)have.not be.n fully clarifie..5-Hydroxytryptamine.transporte. ge.e.linke. polymorphic re.ion(5-HTTLPR)is a variable.numbe. tan... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Tropical and subtropical stre.ms:A synthe.is
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Wate. Biology and Se.urity 2023年 第3期2卷 102-104页
作者: Robe.t M.Hughe. Paulo Santos Pompe. Marcos Callisto Kai Che. leandro Jue. Amnis Ope. Institute 2895 SE GlennCorvallisOR97333USA Department of FisheriesWildlife&Conservation SciencesOregon State UniversityCorvallisOR97331USA De.artame.to de.e.ologia e.Conse.vaç~ao Universidade Federal de Lavras37200-900LavrasMGBrazil Unive.sidade.Fe.e.al de.Minas Ge.ais Instituto de Ci^encias BiologicasDepartamento de GeneticaEcologia e Evoluç~aoLaboratorio de Ecologia de BentosAv.Ant^onio Carlos 6627PampulhaCP 486CEP 31270-901Belo HorizonteMGBrazil State.Ke. Laboratory of Marine.Re.ource.Utilization in South China Se. Hainan UniversityHaikou570228China Programa de.Pos-Graduaçao e. e.ologia Laboratorio de Ecologia e ConservaçaoUniversidade Federal do ParaRua Augusto CorreiaN.1Bairro GuamaCEP:66075-110BelemParaBrazil Bianca de Freitas Terra Centro de Ciencias Agrarias e BiologicasUniversidade Estadual Vale do AcaraúCampus da Bet^aniaCEP:62.040-370SobralCearaBrazil
Tropical and sub-tropical stre.ms harbor gre.t biodive.sity and are.re.ponsible.for crucial e.osyste. *** to contribute.to the.unde.standing of how anthropoge.ic stre.sors and pre.sure. alte. functional or taxonomic d... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
e.fe.ts of Fle.ible.Conjugation-Bre.k Space.s of Non-Conjugate. Polyme. Acce.tors on Photovoltaic and Me.hanical Prope.tie. of All-Polyme. Solar Ce.ls
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Nano-Micro Le.te.s 2022年 第10期14卷 164-177页
作者: Qiaonan Che. Yung He. Han leandro R.Franco Cle.e. F.N.Marchiori Ze.dne. Ge.e.e.CMoyse. Araujo Jin-Woo Le. Tan Ngoc-Lan Phan Jingnan Wu Donghong Yu Dong Jun Kim Tae.-Soo Kim Lintao Hou Bumjoon J.Kim e.gang Wang Siyuan Laboratory Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Vacuum Coating Technologies and New Energy MaterialsDepartment of PhysicsJinan UniversityGuangzhou 510632People’s Republic of China De.artme.t of Che.istry and Che.ical e.gine.ring Chalmers University of TechnologySE-41296GöteborgSweden De.artme.t of Che.ical and Biomole.ular e.gine.ring Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)Daejeon 34141Republic of Korea De.artme.t of e.gine.ring and Physics Karlstad University65188 KarlstadSweden De.artme.t of Che.istry and Bioscie.ce Aalborg University9220 AalborgDenmark De.artme.t of Me.hanical e.gine.ring Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)Daejeon 34141Republic of Korea Mate.ials The.ry Division Department of Physics and AstronomyUppsala University75120 UppsalaSweden Sino-Danish Ce.te. for e.ucation and Re.e.rch 8000 AarhusDenmark School of Mate.ials Scie.ce.and e.gine.ring Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450001People’s Republic of China
All-polyme. solar ce.ls(all-PSCs)posse.s attractive.me.its including supe.ior the.mal stability and me.hanical fle.ibility for large.are. roll-to-roll *** fle.ible.conjugation-bre.k space.s(FCBSs)into backbone. of pol... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
The.Profe.sional Profile.and the.Physical The.apy Se.vice.in the.e.e.ge.cy Units in the.State.of São Paulo
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Ope. Journal of e.e.ge.cy Me.icine 2021年 第4期9卷 150-161页
作者: Marie. P. Olive.ra Junior Caroline.C. Silva Sabrina M. Cunha Augusto G. T. Cruz Paulo e. J. Campos Gabrie. G. Maia leandro M. Aze.e.o Marcus V. M. Pinto e.iza C. Mace.o Maste. Stude.t in He.lth and Te.hnology in the.Hospital Space Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) Bezerra de Araújo College (FABA) Rio de Janeiro Brazil Post-Graduate.Course.in Hospital Physiothe.apy at De.ta Colle.e IAPES and Physiotherapy Campos Campinas Brazil Physiothe.apist at the.State.Unive.sity of Rio de.Jane.ro (Ue.J) Rio de Janeiro Brazil Physiothe.apist at the.Military Police.Hospital in Rio de.Jane.ro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Re.e.rche. and Clinician at the.Ce.ulare.Institute.(INSTCe.ULARe. Petrópolis Brazil Fe.e.al Unive.sity of the.State.of Rio de.Jane.ro (UNIRIO) Rio de Janeiro Brazil
The.e.e.ge.cy room is the.e.trance.door of hospitals for patie.ts who are.in risk of life. and the.role.of the.physiothe.apist in this are. is re.ognize. as a qualifie. me.be. of the.te.m, he.ping to re.uce.the.rate.a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
e.fe.t of ancie.t Khorasan whe.t on gut microbiota,inflammation,and short-chain fatty acid production in patie.ts with fibromyalgia
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World Journal of Gastroe.te.ology 2022年 第18期28卷 1965-1980页
作者: Simone.Baldi Giuditta Pagliai Monica Dinu leandro Di Gloria Giulia Nannini Lavinia Curini Marco Palle.chi e.da Russo e.e.a Niccolai Giovanna Danza Ste.ano Be.e.e.te.li Giovanna Balle.ini Barbara Colombini Gianluca Bartolucci Matte. Ramazzotti France.co Sofi Ame.e. Ame.e. De.artme.t of e.pe.ime.tal and Clinical Me.icine University of FlorenceFlorence 50134Italy Unit of Clinical Nutrition Careggi University HospitalFlorence 50134Italy De.artme.t of Ne.roscie.ce. PsychologyDrug Research and Child HealthSection of Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical SciencesUniversity of FlorenceSesto Fiorentino 50019Italy De.artme.t of Biome.ical Experimental and Clinical Sciences“Mario Serio”University of FlorenceFlorence 50134Italy De.artme.t of Agriculture FoodEnvironment and ForestryUniversity of FlorenceFlorence 50144Italy Multidisciplinary Ce.te. for Pain The.apy Reference Center for FibromyalgiaPiero Palagi HospitalUSL Toscana CentroFlorence 50122Italy SOD of Inte.disciplinary Inte.nal Me.icine Careggi University HospitalFlorence 50134Italy
BACKGROUND Fibromyalgia(FM)syndrome.is mainly characte.ize. by wide.pre.d pain,sle.ping disorde.s,fatigue.and cognitive.*** many case.,gastrointe.tinal distre.s is also re.orte.,sugge.ting the.pote.tial pathoge.ic rol... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Spatial and te.poral distribution of the.gastropod He.e.bia australis in an e.trophic e.tuarine.syste. sugge.ts a me.apopulation dynamics
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Natural Scie.ce 2010年 第8期2卷 860-867页
作者: Carlos Ale.andro e.he.e.ría Raque. A. F. Ne.e. leandro A. Pe.soa Paulo C. Paiva Coastal and e.tuarine.Re.e.rch Laboratory (Laboratorio de.Pe.quisas Coste.ras e.e.tuarinas-LABCOe.T) UFRJmar CT Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Hydrobiidae.is one.of the.most dive.se.taxa among limnic and e.tuarine.mollusks. Patte.ns of spatial and se.sonal distribution of He.e.bia australis we.e.studie. in te. stations ove. two ye.rs, in the.urban e.trophic ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Crystal-orie.te. wrinkle. with origami-type.junctions in fe.-laye. he.agonal boron nitride
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Nano Re.e.rch 2015年 第5期8卷 1680-1688页
作者: Camilla K. Olive.ra e.le.dson F. A. Gome. Mariana C. Prado Thonimar V. Ale.car Re.iane.Nascime.to leandro M. Malard Ronaldo J. C. Batista Alan B. de.Olive.ra He.io Chacham Ana M. de.Paula Be.nardo R, A. Ne.e. De.artame.to de.Fisica ICEx Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG C.P. 702 30123-970 - Belo Horizonte Brazil De.artame.to de.Fisica ICEB Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP 35400-000 - Ouro Preto Brazil
Unde.standing laye. inte.play is the.ke. to utilizing laye.e. he.e.ostructure. forme. by the.stacking of diffe.e.t two-dime.sional mate.ials for de.ice.applications. Boron nitride.has be.n de.onstrate. to be.an ide.l ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Syste.s biology and OMIC data inte.ration to unde.stand gastrointe.tinal cance.s
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World Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022年 第10期13卷 762-778页
作者: Iasmin More.ra Costa Bispo He.ry Paul Grange. Palloma Porto Alme.da Patricia Be.ini Nishiyama leandro Martins de.Fre.tas Núcle. de.Biointe.ração Instituto Multidisciplinar em SaúdeUniversidade Federal da BahiaVitória da Conquista 45.029-094BahiaBrazil Division of e.pe.ime.tal and Translational Re.e.rch Brazilian National Cancer InstituteRio de Janeiro 20231-050Brazil
Gastrointe.tinal(GI)cance.s are.a se. of dive.se.dise.se. affe.ting many parts/*** five.most fre.ue.t GI cance. type. are.e.ophage.l,gastric cance.(GC),live. cance.,pancre.tic cance.,and colore.tal cance.(CRC);toge.he...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论