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115033 条 记 录,以下是31-40 订阅
Influence of agriculture and aquaculture activities on the response of autotrophic picoplankton in laguna Macapule, Gulf of California (Mexico)
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Ecological Processes 2017年 第1期6卷 41-51页
作者: Aída Martínez-lópez Cristian Hakspiel-Segura Diana Cecilia Escobedo-Urías Bárbara González-Acosta Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas-IPN(CICIMAR) Av.IPN s/nCol.Playa Palo de Santa RitaLa PazB.C.S.23096Mexico Centro de Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIIDIR–Unidad Sinaloa)Bulevar Juan de Dios Bátiz Paredes 250Col.San JoachinGuasaveSinaloa 81101Mexico
Introduction:The lagoon is a component of coastal zones,whose populations of autotrophic picoplankton(APP)remain largely *** lagoons display high-nutrient productivity and additionally may also be subjected to anthrop... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Serum vitamin D and colonic vitamin D receptor in inflammatory bowel disease
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2016年 第13期22卷 3581-3591页
作者: Yamilka Abreu-Delgado Raymond A Isidro Esther A Torres Alexandra González Myrella l Cruz Angel A Isidro Carmen I González-Keelan Priscilla Medero Caroline B Appleyard Division of Gastroenterology Department of Medicine University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus-School of Medicine Department of Basic Sciences Physiology Division Ponce Health Sciences University-Medical School and Ponce Research Institute Department of Pathology and laboratory Medicine University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences Campus
AIM: To determine serum vitamin D levels and colonic vitamin D receptor(VDR) expression in inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) and non-IBD patients and correlate these with ***: Puerto Rican IBD(n = 10) and non-IBD(n = 10... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Perceptions of fishers to sea turtle bycatch,illegal capture and consumption in the San Ignacio-Navachiste-Macapule lagoon complex,Gulf of California,Mexico
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Integrative Zoology 2014年 第1期9卷 70-84页
作者: Myrna E.AGUIlAR-GONZÁlez Antonio lUNA-GONZÁlez Alonso AGUIRRE Alan A.ZAVAlA-NORZAGARAY Manuel MUNDO-OCAMPO Héctor A.GONZÁlez-OCAMPO National Polytechnic Institute(IPN) CIIDIR-IPNUNIDAD SINALOAJuan de Dios Batiz ParedesGuasaveSinaloaMexico Department of Environmental Science and Policy George Mason UniversityFront RoyalVAUSA
In this study, 10% of all registered fishermen in the coastal towns of Navachiste in Sinaloa, in northwestern Mexico, answered a survey designed to collect data on their perceptions of the following topics: the impact... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
A data-driven approach to π^0,η and η' single and double Dalitz decays
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Chinese Physics C 2018年 第2期42卷 89-105页
作者: Rafel Escribano Sergi Gonzàlez-Solís Crup de Fisica Tebrica Departament de Fisica Universitat Autbnoma de Barcelona E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE) The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) Campus UAB E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain CAS Key laboratory of Theoretical Physics Institute of Theoretical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China
The dilepton invariant mass spectra and integrated branching ratios of the single and double Dalitz decays P→l^+l^-γ and P→l^+l^-l^+l^-(P=π^0,η,η';l=e or μ) are predicted by means of a data-driven approac... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Structural Ultrafine Grained Steels Obtained by Advanced Controlled Rolling
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Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 2013年 第1期20卷 62-70页
作者: R González J O García M A Barbés M J Quintana l F Verdeja J I Verdeja School of Engineering Panamerican UniversityMexico City 03920Mexico E T S I M O Oviedo UniversityOviedo 33004Spain
Steels with ultrafine grains (lower than 5 μm), which usually known as ultrafine ferrite or ultrafine grained materials, are presently the object of intense research, because of the improvement in resistance and fr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Qigong improves balance in young women: a pilot study
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Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013年 第4期11卷 241-245页
作者: María Victoria González lópez-Arza Enrique Varela-Donoso Jesús Montanero-Fernández Juan Rodríguez-Mansilla Blanca González-Sánchez luis González lópez-Arza Medicine and Surgery Department Extremadura University School of Medicine Adolor Research Group of the Extremadura University Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department Complutense University School of Medicine Mathematics Department Extremadura University School of Sciences Health Care Centre of Zafra
BACKGROUND: Balance problems are common in people of all ages and can lead to falls, thus causing fractures with consequent disability. Qigong practice has long been part of daily life in Chinese culture, and has goo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Chi-square automatic interaction detection(CHAID)analysis of the use of safety goggles and face masks as personal protective equipment(PPE)to protect against occupational biohazards
Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity
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Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity 2024年 第2期6卷 125-133页
作者: Raúl Aguilar-Elena Juán JoséAgún-González Universidad Internacional de Valencia ValenciaSpain
Background:This study represents the first Spanish investigation to rigorously evaluate compliance with the use of safety goggles and face masks as essential personal protective equipment(PPE)in companies with workpla... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ultrafine Grained HSlA Steels for Cold Forming
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Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 2010年 第10期17卷 50-56页
作者: R González J O García M A Barbés M J Quintana l F Verdeja J I Verdeja School of Engineering Panamerican University ETSIMO Oviedo University
The industrial level production of ultrafine grained (or ultrafine ferrite) ferrous alloys was investigated through three examples of steels that complied with the EN 10149-2 Euronorm and were produced by advanced c... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Frozen ground and periglacial processes relationship in temperate high mountains: a case study at Monte Perdido-Tucarroya area(The Pyrenees, Spain)
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Journal of Mountain Science 2020年 第5期17卷 1013-1031页
作者: SERRANO Enrique lóPEZ-MORENO Juan Ignacio GóMEZ-lENDE Manuel PISABARRO Alfonso MARTíN-MORENO Raúl RICO Ibai AlONSO-GONZález Esteban Dept of GeographyUniversity of ValladolidValladolid 47011Spain Dept of Geoenvironmental Processes and Global ChangePyrenean Institute of EcologyZaragoza 50.080Spain Dept.Specific Didactics.Autonom University of Madrid.Madrid 28049Spain Dept of GeographyPrehistory and ArcheologyUniversity of the Basque CountryVitoria 01006Spain
Seasonally frozen ground,mountain permafrost and cryogenic geomorphological processes are important components of the Pyrenean high *** work presents the results of a study on the distribution of frozen ground in a ma... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Computational algorithms for simulating the grain structure formed on steel billets using cellular automaton and chaos theories
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International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials 2011年 第1期18卷 24-34页
作者: A.Ramírez-lópez G.Soto-Cortés J.González-Trejo D.Muoz-Negrón Department of Materials Metropolitan Autonomous University Institute Polytechnic National Institute Technologic Autonomous of Mexico
The development of some computational algorithms based on cellular automaton was described to simulate the structures formed during the solidification of steel *** algorithms described take results from the steel ther... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论