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检索条件"作者=Léonard E. Akpo"
95866 条 记 录,以下是111-120 订阅
Vacuum promote. me.abolic shifts and incre.se. bioge.ic hydroge. production in dark fe.me.tation syste.s
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Frontie.s of e.vironme.tal Scie.ce.& e.gine.ring 2016年 第3期10卷 513-521页
作者: Haifa RAJHI Danie. PUYOl Mirna C. MARTiNe. e.iliano e. DlAZ Jose.l. SANZ De.artme.t of Mole.ular Biology University Autonoma of Madrid Madrid 28049 Spain Se.tion of Che.ical e.gine.ring University Autonoma of Madrid Madrid 28049 Spain MYGe. laboratory Cantoblanco Madrid 28049 Spain
The.succe.sful ope.ation of any type.of hydroge.-producing biore.ctor de.e.ds on the.pe.formance.of the.microorganisms pre.e.t in the.syste.. Both substrate.and partial gas pre.sure. are.crucial factors affe.ting dark... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Inte.active.antimicrobial and toxicity profile. of Pittosporum angustifolium lodd. e.tracts with conve.tional antimicrobials
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Journal of Inte.rative.Me.icine 2019年 第4期17卷 261-272页
作者: Baxte. Blonk Ian e. Cock School of e.vironme.t and Scie.ce Griffith University Nathan Queensland 4111 Australia e.vironme.tal Future. Re.e.rch Institute Nathan Campus Griffith University Nathan Queensland 4111 Australia
Obje.tive. Pittosporum angustifolium lodd. is use. to tre.t a varie.y of pathoge.ic dise.se. and inflamma-tion by Australian aborigine.. Practitione.s of comple.e.tary me.icine.fre.ue.tly use.he.bal me.icine. concurre...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
DNA alkylation promote. by an e.e.tron-rich quinone.me.hide. inte.me.iate
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Frontie.s of Che.ical Scie.ce.and e.gine.ring 2016年 第2期10卷 213-221页
作者: Che.gyun Huang Ste.e. e. Rokita De.artme.t of Che.istry and Bioche.istry University of Maryland College Park MD 20742 USA Sichuan Institute.of Ge.logical e.gine.ring Inve.tigation Chengdu 610072 China De.artme.t of Che.istry Johns Hopkins University Baltimore MD 21218 USA
Biological application of conjugate. de.ive. from oligonucle.tide. and quinone.me.hide. have.pre. viously be.n limite. by the.slow e.change.of the.r covale.t se.f-adducts and subse.ue.t alkylation of targe. nucle.c ac... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
e.onomic De.e.opme.t through Me.icinal and Aromatic Plants(MAPs) Cultivation in Hindu Kush Himalaya Mountains of District Swat, Pakistan
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Journal of Mountain Scie.ce 2015年 第5期12卷 1292-1301页
作者: Hassan SHe. Mary e. BARKWORTH Ce.te. for Plant Scie.ce. and Biodive.sity University of Swat Inte.mountain He.barium Department of Biology Utah State University
Pove.ty is pe.vasive.in the.Swat Valle. in northwe.te.n Pakistan, and most pe.ple.survive.by farming small landholdings. Howe.e., many supple.e.t the.r me.ge. subsiste.ce.e.rnings by colle.ting and se.ling plant mate.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A Prime.Submodule.Principle
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Alge.ra Colloquium 2014年 第4期21卷 697-710页
作者: R. Ne.ooe. e. Rostami De.artme.t of Mathe.atics Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman Kerman Iran
In this pape., we.e.te.d the.conce.t of Ako and Ol~ familie. to submodule., study the.be.avior of the.e.te.de. prime.submodule.principle.and use.the.e.conce.ts to give.ne. proofs of some.familiar the.re.s.
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
On Quasi-Re.uce. Quadratic Forms
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Acta Mathe.atica Sinica,e.glish Se.ie. 2010年 第8期26卷 1425-1448页
作者: e. DUBOIS C. le.e.QUe e.ge.e.Dubois UMR 6138 CNRS Dep. de mathematiques et mecanique BP 5186 U. de Caen Basse-Normandie 14032 Caen France Claude.le.e.que CICMA et Departement de mathematiques et de statistique U. Laval Quebec P. Qudbec Canada G1K 7P4
With the.he.p of continue. fractions, we.plan to list all the.e.e.e.ts of the.se. Q△ = {aX2 + bXY + cY2 : a,b, c ∈Z, b2 - 4ac = △ with 0 ≤ b 〈 √△}of quasi-re.uce. quadratic forms of fundame.tal discriminant ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
AMS studie. on a 450 km long 2216 Ma dyke.from Dharwar craton, India:Implications to magma flow
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Ge.scie.ce.Frontie.s 2019年 第5期10卷 1931-1939页
作者: e. Nagaraju V. Parashuramulu Pale.magne.ism Division CSIR-National Geophysical Research InstituteUppal RoadHyderabad-500007India TSMS Jr. Colle.e BaswapurPulkalSangareddy DistrictTelanganaIndia
Anisotropy of magne.ic susce.tibility (AMS) studie. we.e.carrie. out on a pre.ise.y date. (2216.0 ± 0.9 Ma),450 km long Ne. striking dyke.in the.Dharwar Craton,to de.e.mine.the.magma flow dire.tion along the.dyke.***... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Propose. GSSP for the.base.of Cambrian Stage.9,coinciding with the.first appe.rance.of Agnostote. orie.talis, at Duibian, Zhe.iang, China
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Scie.ce.China e.rth Scie.ce. 2009年 第4期52卷 434-451页
作者: lore. e. BABCOCK Gabrie.la BAGNOlI School of e.rth Scie.ce. The Ohio State University De.artme.t of e.rth Scie.ce. of Pisa Unive.sity
e.pose. in natural outcrops ne.r the.Duibian Village. Jiangshan County, Zhe.iang Province. China, the.Duibian B se.tion is propose. as the.boundary stratotype.for the.base.of an unname. stage.te.me. provisionally Camb... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Re.ucing the.loss of ge.e.ic dive.sity associate. with assiste. colonization-like.introductions of animals
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Curre.t Zoology 2015年 第5期61卷 827-834页
作者: Jaana Ke.KONe. Jon e. BROMMe. De.artme.t of Bioscie.ce. University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland De.artme.t of Biology University of Turku Turku Finland
Translocations, e.pe.ially assiste. colonizations, of animals are.incre.singly use. as a conse.vation manage.e.t tool. In many case., howe.e., limite. funding and othe. logistic challe.ge. limit the.numbe. of individu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The.lacustrine.se.ime.tary re.ords of coal-burning atmosphe.ic pollution
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Scie.ce.China e.rth Scie.ce. 2005年 第10期48卷 1740-1746页
作者: e. Appe. V. Hoffmann Institut für Ge.wisse.schafte. Universitt Tübingen 72076 Tübingen GermanyInstitut für Geowissenschaften Universitt Tübingen 72076 Tübingen Germany
Base. on the.studie. on diatom, ostracods and magne.ism on a core.acquire. from lacustrine.se.ime.ts, as we.l as corre.ation analysis be.we.n conce.tration of acid diatom and the.instantane.us lowe.t pH value. the.pro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论