Additive manufacturing,or three-dimensional(3D)printing,offers a unique solution for fabricating complex geometries with high ***,many commercial additive manufacturing machines focus on the printing of polymers with ...
Additive manufacturing,or three-dimensional(3D)printing,offers a unique solution for fabricating complex geometries with high ***,many commercial additive manufacturing machines focus on the printing of polymers with limited ***,conductive polymers(CPs)can be processed to enable the additive manufacturing of conductive,low-density,and low-cost parts for a myriad of *** review summarizes the relevant achievements in the additive manufacturing of conductive polymers(CPs)and conductive polymer nanocomposites,with a discussion of the advantages and limitations of processing and printing these materials compared with alternative traditional manufacturing methods and their ***,the prospective applications of these additive manufacturing printed conductive materials are explored.
Nonfibrillar amyloid-βoligomers(AβOs)are a major component of drusen,the sub-retinal pigmented epithelium(rPE)extracellular deposits characteristic of age-related macular degeneration(AMD),a common cause of global *...
Nonfibrillar amyloid-βoligomers(AβOs)are a major component of drusen,the sub-retinal pigmented epithelium(rPE)extracellular deposits characteristic of age-related macular degeneration(AMD),a common cause of global *** report that AβOs induce rPE degeneration,a clinical hallmark of geographic atrophy(GA),a vision-threatening late stage of AMD that is currently *** demonstrate that AβOs induce activation of the NLrP3 inflammasome in the mouse rPE in vivo and that rPE expression of the purinergic ATP receptor P2rX7,an upstream mediator of NLrP3 inflammasome activation,is required for AβO-induced rPE *** classes of small molecule inflammasome inhibitors—nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors(NrTIs)and their antiretrovirally inert modified analog Kamuvudines—both inhibit AβOs-induced rPE *** findings crystallize the importance of P2rX7 and NLrP3 in a disease-relevant model of AMD and identify inflammasome inhibitors as potential treatments for GA.