We have developed and tes.ed chimeric T-cell receptors.(TCR) s.ecific for p185HER2. In thes. experiments. retroviral vectors.expres.ing the N29γ or N29ζ receptors.were cons.ructed in pRET6. Amphotropic viral produce...
We have developed and tes.ed chimeric T-cell receptors.(TCR) s.ecific for p185HER2. In thes. experiments. retroviral vectors.expres.ing the N29γ or N29ζ receptors.were cons.ructed in pRET6. Amphotropic viral producer cells.were es.ablis.ed in the GALV-bas.d PG13 packaging cell line. Ficoll purified human peripheral blood lymphocytes.(PBL) were virally trans.uced us.ng an optimized protocol incorporating activation with immobilized anti-CD3/anti-CD28 monoclonal anti- bodies. followed by viral infection in the pres.nce of fibronectin fragment CH296. Trans.uced cells.were co-cultured with human tumor cell lines.that overexpres. (s.-ov-3) or underexpres. (MCF7) p185HER2 to as.ay for antigen s.ecific im- mune res.ons.s. Both CM+ and CD8+ T-cells.trans.uced with the N29γ or N29ζ chTCR demons.rated HER2-s.ecific anti- gen res.ons.s. as.determined by releas. of Th1 like cytokines. and cellular cytotoxicity as.ays. Our res.lts.0}pport the fea- s.bility of adoptive immunotherapy with genetically modified T-cells.expres.ing a chTCR s.ecific for p185HER2.
Objectives.- To compare the s.cond edition of the International Clas.ificati on of Headache Dis.rders.(ICHD- 2) and the s.lbers.ein- Lipton (s. L) criteri a in the clas.ification of adoles.ents.with chronic daily head...
Objectives.- To compare the s.cond edition of the International Clas.ificati on of Headache Dis.rders.(ICHD- 2) and the s.lbers.ein- Lipton (s. L) criteri a in the clas.ification of adoles.ents.with chronic daily headache (CDH). Method s.- We reviewed the clinical records.and the headache diaries.of 170 adoles.ent s.(13 to 17 years. s.en between 1998 and 2003 at a headache center. Relevant inf ormation was.trans.erred to a s.andardized form that included operational criter ia for the ICHD- 2. CDH s.btypes.were clas.ified according the criteria propos. d by s. L into trans.ormed migraine (TM) with (TM+ ) and without medication ov erus. (TM- ), chronic tens.on- type headache (C- TTH), new daily pers.s.ent h eadache (NDPH), and he micrania continua (HC). Res.lts.- From the 69 patients.with TM- according t he s. L criteria, mos. (71% ) could be clas.ified as.chronic migraine (CM), wh ile a minority of patients.required a combination of diagnos.s. mainly migraine and CTTH (14.4% ). Of the patients.with TM+ , jus. 39.6% met the criteria fo r probable CM (PCM) with probable medication overus. (PMO). If ins.ead of 15 mig raine days.per month, we cons.dered 15 or more days.of migraine or probable migr aine, 84% of the s.bjects.with TM- and 68.7% of thos. with TM+ could be clas.ified. Of the 27 s.bjects.clas.ified as.NDPH without medication overus. acc ording to the s. L s.s.em, the majority (51.2% ) were als. clas.ified as.NDPH according the ICHD- 2. Interes.ingly, three (11.1% of the s.bjects.with NDPH without medication overus.) were clas.ified as.CM in the ICHD- 2 becaus. thes. patients.had an abrupt ons.t of 15 or more days.of migraine per month. All patie nts.with NDPH with medication overus. according to the s. L criteria required a combination of diagnos.s.in the ICHD- 2. All s.bjects.with CTTH received a s.n gle diagnos.s.in both clas.ification s.s.ems. Conclus.ons.- (i) Among adoles.en ts.with TM, the majority (58.1% ) could be clas.ified as.CM, according to the I C
Background: 70% of ovarian cancer cas.s.are diagnos.d at an advanced s.age (III or IV) of the dis.as. and, in turn, with a high prevalence of peritoneal carcinos.s.and as.ites. which leads.to progres.ive malnutrition ...
Background: 70% of ovarian cancer cas.s.are diagnos.d at an advanced s.age (III or IV) of the dis.as. and, in turn, with a high prevalence of peritoneal carcinos.s.and as.ites. which leads.to progres.ive malnutrition in patients. with the cons.quent deterioration of their general condition. There is.a very important relations.ip between nutritional s.atus. quality of life, s.rvival, and the ability to tolerate multidis.iplinary treatment of peritoneal carcinos.s. Methods. A phas. II, open-label, s.ngle-center, non-randomis.d clinical trial was.conducted that included 36 patients.with advanced dis.as. who were adminis.ered the nutritional s.pplement Ocoxin, 30 ml twice a day, beginning one week before chemotherapy (CT) bas.d on carboplatin/paclitaxel, of which they receive three cycles.with neoadjuvant intent. Ocoxin treatment was.continued during chemotherapy and for three weeks.after completion of the las. cycle, as.well as.during any periods.for which this.treatment was.dis.ontinued due to toxicity. The effect of Ocoxin on the quality of life was.as.es.ed through the QLQ C30 and QLQ ov28 ques.ionnaires.from the s.art of treatment until the end of the follow-up period. In addition, the Karnofs.y Index and nutritional parameters.were as.es.ed. Res.lts. There were no s.gnificant differences.between advers. events.vers.s.bas.line values. except in leukocytes. lymphocytes. neutrophils. ALT, and As.. There was.no deterioration of the QoL s.ales. except for thos. related to the effects.of chemotherapy and alopecia. Conclus.ons. Ocoxin as.an adjuvant to chemotherapy appears.to improve better tolerance to chemotherapy, s.owed a good s.fety profile, and improved quality of life. For further information on Ocoxin neoadjuvant therapy benefits. a phas. III clinical trial will be needed.