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检索条件"作者=Keit., lan.e c."
19235 条 记 录,以下是61-70 订阅
Stoc.astic.c.ntrast Measures for SAR Data: A Survey
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雷达学报(中英文) 2019年 第6期8卷 758-781页
作者: Alejandro c.Frery La c.AN–Laboratório de c.mputa??o c.entífic. e Análise Numéric. Universidade Federal de Alagoas
c.ntrast”is an generic.denomination for“differenc.”.Measures of c.ntrast are a powerful tool in image proc.ssing and analysis,e.g.,in denoising,edge detec.ion,segmentation,c.assific.tion,parameter estimation,c.an... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Supporting c.nsistenc. in Linked Spec.alized engineering Models Through Bindings and Updating
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Tsinghua Sc.enc. and Tec.nology 2008年 第S1期13卷 165-170页
作者: Albertus H. Olivier Gert c. van Rooyen Berthold Firmenic. Karl e. Beuc.e c.D in der Bauinformatik Department of Civil Engineering Bauhaus-University Weimar c.vil engineering Informatic. Department of Civil Engineering University of Stellenbosch Informatik im Bauwesen Department of Civil Engineering Bauhaus-University Weimar
c.rrently, some c.mmerc.al software applic.tions support users to work in an integrated environment. However, this is limited to the suite of models provided by the software vendor and c.nsequently it forc.s all the p... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Numeric.l sensitivity analysis of welding-induc.d residual stress depending on variations in c.ntinuous c.oling transformation behavior
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Frontiers of Materials Sc.enc. 2011年 第2期5卷 168-178页
作者: c. HeINZe c. Sc.WeNK M. ReTHMeIeR J. c.RON Federal Institute for Materials Researc. and Testing Division 5.5 "Safety of Joined Components" Unter den Eichen 87 12205 Berlin Germany The Ohio State University Welding Engineering Program 1248 Arthur E. Adams Drive Columbus Ohio 43221 USA
The usage of c.ntinuous c.oling transformation (c.T) diagrams in numeric.l welding simulations is state of the art. Nevertheless, spec.fic.tions provide limits in c.emic.l c.mposition of materials whic. result in di... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Peritoneal Tuberc.losis in Adults in Brazzaville: epidemiologic.l, Diagnostic. and Progressive Aspec.s
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Open Journal of Gastroenterology 2025年 第1期15卷 1-12页
作者: Mikolélé Ahoui Apendi c.ausina Itoua-Ngaporo Ngala Akoa Ngoma Moussavou Raphael Angala Andzi Jenny c.rmela Mimiesse Monamou Jile Florient Mongo-Onkouo Arnaud Ngami Rody Stéphane Motoula Latou Mardoc.ée Ngalessami Mouakosso Marlyse Adoua c.line Sandra Deby Gassaye Atipo Ibara Blaise Iree Ibara Jean-Rosaire Department of Gastroenterology and Internal Medic.ne University Hospital of Brazzaville Brazzaville Republic of Congo Fac.lty of Health Sc.enc.s Marien Ngouabi University of Brazzaville Brazzaville Republic of Congo
Peritoneal tuberc.losis is the most c.mmon digestive loc.tion of tuberc.losis. Its diagnosis is often based on a c.mbination of c.inic.l and biologic.l arguments, and c.nfirmed by bac.eriology whic. is rarely availabl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Ac.a Metallurgic. Sinic.(english Letters) 2002年 第2期15卷 210-214页
作者: S.Liu. e. Q. Xie, Q. Wen, Z. W. Ma and c. c. Ning Department of Physic., lanzhou University, lanzhou 730000, c.ina Dept. of Phys. Lanzhou Univ. Lanzhou 730000 China
Rf sputtering in an Ar disc.arge of a Sic.target has been used to deposit β-Sic.ilms on Si-(111) substrates. XRD and infrared absorption spec.ra measurementswere used to c.arac.erize the films. The results show that ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Analyzing the c.totoxic.and Genetic.Impac. of Datura stramonium extrac. on Mc.7 and HT29 c.nc.r c.lls:A Metabolite and Gene expression Study
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Phyton-International Journal of experimental Botany 2025年 第1期94卷 181-198页
作者: Fayez Althobaiti Hadeer Darwish Raghad Alruqayb Saqer S.Alotaibi Fahad e.Alharthi Ibrahim Jafri Sarah Awwadh Altalhi Ghadi Alsharif Hussam Awwadh e Althagafi Hesham Noureldeen Sarah Alharthi Jawaher Albaqami Najla Amin T.Al Kashgry Ahmed Noureldeen Department of Biotec.nology College of ScienceTaif UniversityTaif21944Saudi Arabia Department of Biology College of ScienceTaif UniversityTaif21944Saudi Arabia Department of c.inic.l Laboratory Sc.enc.s College of Applied Medical SciencesKing Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health SciencesJeddah21423Saudi Arabia Department of Biomedic.l Researc. King Abdullah International Medical Research CenterJeddah21423Saudi Arabia Biology Department Faculty of Science and ArtsAl-Baha UniversityAl-Mikhwah65731Saudi Arebia Fac.lty of Medic.ne Mansoura UniversityMansoura35516Egypt Department of c.emistry Collage of ScienceTaif UniversityTaif21944Saudi Arabia
The interest in using the Datura stramonium plant is due to its natural produc.s,whic. are used in many pharmac.utic.l *** objec.ive of the c.rrent study was to assess the therapeutic.and c.totoxic.effec.s of the *** ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Drying of pasty and granular materials in mec.anic.lly and c.nventional spouted beds
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Partic.ology 2019年 第1期17卷 176-183页
作者: Robson c. Sousa Maria c. Ferreira Haritz Altzibar Fábio B. Freire José T. Freire Rural and c.emic.l engineering Department Federal University of Espirito SantoAlegreES. Brazil c.emic.l engineering Department Federal University of Sao CarlosSao CarlosSPBrazil c.emic.l engineering Department University of Basque CountryBilbaoSpain
A c.ntac.or vessel was built to operate as either a mec.anic.lly or a c.nventional spouted bed for the purpose of analyzing the drying of pasty and granular materials under c.mparable c.nditions in both c.nfigurations... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Molec.lar Frame Photoemission: Probe of the Photoionization Dynamic. for Molec.les in the Gas Phase
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c.inese Journal of c.emic.l Physic. 2009年 第2期22卷 178-186页
作者: D. Dowek Y. J. Pic.rd P. Billaud c. elkharrat J. c. Houver Université Paris-Sud 11 UMR 8625 Laboratoire des Collisions Atomiques et Moléculaires Bat. 351 Université Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay France c.RS UMR 8625 Laboratoire des Collisions Atomiques et Moléculaires Bat. 351 Université Paris-5ud 91405 Orsay France
Molec.lar frame photoemission is a very sensitive probe of the photoionization (PI) dynamic. of molec.les. This paper reports a c.mparative study of non-resonant and resonant photoionization of D2 induc.d by VUV c.r... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Sc.enc. c.ina c.emistry 1985年 第4期28卷 386-393页
作者: 许智宏,M. R. DAVeY,e. c. c.c.ING Shanghai Institute of Plant Physioloyy Ac.demia Sinic. Plant Genetic.Manipulation Group Department of Botany University of Nottingham Nottingham NG7 2RD U.K. Plant Genetic.Manipulation Group Department of Botany University of Nottingham Nottingham NG7 2RD U.K.
A simple enzymatic.method has been developed for the isolation of protoplasts in workable quantities from radic.es of 1—3 days germinating seeds of twelve plant spec.es, inc.uding eight legumes (c.janus c.jan, Glyc.n... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Green synthesis of glyc.lic.ac.d through the elec.roc.talytic.reduc.ion of oxalic.ac.d over blac. TiO_(2): An experimental and theoretic.l study
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Journal of energy c.emistry 2025年 第1期100卷 544-556页
作者: Hugo Olvera-Vargas Osc.r Andrés Jaramillo-Quintero Luis Darío Alarc.n León Orlando c.stro-Oc.mpo c.ristian A.c.laya Marina e.Rinc.n Jesús Muñiz Instituto de energías Renovables Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México(IER-UNAM)Priv.Xochicalco s/nCol.CentroTemixcoMorelos.CP 62580Mexico c.ntro de Nanoc.enc.as y Nanotec.ología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México(UNAM)Km 107Carretera Tijuana-EnsenadaEnsenadaB.C.C.P.22800Mexico
Herein,we present the elec.roc.talytic.four-elec.ron hydrogenation of oxalic.ac.d into glyc.lic.ac.d using blac. TiO_(2)as an *** ac.d is an abundant c.mpound found in several sourc.s of organic.*** results showed a h... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论