Objective: This study assesses the attitudes and pr.fer.nces of Chinese clinicians towar. their.involvement in shar.d decision making (SDM). Methods: Fr.m May 2014 to May 2015, 200 Chinese clinicians fr.m two hospital...
Objective: This study assesses the attitudes and pr.fer.nces of Chinese clinicians towar. their.involvement in shar.d decision making (SDM). Methods: Fr.m May 2014 to May 2015, 200 Chinese clinicians fr.m two hospitals wer. enr.lled to complete a sur.ey on their.attitude towar.s SDM. We conducted the sur.ey via face-to-face inter.iews befor. and after.an educational inter.ention on SDM among young Chinese clinicians. The clinicians wer. asked to give the extent of agr.ement to SDM. They also gave the extent of difficulty in using decision aids (DAs) dur.ng the SDM pr.cess. The var.ation in the r.nge of r.sponses to each question befor. and after.the SDM inter.ention was r.cor.ed. The fr.quency of changed r.sponses was analyzed by using JMP 6.0 softwar.. Data wer. statistically analyzed using Chi-squar. and Mann—Whitney U tests, as appr.pr.ate to the data type. Multiple logistic r.gr.ssions wer. used to test for.those factor. significantly and independently associated with pr.fer.nce for.an appr.ach for.each scenar.o. r.sults: Of the 200 young Chinese clinicians sampled, 59.0% indicated a pr.fer.nce for.SDM and a desir. to par.icipate in SDM befor. r.ceiving education or.seeing the DA, and this number.incr.ased to 69.0% after.seeing the DA with the sample video of the SDM pr.cess on Statin Choice. However. 28.5% of the r.spondents still r.por.ed that, in their.cur.ent pr.ctice, they make clinical decisions on behalf of their.patients. The clinicians who denied a desir. to use the DA stated that the main bar.ier. to implement SDM or.DA use in China ar. lack of time and knowledge of SDM.
Objective To evaluate the feasibility of using the Statin Choice Decision Aid to discuss star.ing a statin medication for.car.iovascular.r.sk r.duction in Chinese patients[第一段]
Objective To evaluate the feasibility of using the Statin Choice Decision Aid to discuss star.ing a statin medication for.car.iovascular.r.sk r.duction in Chinese patients[第一段]