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34 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
MXene ink hosting zinc anode for high performance aqueous zinc metal batteries
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journal of Energy Chemistry 2023年 第1期76卷 187-194,I0005页
作者: jae Min park Milan jana Sang ha Baek taehun Kang Peixun Xiong jeong hee park jun Soo kim Ali Shayesteh Zeraati Mikhail Shekhirev Paul v.Braun Yury Gogotsi ho Seok park School of Chemical Engineering Sungkyunkwan University2066SeoburoJangan-guSuwon 440-746Republic of Korea Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering University of Calgary2500 University Dr NWCalgary T2N 1N4Canada Department of Materials Science and Engineering Materials Research LaboratoryBeckman Institute for Advanced Science and TechnologyUniversity of Ilinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbanaIL61801USA A.j.Drexel Nanomaterials Institute and Department of Materials Science and Engineering Drexel UniversityPhiladelphiaPA 19104USA SKKU Institute of Energy Science and technology(SIESt) Sungkyunkwan University2066SeoburoJangan-guSuwon 440-746Republic of Korea SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano technology(SAINt) Sungkyunkwan University 2066SeoburoJangan-guSuwon 440-746Republic of Korea
Despite the safety,low cost,and high theoretical capacity(820 mA h g^(-1))of Zn metal anodes,the practical application of aqueous Zn metal batteries remains a critical challenge due to the Zn dendrite growth,corrosion... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Antineutrino energy spectrum unfolding based on the Daya Bay measurement and its applications
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Chinese Physics C 2021年 第7期45卷 1-19页
作者: F.P.An A.B.Balantekin M.Bishai S.Blyth G.F.cao j.cao j.F.Chang Y.Chang h.S.Chen S.M.Chen Y.Chen Y.X.Chen j.Cheng Z.K.Cheng j.j.Cherwinka M.C.Chu j.P.Cummings O.Dalager F.S.Deng Y.Y.Ding M.v.Diwan t.Dohnal D.Dolzhikov j.Dove M.Dvorak D.A.Dwyer j.P.Gallo M.Gonchar G.h.Gong h.Gong M.Grassi W.Q.Gu j.Y.Guo L.Guo X.h.Guo Y.h.Guo Z.Guo R.W.hackenburg S.hans a M.he K.M.heeger Y.K.heng Y.K.hor Y.B.hsiung B.Z.hu j.R.hu t.hu Z.j.hu h.X.huang j.h.huang X.t.huang Y.B.huang P.huber D.E.jaffe K.L.jen X.L.ji X.P.ji R.A.johnson D.jones L.Kang S.h.Kettel S.Kohn M.Kramer t.j.Langford j.Lee j.h.C.Lee R.t.Lei R.Leitner j.K.C.Leung F.Li h.L.Li j.j.Li Q.j.Li R.h.Li S.Li S.C.Li W.D.Li X.N.Li X.Q.Li Y.F.Li Z.B.Li h.Liang C.j.Lin G.L.Lin S.Lin j.j.Ling j.M.Link26 L.Littenberg B.R.Littlejohn j.C.Liu j.L.Liu j.X.Liu C.Lu h.Q.Lu K.B.Luk B.Z.Ma X.B.Ma X.Y.Ma Y.Q.Ma R.C.Mandujano C.Marshall K.t.McDonald R.D.McKeown Y.Meng j.Napolitano D.Naumov E.Naumova t.M.t.Nguyen j.P.Ochoa-Ricoux A.Olshevskiy h.-R.Pan j.park S.Patton j.C.Peng C.S.j.Pun F.Z.Qi M.Qi X.Qian N.Raper j.Ren C.Morales Reveco R.Rosero B.Roskovec X.C.Ruan h.Steiner j.L.Sun t.tmej1 K.treskov W.-h.tse C.E.tull B.viren v.vorobel C.h.Wang j.Wang M.Wang N.Y.Wang R.G.Wang W.Wang W.Wang X.Wang Y.Wang Y.F.Wang Z.Wang Z.Wang Z.M.Wang h.Y.Wei L.h.Wei L.j.Wen K.Whisnant C.G.White h.L.h.Wong E.Worcester D.R.Wu F.L.Wu Q.Wu W.j.Wu D.M.Xia Z.Q.Xie Z.Z.Xing h.K.Xu j.L.Xu t.Xu t.Xue C.G.Yang L.Yang Y.Z.Yang h.F.Yao M.Ye M.Yeh B.L.Young h.Z.Yu Z.Y.Yu B.B.Yue v.Zavadskyi S.Zeng Y.Zeng L.Zhan C.Zhang F.Y.Zhang h.h.Zhang j.W.Zhang Q.M.Zhang S.Q.Zhang X.t.Zhang Y.M.Zhang Y.X.Zhang Y.Y.Zhang Z.j.Zhang Z.P.Zhang Z.Y.Zhang j.Zhao R.Z.Zhao L.Zhou h.L.Zhuang j.h.Zou Institute of Modern Physics East China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200337 University of Wisconsin MadisonWisconsin 53706 Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973 Department of Physics Nnational Taiwan UniversityTaipei Institute of high Energy Physics Beijing 100049 National United University Miao-Li Department of Engineering Physics Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100048 Shenzhen University Shenzhen 518061 Sun Yat-Sen(Zhongshan)University Guangzhou 510275 North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 Chinese University of hong Kong Hongkong 999077 Siena College LoudonvilleNew York 12211 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of CaliforniaIrvineCalifornia 92697 University of Science and technology of China Hefei 230022 Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsPrague joint Institute for Nuclear Research DubnaMoscow Region Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbanaIllinois 61801 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Department of Physics Illinois Institute of TechnologyChicagoIllinois 60616 Beijing Normal University Beijing 100875 Department of Nuclear Science and technology School of Energy and Power EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong UniversityXi'an 710049 Wright Laboratory and Department of Physics Yale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06520 China Institute of Atomic Energy Beijing 102413 Shandong University Jinan 250002 Guangxi University No.100 Daxue East RoadNanning 530004 Center for Neutrino Physics Virginia TechBlacksburgVirginia 24061 Institute of Physics NCTUHsinchu Department of Physics University of CincinnatiCincinnatiOhio 45221 Department of Physics College of Science and TechnologyTemple UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19122 Dongguan University of technology Dongguan 523808 Department of Physics University of CaliforniaBerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Department of Physics The University of Hong KongPokfulamHongkong 999077 School of Physics Nankai UniversityTianjin 300071 Department o
the prediction of reactor antineutrino spectra will play a crucial role as reactor experiments enter the precision *** positron energy spectrum of 3.5 million antineutrino inverse beta decay reactions observed by the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Measurement of the integrated luminosity of the Phase 2 data of the Belle Ⅱ experiment
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Chinese Physics C 2020年 第2期44卷 1-12页
作者: F.Abudinén I.Adachi P.Ahlburg h.Aihara N.Akopov A.Aloisio F.Ameli L.Andricek N.Anh Ky D.M.Asner h.Atmacan t.Aushev v.Aushev t.Aziz K.Azmi v.Babu S.Baehr S.Bahinipati A.M.Bakich P.Bambade Sw.Banerjee S.Bansal v.Bansal M.Barrett j.Baudot A.Beaulieu j.Becker P.K.Behera j.v.Bennett E.Bernieri F.U.Bernlochner M.Bertemes M.Bessner S.Bettarini v.Bhardwaj F.Bianchi t.Bilka S.Bilokin D.Biswas G.Bonvicini A.Bozek M.Bračko P.Branchini N.Braun t.E.Browder A.Budano S.Bussino M.Campajola L.cao G.Casarosa C.Cecchi D.Červenkov M.-C.Chang P.Chang R.Cheaib v.Chekelian Y.Q.Chen Y.-t.Chen B.G.Cheon K.Chilikin h.-E.Cho K.Cho S.Cho S.-K.Choi S.Choudhury D.Cinabro L.Corona L.M.Cremaldi S.Cunliffe t.Czank F.Dattola E.De La Cruz-Burelo G.De Nardo M.De Nuccio G.De Pietro R.de Sangro M.Destefanis S.Dey A.De Yta-hernandez F.Di Capua S.Di Carlo j.Dingfelder Z.Doležal I.Domínguez jiménez t.v.Dong K.Dort S.Dubey S.Duell S.Eidelman M.Eliachevitch t.Ferber D.Ferlewicz G.Finocchiaro S.Fiore A.Fodor F.Forti A.Frey B.G.Fulsom M.Gabriel E.Ganiev M.Garcia-hernandez R.Garg A.Garmash v.Gaur A.Gaz U.Gebauer A.Gellrich j.Gemmler t.Geßler R.Giordano A.Giri B.Gobbo R.Godang P.Goldenzweig B.Golob P.Gomis P.Grace W.Gradl E.Graziani D.Greenwald C.hadjivasiliou S.halder K.hara t.hara O.hartbrich K.hayasaka h.hayashii C.hearty M.t.hedges I.heredia de la Cruz M.hernández villanueva A.hershenhorn t.higuchi E.C.hill h.hirata M.hoek S.hollitt t.hotta C.-L.hsu Y.hu K.huang t.Iijima K.Inami G.Inguglia j.Irakkathil jabbar A.Ishikawa R.Itoh M.Iwasaki Y.Iwasaki S.Iwata P.jackson W.W.jacobs D.E.jaffe E.-j.jang h.B.jeon S.jia Y.jin C.joo j.Kahn h.Kakuno A.B.Kaliyar G.Karyan Y.Kato t.Kawasaki h.Kichimi C.Kiesling B.h.kim C.-h.kim D.Y.kim S.-h.kim Y.K.kim Y.kim t.D.kimmel K.Kinoshita C.Kleinwort B.Knysh P.Kodyš t.Koga I.Komarov t.Konno S.Korpar D.Kotchetkov N.Kovalchuk t.M.G.Kraetzschmar P.Križan R.Kroeger j.F.Krohn P.Krokovny W.Kuehn t.Kuhr M.Kumar R.Kumar K.Kumara S.Kurz A.Kuzmin Y.-j.Kwon S.Lacaprara Y.-t.Lai C.La Licata K.Lalwani L.Lanceri j.S.Lange K.Lautenbach I.-S.Le Beihang University Beijing 100191 Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosibirsk 630090 Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional Mexico City 07360 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University12116 Prague Chiba University Chiba 263-8522 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y tecnología Mexico City 03940 Deutsches Elektronen–Synchrotron 22607 Hamburg Duke University DurhamNorth Carolina 27708 Earthquake Research Institute University of TokyoTokyo 113-0032 Forschungszentrum jülich 52425 Jülich Department of Physics Fu Jen Catholic UniversityTaipei 24205 Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application(MOE)and Institute of Modern Physics Fudan UniversityShanghai 200443 II.Physikalisches Institut Georg-August-Universität Göttingen37073 Göttingen Gifu University Gifu 501-1193 the Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI) Hayama 240-0193 Gyeongsang National University Jinju 52828 Department of Physics and Institute of Natural Sciences Hanyang UniversitySeoul 04763 high Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK) Tsukuba 305-0801 j-PARC Branch KEK Theory CenterHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK)Tsukuba 305-0801 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali SAS Nagar140306 Indian Institute of technology Bhubaneswar Satya Nagar 751007 Indian Institute of technology hyderabad Telangana 502285 Indian Institute of technology Madras Chennai 600036 Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47408 Institute for high Energy Physics Protvino 142281 Institute of high Energy Physics Vienna 1050 Institute of high Energy Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049 Institute of Particle Physics(Canada) VictoriaBritish Columbia V8W 2Y2 Institute of Physics Hanoi Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular Paterna 46980 INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati I-00044 Frascati INFN Sezione di Napoli I-80126 Napoli INFN Sezione di Padova I-35131 Padova INFN Sezione di Perugia I-06123 Perugia
From April to july 2018,a data sample at the peak energy of the t(4 S) resonance was collected with the Belle Ⅱ detector at the SuperKEKB electron-positron *** is the first data sample of the Belle Ⅱ *** Bhabha and ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Influence of dehydrating agents on the oxidative carbonylation of methanol for dimethyl carbonate synthesis over a Cu/Y-zeolite catalyst
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Chinese journal of Chemical Engineering 2018年 第5期26卷 1059-1063页
作者: Dong-ho Lee jiin You je-Min Woo jung Yoon Seo Young Cheol park jong-Seop Lee hyunuk kim jong-ho Moon Seung Bin park Greenhouse Gas Laboratory Korea Institute of Energy Research Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Energy Material Laboratory Korea Institute of Energy Research
the influence of the dehydration by metal oxides on the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) via oxidative carbonylation of methanol was studied. A Cu/Y-zeolite catalyst was prepared by the ion exchange method from... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Beta-phase transformation of polyvinylidene fluoride with supersonically sprayed ZnSnO_(3) cuboids for flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators
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journal of Materials Science & technology 2024年 第10期177卷 103-113页
作者: Bhavana joshi taegun kim Woojin Lim Edmund Samue Chanwoo park Ali Aldalbahi Mohamed El-Newehy hae-Seok Lee Seongpil An Sam S.Yoon School of Mechanical Engineering Korea UniversitySeoul 02841Republic of Korea Core Component technology team Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.Mobile R&D CenterSamsung-roSuwon-siGyeonggi-doRepublic of Korea Energy Environment Policy and technology Graduate School of Energy and Environment(KU-KIST Green School)Korea UniversitySeoul 02841Republic of Korea Department of Chemistry College of ScienceKing Saud UniversityRiyadh 11451Saudi Arabia SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology(SAINt) Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)Suwon 16419Republic of Korea Department of Nano Science and technology Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)Suwon 16419Republic of Korea Department of Nano Engineering Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)Suwon 16419Republic of Korea
Flexible self-powered electromechanical devices,such as piezoelectric nanogenerators(PENGs),which are used in wearable and implantable devices,are emerging as state-of-the-art clean energy *** this study,a scalable su... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Methods for a blind analysis of isobar data collected by the StAR collaboration
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Nuclear Science and techniques 2021年 第5期32卷 43-50页
作者: j.Adam L.Adamczyk j.R.Adams j.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev v.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin j.Bielcik j.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin j.D.Brandenburg A.v.Brandin j.Butterworth h.Caines M.Calderon de la Barca Sanchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-h.Chang Z.Chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen j.Chen j.h.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen j.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu h.j.Crawford M.Csanad M.Daugherity t.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong j.L.Drachenberg j.C.Dunlop t.Edmonds N.Elsey j.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic j.Fedorisin C.j.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi t.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal X.Gou D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.hamad A.hamed S.harabasz j.W.harris S.he W.he X.h.he Y.he S.heppelmann S.heppelmann N.herrmann E.hoffman L.holub Y.hong S.horvat Y.hu h.Z.huang S.L.huang t.huang X.huang t.j.humanic P.huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.jacobs C.jena A.jentsch Y.ji j.jia K.jiang S.jowzaee X.ju E.G.judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder h.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.v.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.kim B.kimelman D.Kincses t.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli j.h.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan j.M.Landgraf j.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky j.h.Lee Y.h.Leung C.Li C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik t.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu h.Liu P.Liu P.Liu t.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu t.Ljubicic W.j.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert h.S.Matis j.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy j.D.Nam Md.Nasim K.Nayak D.Neff j.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov t.Niida L.v.Nogach t.Nonak Christian University AbileneTX 796992 AGh University of Science and technology FPACSCracow 30-059Poland Alikhanov Institute for theoretical and Experimental Physics NRC"Kurchatov Institute" MoscowRussia 117218 Argonne National Laboratory ArgonneIL 60439 American University of Cairo New CairoNew Cairo 11835Egypt Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNY 11973 University of California BerkeleyCA 94720 University of California DavisCA 95616 University of California Los AngelesCA 90095 University of California RiversideCA 92521 Central China Normal University Wuhan 430079 University of Illinois at Chicago ChicagoIL 60607 Creighton University OmahaNE 68178 Czech technical University in Prague FNSPEPrague 11519Czech Republic technische Universitat Darmstadt Darmstadt 64289Germany ELtE Eotvos Lorand University Budapest 1117Hungary Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS Frankfurt 60438Germany Fudan University Shanghai 200433 University of heidelberg 69120 HeidelbergGermany University of houston HoustonTX 77204 huzhou University Huzhou 313000 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER) Berhampur 760010India Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER)tirupati Tirupati 517507India Indian Institute technology PatnaBihar 801106India Indiana University BloomingtonIN 47408 Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesLanzhou 730000 University of jammu Jammu 180001India joint Institute for Nuclear Research DubnaRussia 141980 Kent State University KentOH 44242 University of Kentucky LexingtonKY 40506-0055 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCA 94720 Lehigh University BethlehemPA 18015 Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik 80805 MunichGermany Michigan State University East LansingMI 48824 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI MoscowRussia 115409 National Institute of Science Education and Research HBNIJatni 752050India National Cheng Kung University Tainan 70101 Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS Rez 25068Czech Republic Ohio State University
In 2018,the StAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge v to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of *** isobar collisi... 详细信息
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Measurement of away-side broadening with self-subtraction of flow in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 Gev
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Chinese Physics C 2020年 第10期44卷 59-67页
作者: L.Adamczyk j.R.Adams j.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev v.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin j.Bielcik j.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin j.D.Brandenburg A.v.Brandin j.Butterworth h.Caines M.Calderón de la Barca Sánchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-h.Chang Z.Chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen j.h.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen j.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu h.j.Crawford M.Csanád M.Daugherity t.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong j.L.Drachenberg j.C.Dunlop t.Edmonds N.Elsey j.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic j.Fedorisin C.j.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi t.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.hamad A.hamed S.harabasz j.W.harris S.he W.he X.h.he S.heppelmann S.heppelmann N.herrmann E.hoffman L.holub Y.hong S.horvat Y.hu h.Z.huang S.L.huang t.huang X.huang t.j.humanic P.huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.jacobs C.jena A.jentsch Y.jI j.jia K.jiang S.jowzaee X.ju E.G.judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder h.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.v.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.kim B.kimelman D.Kincses t.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli j.h.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan j.M.Landgraf j.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky j.h.Lee Y.h.Leung C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik t.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu h.Liu P.Liu P.Liu t.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu t.Ljubicic W.j.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert h.S.Matis j.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy j.D.Nam Nasim Md K.Nayak D.Neff j.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov t.Niida L.v.Nogach t.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa Abilene Christian University AbileneTexas 79699 AGh University of Science and technology FPACSCracow 30-059Poland Alikhanov Institute for theoretical and Experimental Physics NRC"Kurchatov Institute" Moscow 117218Russia Argonne National Laboratory ArgonneIllinois 60439 American University of Cairo New Cairo 11835New CairoEgypt Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973 University of California BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 University of California DavisCalifornia 95616 University of California Los AngelesCalifornia 90095 University of California RiversideCalifornia 92521 Central China Normal University WuhanHubei 430079 University of Illinois at Chicago ChicagoIllinois 60607 Creighton University OmahaNebraska 68178 Czech technical University in Prague FNSPEPrague 11519Czech Republic technische Universität Darmstadt Darmstadt 64289Germany ELtE Eötvös Loránd University BudapestHungary H-1117 Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS Frankfurt 60438Germany Fudan University Shanghai 200433 University of heidelberg Heidelberg 69120Germany University of houston HoustonTexas 77204 huzhou University HuzhouZhejiang 313000 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER) Berhampur 760010India Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER)tirupati Tirupati 517507India Indian Institute technology PatnaBihar 801106India Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47408 Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesLanzhouGansu 730000 University of jammu Jammu 180001India joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna 141980Russia Kent State University KentOhio 44242 University of Kentucky LexingtonKentucky 40506-0055 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Lehigh University BethlehemPennsylvania 18015 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Munich 80805Germany Michigan State University East LansingMichigan 48824 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Moscow 115409Russia National Institute of Science Education and Research HBNIJatni 752050Indi
high transverse momentum(pt)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion *** of energy at low-to-modest pt has been difficult to measu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Appropriateness of systemic treatments in unresectable metastatic well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
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World journal of Gastroenterology 2015年 第8期21卷 2450-2459页
作者: jonathan R Strosberg George A Fisher Al B Benson Lowell B Anthony Bulent Arslan john F Gibbs Edward Greeno Renuka v Iyer Michelle K kim William j Maples Philip A Philip Edward M Wolin Dasha Cherepanov Michael S Broder Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute Department of Medicine Division of Oncology Stanford University Medical Center Stanford Robert h. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University Department of Internal Medicine Division of Medical Oncology University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center Rush University Medical Center Department of Surgery University at Buffalo - State University of New York Department of Medicine Division of Hematology Oncology and Transplantation University of Minnesota Department of Medical Oncology Roswell Park Cancer Institute Department of Medicine Gastroenterology Mount Sinai School of Medicine Mission health System Asheville Department of Oncology Karmanos Cancer Institute Partnership for health Analytic Research LLC
AIM:to evaluate systemic treatment choices in unresectable metastatic well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors(PNEts)and provide consensus treatment ***:Systemic treatment options for pancreatic neuroendoc... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Search for two-neutrino double-beta decay of^(136)Xe to the 0^(+)_(1)excited state of 136Ba with the complete EXO-200 dataset
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Chinese Physics C 2023年 第10期47卷 1-9页
作者: S.Al Kharusi G.Anton I.Badhrees P.S.Barbeau D.Beck v.Belov t.Bhatta M.Breidenbach t.Brunner G.F.cao W.R.Cen C.Chambers B.Cleveland M.Coon A.Craycraft t.Daniels L.Darroch S.j.Daugherty j.Davis S.Delaquis A.Der Mesrobian-Kabakian R.Devoe j.Dilling A.Dolgolenko M.j.Dolinski j.Echevers W.Fairbank jr. D.Fairbank j.Farine S.Feyzbakhsh P.Fierlinger Y.S.Fu D.Fudenberg P.Gautam R.Gornea G.Gratta C.hall E.v.hansen j.hoessl P.hufschmidt M.hughes A.Iverson A.jamil C.jessiman M.j.jewell A.johnson A.Karelin L.j.Kaufman t.Koffas R.Krücken A.Kuchenkov K.S.Kumar Y.Lan A.Larson B.G.Lenardo D.S.Leonard G.S.Li S.Li Z.Li C.Licciardi Y.h.Lin R.MacLellan t.McElroy t.Michel B.Mong D.C.Moore K.Murray O.Njoya O.Nusair A.Odian I.Ostrovskiy A.Perna A.Piepke A.Pocar F.Retière A.L.Robinson P.C.Rowson j.Runge S.Schmidt D.Sinclair K.Skarpaas A.K.Soma v.Stekhanov M.tarka S.thibado j.todd t.tolba t.I.totev R.tsang B.veenstra v.veeraraghavan P.vogel j.-L.vuilleumier M.Wagenpfeil j.Watkins M.Weber L.j.Wen U.Wichoski G.Wrede S.X.Wu Q.Xia D.R.Yahne L.Yang Y.-R.Yen O.Ya.Zeldovich t.Ziegler Physics Department McGill UniversityMontrealQuebec H3A 2T8Canada Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics(ECAP) Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-NürnbergErlangen 91058Germany Physics Department Carleton UniversityOttawaOntario K1S 5B6Canada Department of Physics Duke Universityand Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory(TUNL)DurhamNorth Carolina 27708USA Physics Department University of IllinoisUrbana-ChampaignIllinois 61801USA Institute for theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I.Alikhanov of National Research Centre“Kurchatov Institute” Moscow 117218Russia Department of Physics University of South DakotaVermillionSouth Dakota 57069USA SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo ParkCalifornia 94025USA tRIUMF VancouverBritish Columbia V6T 2A3Canada Institute of high Energy Physics Beijing 100049China Department of Physics Laurentian UniversitySudburyOntario P3E 2C6Canada Physics Department Colorado State UniversityFort CollinsColorado 80523USA Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography University of North Carolina at WilmingtonWilmingtonNC 28403USA Physics Department and CEEM Indiana UniversityBloomingtonIndiana 47405USA Physics Department Stanford UniversityStanfordCalifornia 94305USA Department of Physics Drexel UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19104USA Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions and Physics Department University of MassachusettsAmherstMA 01003USA technische Universität München Physikdepartment and Excellence Cluster UniverseGarching 80805Germany Physics Department University of MarylandCollege ParkMaryland 20742USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of AlabamaTuscaloosaAlabama 35487USA Wright Laboratory Department of PhysicsYale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06511USA IBS Center for Underground Physics Daejeon 34126Korea Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook UniversitySUNYStony BrookNew York 11794USA Kellogg Lab CaltechPasadenaCalifornia 91125USA LhEP Albert Einstein CenterUniversi
A new search for two-neutrino double-beta(2νββ)decay of^(136)Xe to the 0+1 excited state of 136Ba is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset.A deep learning-based convolutional neural network is used to discriminat... 详细信息
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ACOSOG Z0011试验后的时代包括整个腋窝的乳腺MRI对于评估浸润性乳腺癌高位或晚期腋窝淋巴结转移的附加价值
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国际医学放射学杂志 2021年 第5期 596-596页
作者: j.h.Byon Y.v.park j.h.Yoon h.j.Moon E.K.kim M.j.kim 张俊杰
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论