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74016 条 记 录,以下是51-60 订阅
Deep view of composite SNR CTA1 with LHAASO in γ-rays up to 300 TeV
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.w.Bao D.Bastieri X.J.Bi Y.J.Bi w.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao w.Y.Cao Zhe Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang A.M.chen E.S.chen H.X.chen Liang chen Lin chen Long chen M.J.chen M.L.chen Q.H.chen S.chen S.H.chen S.Z.chen T.L.chen Y.chen N.cheng Y.D.cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.w.Cui X.H.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai H.L.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu X.Q.Dong k.k.Duan J.H.Fan Y.Z.Fan J.Fang J.H.Fang k.Fang C.F.Feng H.Feng L.Feng S.H.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.L.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao w.Gao w.k.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge L.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.H.Gong Q.B.Gou M.H.Gu F.L.Guo J.Guo X.L.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.Han O.A.Hannuksela M.Hasan H.H.He H.N.He J.Y.He Y.He Y.k.Hor B.w.Hou C.Hou X.Hou H.B.Hu Q.Hu S.C.Hu C.Huang D.H.Huang T.Q.Huang w.J.Huang X.T.Huang X.Y.Huang Y.Huang Y.Y.Huang X.L.Ji H.Y.Jia k.Jia H.B.Jiang k.Jiang X.w.Jiang Z.J.Jiang M.Jin M.M.kang I.karpikov D.khangulyan D.kuleshov k.kurinov B.B.Li C.M.Li cheng Li Cong Li D.Li F.Li H.B.Li H.C.Li Jian Li Jie Li k.Li S.D.Li w.L.Li w.L.Li X.R.Li Xin Li Y.Z.Li Zhe Li Zhuo Li E.w.Liang Y.F.Liang S.J.Lin B.Liu C.Liu D.Liu D.B.Liu H.Liu H.D.Liu J.Liu J.L.Liu M.Y.Liu R.Y.Liu S.M.Liu w.Liu Y.Liu Y.N.Liu Q.Luo Y.Luo H.k.Lv B.Q.Ma L.L.Ma X.H.Ma J.R.Mao Z.Min w.Mitthumsiri H.J.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov k.C.Y.Ng L.J.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei J.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao J.J.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz L.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng F.w.Shu H.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun J.Takata P.H.T.Tam Q.w.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang w.w.Tian L.H.wan C.wang C.B.wang G.w.wang H.G.wang H.H.wang J.C.wang kai wang kai wang L.P.wang L.Y.wang P.H.wang R.wang w.wang X.G.wang X.Y.wang Y.wang Y.D.wang Y.J.wang Z.H.wang Z.X.wang Zhen wang Zheng wang D.M.wei J.J.wei Y.J.wei T.wen C.Y.wu H.R.wu Q.w.wu S.wu X.F.wu Y.S.wu S.Q.Xi J.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.L.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.L.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu w.L.Xu L.Xue D.H.Yan J.Z.Yan T.Yan C.w.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang L.L.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang w.X.Yang Y.H.Yao Z.G.Yao L.Q.Yin N.Yin X.H.You Z.Y.You Y.H Southwest Jiaotong University School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao Lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences Hebei Normal University University of Science and Technology of China LHAASO Collaboration State key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang Laboratory key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University key Laboratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of Hong kong key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of High Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan University School of Physics Peking University Guangxi key Laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Faculty of Science Mahidol University Moscow Institute
The ultra-high-energy(UHE) gamma-ray source 1LHAASO J0007+7303u is positionally associated with the composite SNR CTA1 that is located at high Galactic Latitude b ≈ 10.5°. This provides a rare opportunity to spati...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
LHAASO detection of very-high-energy γ-ray emission surrounding PSR J0248+6021
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.w.Bao D.Bastieri X.J.Bi Y.J.Bi w.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao w.Y.Cao Zhe Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang A.M.chen E.S.chen H.X.chen Liang chen Lin chen Long chen M.J.chen M.L.chen Q.H.chen S.chen S.H.chen S.Z.chen T.L.chen Y.chen N.cheng Y.D.cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.w.Cui X.H.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai H.L.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu X.Q.Dong k.k.Duan J.H.Fan Y.Z.Fan J.Fang J.H.Fang k.Fang C.F.Feng H.Feng L.Feng S.H.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.L.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao w.Gao w.k.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge L.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.H.Gong Q.B.Gou M.H.Gu F.L.Guo J.Guo X.L.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.Han O.A.Hannuksela M.Hasan H.H.He H.N.He J.Y.He Y.He Y.k.Hor B.w.Hou C.Hou X.Hou H.B.Hu Q.Hu S.C.Hu C.Huang D.H.Huang T.Q.Huang w.J.Huang X.T.Huang X.Y.Huang Y.Huang Y.Y.Huang X.L.Ji H.Y.Jia k.Jia H.B.Jiang k.Jiang X.w.Jiang Z.J.Jiang M.Jin M.M.kang I.karpikov D.khangulyan D.kuleshov k.kurinov B.B.Li C.M.Li cheng Li Cong Li D.Li F.Li H.B.Li H.C.Li Jian Li Jie Li k.Li S.D.Li w.L.Li w.L.Li X.R.Li Xin Li Y.Z.Li Zhe Li Zhuo Li E.w.Liang Y.F.Liang S.J.Lin B.Liu C.Liu D.Liu D.B.Liu H.Liu H.D.Liu J.Liu J.L.Liu M.Y.Liu R.Y.Liu S.M.Liu w.Liu Y.Liu Y.N.Liu Q.Luo Y.Luo H.k.Lv B.Q.Ma L.L.Ma X.H.Ma J.R.Mao Z.Min w.Mitthumsiri H.J.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov k.C.Y.Ng L.J.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei J.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao J.J.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz L.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng F.w.Shu H.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun J.Takata P.H.T.Tam Q.w.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang w.w.Tian L.H.wan C.wang C.B.wang G.w.wang H.G.wang H.H.wang J.C.wang kai wang kai wang L.P.wang L.Y.wang P.H.wang R.wang w.wang X.G.wang X.Y.wang Y.wang Y.D.wang Y.J.wang Z.H.wang Z.X.wang Zhen wang Zheng wang D.M.wei J.J.wei Y.J.wei T.wen C.Y.wu H.R.wu Q.w.wu S.wu X.F.wu Y.S.wu S.Q.Xi J.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.L.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.L.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu w.L.Xu L.Xue D.H.Yan J.Z.Yan T.Yan C.w.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang L.L.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang w.X.Yang Y.H.Yao Z.G.Yao L.Q.Yin N.Yin X.H.You Z.Y.You Y.H Southwest Jiaotong University School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao Lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences Hebei Normal University University of Science and Technology of China LHAASO Collaboration State key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang Laboratory key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University key Laboratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of Hong kong key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of High Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan University School of Physics Peking University Guangxi key Laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Faculty of Science Mahidol University Moscow Institute
we report the detection of an extended very-high-energy(VHE) γ-ray source coincident with the location of middle-aged(62.4 kyr) pulsar PSR J0248+6021, by using the LHAASO-wCDA data of live 796 d and LHAASO-kM2A data ...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Observation of the γ-ray emission from w43 with LHAASO
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.w.Bao D.Bastieri X.J.Bi Y.J.Bi w.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao w.Y.Cao Zhe Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang A.M.chen E.S.chen H.X.chen Liang chen Lin chen Long chen M.J.chen M.L.chen Q.H.chen S.chen S.H.chen S.Z.chen T.L.chen Y.chen N.cheng Y.D.cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.w.Cui X.H.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai H.L.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu X.Q.Dong k.k.Duan J.H.Fan Y.Z.Fan J.Fang J.H.Fang k.Fang C.F.Feng H.Feng L.Feng S.H.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.L.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao w.Gao w.k.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge L.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.H.Gong Q.B.Gou M.H.Gu F.L.Guo J.Guo X.L.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.Han O.A.Hannuksela M.Hasan H.H.He H.N.He J.Y.He Y.He Y.k.Hor B.w.Hou C.Hou X.Hou H.B.Hu Q.Hu S.C.Hu C.Huang D.H.Huang T.Q.Huang w.J.Huang X.T.Huang X.Y.Huang Y.Huang Y.Y.Huang X.L.Ji H.Y.Jia k.Jia H.B.Jiang k.Jiang X.w.Jiang Z.J.Jiang M.Jin M.M.kang I.karpikov D.khangulyan D.kuleshov k.kurinov B.B.Li C.M.Li cheng Li Cong Li D.Li F.Li H.B.Li H.C.Li Jian Li Jie Li k.Li S.D.Li w.L.Li w.L.Li X.R.Li Xin Li Y.Z.Li Zhe Li Zhuo Li E.w.Liang Y.F.Liang S.J.Lin B.Liu C.Liu D.Liu D.B.Liu H.Liu H.D.Liu J.Liu J.L.Liu M.Y.Liu R.Y.Liu S.M.Liu w.Liu Y.Liu Y.N.Liu Q.Luo Y.Luo H.k.Lv B.Q.Ma L.L.Ma X.H.Ma J.R.Mao Z.Min w.Mitthumsiri H.J.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov k.C.Y.Ng L.J.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei J.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao J.J.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz L.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng F.w.Shu H.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun J.Takata P.H.T.Tam Q.w.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang w.w.Tian L.H.wan C.wang C.B.wang G.w.wang H.G.wang H.H.wang J.C.wang kai wang kai wang L.P.wang L.Y.wang P.H.wang R.wang w.wang X.G.wang X.Y.wang Y.wang Y.D.wang Y.J.wang Z.H.wang Z.X.wang Zhen wang Zheng wang D.M.wei J.J.wei Y.J.wei T.wen C.Y.wu H.R.wu Q.w.wu S.wu X.F.wu Y.S.wu S.Q.Xi J.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.L.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.L.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu w.L.Xu L.Xue D.H.Yan J.Z.Yan T.Yan C.w.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang L.L.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang w.X.Yang Y.H.Yao Z.G.Yao L.Q.Yin N.Yin X.H.You Z.Y.You Y.H Southwest Jiaotong University School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao Lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences Hebei Normal University University of Science and Technology of China LHAASO Collaboration State key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang Laboratory key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University key Laboratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of Hong kong key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of High Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan University School of Physics Peking University Guangxi key Laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Faculty of Science Mahidol University Moscow Institute
In this paper, we report the detection of the very-high-energy (VHE, 100 Ge V100 TeV) γ-ray emissions from the direction of the young star-forming region w43, observed by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatio...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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北京航空航天大学学报 2025年 第1期51卷 85-93页
作者: 段继忠 肖琛 昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院 昆明650500
针对并行磁共振成像的重建,提出深度复数注意力网络(DCANet)模型。根据磁共振成像数据的复数性质,该模型使用复数卷积替换常规实数卷积;由于并行磁共振成像的数据中每个线圈获取到的数据有所不同,该模型还使用逐通道的注意力机制来重点... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
LncRNAs:expanding horizons in drug development and disease treatment Author links open overlay panel
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Science Bulletin 2025年 第3期70卷 287-289页
作者: Zhizhuo wang Junfeng wang wenfei wu chengyu Shi Ying wang Yu chen Fangzhou Liu Shanshan Xie Aifu Lin International School of Medicine International Institutes of MedicineThe 4th Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of MedicineYiwu 322000China MOE Laboratory of Biosystem Homeostasis and Protection College of Life SciencesZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310058China Children’s Hospital Zhejiang University School of MedicineNational Clinical Research Center for Child HealthHangzhou 310052China Department of Cell Biology Zhejiang University School of MedicineHangzhou 310058China Cancer Center Zhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310058China key Laboratory for Cell and Gene Engineering of Zhejiang Province Hangzhou 310058China Future Health Laboratory Innovation Center of Yangtze River DeltaZhejiang UniversityJiaxing 314100China key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Intervention China National Ministry of EducationHangzhou 310009China Faculty of Health Sciences University of MacaoMacao 999078China
Extensive genome profiling studies have identified thousands of long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)associated with human *** are emerging elements through which the complex process of cancer development and progression can ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Potassium ions and cyano group modified g-C_(3)N_(4) for effective generation of H_(2)O_(2) through two-electron oxygen reduction
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Science China Chemistry 2025年 第1期68卷 192-200页
作者: Dongying wang Shulan Pu Yongmin chen ke Lei Yujie Duan Linjiao Mao Xuhui Zeng Xi Luo Yuntao Zhang Yuqin Dong Jin Zhong Zhang Yan Sun School of Mechanical Engineering Chengdu UniversityChengdu 610106China Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of CaliforniaSanta CruzCA 95064USA
Potassium ions(k^(+))doped graphitic carbon nitride(g-C_(3)N_(4))was prepared by a thermal etching method using potassium hydroxide(kOH)as an ion *** transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)and X-ray photoelectron spectr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Emerging organic carbonyl small molecules cathode materials in alkali-ion batteries: Principles, recent progresses, strategies and prospects
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Progress in Natural Science:Materials International 2025年 第01期 31-50页
作者: Suping chen Xijun Xu Tao Yang weizhen Fan Jingwei Zhao Yanping Huo School of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry Guangdong University of Technology Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Chemistry and Fine Chemical Engineering Jieyang Center Research and Development Center Guangzhou Tinci Materials Technology Co. Ltd. Analytical&Testing Center Guangdong University of Technology
Carbonyl small molecule compounds hold great potential as cathode materials for alkali-ion batteries(AIBs) due to their environmental friendliness, structural designability, and high theoretical capacity. However, i...
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Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) 2005年 第6期18卷 756-762页
作者: G.S. Fu w.Z. chen k. w. Qian School of Mechanical Engineering Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350002 China
The behavior of flow stress of Al sheets used for pressure can prepared by different melt-treatment during plastic deformation at elevated temperature was studied by isothermal compression test using Gleeble1500 dynam... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Boosting hydrogen evolution via work-function-accelerated electronic reconfiguration of Mo-based heterojunction
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Science China Materials 2025年 第1期68卷 189-198页
作者: Xiang chen Shuai Feng Song Xie Yaping Miao Biao Gao Xuming Zhang Li Huang Yun Li Paul k.Chu Xiang Peng Hubei key Laboratory of Plasma Chemistry and Advanced Materials Engineering Research Center of Phosphorus Resources Development and Utilization of Ministry of EducationSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringWuhan Institute of TechnologyWuhan 430205China Department of Physics Department of Materials Science and Engineeringand Department of Biomedical EngineeringCity University of Hong KongHong Kong 999077China School of Textile Science and Engineering Xi’an Polytechnic UniversityXi’an 710048China The State key Laboratory of Refractories and Metallurgy Institute of Advanced Materials and NanotechnologyWuhan University of Science and TechnologyWuhan 430081China Guizhou wujiang Hydropower Development Co. Ltd.Guiyang 550002China
Molybdenum-based catalysts have demonstrated significant potential in the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).However,the limited exposure of active sites and strong hydrogen adsorption result in subopti... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Epigenetic basis for the establishment of ruminal tissue-specific functions in bovine fetuses and adults
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Journal of Genetics and Genomics 2025年 第1期52卷 78-92页
作者: Jing wang wen Yuan Fang Liu Guangbo Liu Xiaoxiong Geng chen Li chenchen Zhang Nan Li Xueling Li State key Laboratory of Reproductive Regulation&Breeding of Grassland Livestock Research Center for Laboratory Animal ScienceInner Mongolia UniversityHohhotInner Mongolia 010070China College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Engineering Research Center of Dairy Quality and Safety Control TechnologyMinistry of EducationInner Mongolia UniversityHohhotInner Mongolia 010070China
Epigenetic regulation in the rumen,a unique ruminant organ,remains largely unexplored compared with other tissues studied in model *** this study,we perform an in-depth analysis of the epigenetic and transcriptional l... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论