*** m.ositis is an idiopathic inflam.ation of the extraoccular *** is often included under the broad description of orbital *** is com.only a unilateral *** *** report one case of bilateral orbital m.ositis in a 45-ye...
*** m.ositis is an idiopathic inflam.ation of the extraoccular *** is often included under the broad description of orbital *** is com.only a unilateral *** *** report one case of bilateral orbital m.ositis in a 45-year-old *** first sym.tom. were diplopia and acute bilateral orbital pain exacerbated by eye *** exam.nation especially neurological was *** creatine k.nase and biological thyroid function were *** scan found a bilateral enlargem.nt of rectus oculi m.dialis and *** im.rovem.nt was obtained a few days after oral corticosteroid treatm.nt with rem.ssion of all *** m.ositis is a rare *** of cases are *** form. are exceptional and in this case require search for specific etiologies particularly thyroid *** is controversy concerning treatm.nt options but corticosteroids are still the m.st com.on first choice therapy with good outcom..