Aims: we investigate whether insulin resistance is associated with an increased prevalence for chronic kidney disease irrespective of the concurrent presence of metabolic syndrome. Methods: 1638 patients with abdomina...
Aims: we investigate whether insulin resistance is associated with an increased prevalence for chronic kidney disease irrespective of the concurrent presence of metabolic syndrome. Methods: 1638 patients with abdominal obesity were selected. Metabolic syndrome and abdominal obesity were defined according to the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Insulin resistance was defined by Homeostasis Model Assessment Index >P75. Chronic kidney disease was defined by the presence of a low estimated glomerular filtration rate (Results: metabolic syndrome was present in 1030 (62.9%) patients and insulin resistance in 787 (48%). Conversely 61% of those with metabolic syndrome were insulin resistant and 79% of those with insulin resistance had metabolic syndrome. Chronic kidney disease was present in 18%. In multivariate analysis, chronic kidney disease was increased in subjects with insulin resistance (odds ratio [OR] = 1.350;CI 95%: 1.021 - 1.785;p = 0.035) and in those with metabolic syndrome (OR = 1.417;CI 95%: 1.045 - 1.922;p = 0.025). Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance were significant and independently associated with chronic kidney disease in nondiabetic adults with abdominal obesity.
Autophagy is a cellular degradation and recycling system,indispensable for cellular and organ development,homeostasis,and *** cellular process is evolutionarily highly conserved to quality control of many proteins and...
Autophagy is a cellular degradation and recycling system,indispensable for cellular and organ development,homeostasis,and *** cellular process is evolutionarily highly conserved to quality control of many proteins and dysfunctional organelles,which finally recycle components as amino *** process is effective during normal physiology as part of anabolism and plays an additional important role during starvation(Dikic and Elazar,2018).Different types of autophagy have been chara cterized based on their dynamic,mechanism of action,target substrates,and protein *** of them are macroautophagy(hereafter called"autophagy"),microa utophagy,and chape rone-media ted autophagy(Fleming et al.,2022).
Given a normed space X it can be easily proven that every extreme point in Bx*, the unit ball of X*, is the restriction of an extreme point in Bx Our purpose is to study when the restrictions of extreme points in B...
Given a normed space X it can be easily proven that every extreme point in Bx*, the unit ball of X*, is the restriction of an extreme point in Bx Our purpose is to study when the restrictions of extreme points in Bx*** are extreme points in Bx*. Namely, we characterize Ll-preduals satisfying the aforementioned property.
Gene therapy as strategy against autoimmune diseases: In the last century, human societies have witnessed remarkable improvements in wellness and life expectancy, thanks to the consolidation of mod- ern science and m...
Gene therapy as strategy against autoimmune diseases: In the last century, human societies have witnessed remarkable improvements in wellness and life expectancy, thanks to the consolidation of mod- ern science and medicine. But, while some infectious and other dis- eases, have been almost fully controlled, pathologies associated with intrinsic factors and longevity have increased in incidence.
Multiple scattering of elastic waves in realistic media makes that averagefield intensities or energy densities follow diffusive processes. In such regime the successiveP to S energy conversions by distributed random ...
Multiple scattering of elastic waves in realistic media makes that averagefield intensities or energy densities follow diffusive processes. In such regime the successiveP to S energy conversions by distributed random inhomogeneities give rise toequipartition which means that in the phase space the available elastic energy is distributedin averagewith equal amounts among the possible states of P and S waves. Insuch diffusive regime the P to S energy ratio equilibrates in an universal way independentof the particular details of the scattering. It has been demonstrated that averagingthe cross correlations at any two points of an elastic medium subjected to diffuse elasticwavefields leads to the emergence of the Green function, which is the wave fieldthat would be observed at one position if an impulsive load is applied at the other. Inthis work we study the problem of the retrieval of the 2D tensor elastodynamic Greenfunction in an infinite elastic space containing a circular cylinder inclusion. We illuminateisotropically the elastic spacewith plane waves. We assume the spectra for both Pand S waves uniform but such that the energy ratio ES/EP=(a/b)2, which is the onepredicted by equipartition theory in two-dimensions. We then show that the Fouriertransform of azimuthal average of the cross-correlation of motion between two pointswithin an elastic medium is proportional to the imaginary part of the exact Green tensorfunction between these points. The numerical results presented here point out thepossibility of detection and imaging of diffractors and resonant diffractors by crosscorrelation even in presence of attenuation exists.
Most redox-regulated chloroplast enzymes are reduced during the day and oxidized during the *** the reduction mechanism of light-dependent enzymes is well known,the mechanism mediating their oxidation in the dark rema...
Most redox-regulated chloroplast enzymes are reduced during the day and oxidized during the *** the reduction mechanism of light-dependent enzymes is well known,the mechanism mediating their oxidation in the dark remains *** thiol-dependent peroxidases,2-Cys peroxiredoxins (Prxs),play a key role in light-dependent reduction of chloroplast *** transfer reducing equivalents of thiols to hydrogen peroxide,suggesting the participation of these peroxidases in enzyme oxidation in the ***,we have addressed this issue by analyzing the redox state of well-known redox-regulated chloroplast enzymes in response to darkness in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants deficient in chloroplastlocalized Prxs (2-Cys Prxs A and B,Prx ⅡE,and Prx Q).Mutant plants lacking 2-Cys Prxs A and B,and plants overexpressing NADPH-dependent thioredoxin (Trx) reductase C showed delayed oxidation of chloroplast enzymes in the *** contrast,the deficiencies of Prx ⅡE or Prx Q exerted no *** vitro assays allowed the reconstitution of the pathway of reducing equivalents from reduced fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase to hydrogen peroxide mediated by Trxs and 2-Cys *** together,these results suggest that 2-Cys Prxs participate in the short-term oxidation of chloroplast enzymes in the dark.
Hatching asynchrony in birds is considered an adaptation to facilitate brood reduction because under conditions of food scarcity, the smallest nestling usually dies soon after hatching, thereby minimizing parental eff...
Hatching asynchrony in birds is considered an adaptation to facilitate brood reduction because under conditions of food scarcity, the smallest nestling usually dies soon after hatching, thereby minimizing parental effort. However, in species with extreme hatching asynchrony, the last hatchlings paradoxically experience a very low probability of survival and death can take so long that it can hardly be considered an adaptation. Here, we propose and experimentally tested a new adaptive hypothesis explaining the brood reduction paradox, namely the“Male Manipulation Hypothesis”. Our hypothesis suggests that by inducing asynchronous hatching,females increase the feeding requirements of the brood, which will induce males to increase provisioning effort. In addition, females may extend the period of male manipulation by feeding the smallest nestling just enough to sustain life. Our study showed that male common blackbirds(Turdus merula) increased their effort(i.e., number of food items per hour) in experimental asynchronous broods compared to synchronous broods, while females reduced their contribution, as predicted by the hypothesis.
This research analyzes the earliest located floor plan of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba,an anonymous oil painting in 1741,which has not been studied so *** objective is to know the dimensional accuracy of the most r...
This research analyzes the earliest located floor plan of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba,an anonymous oil painting in 1741,which has not been studied so *** objective is to know the dimensional accuracy of the most relevant architectural forms drawn,considering the elements referenced in their legend and the graphic symbols used,to assess their documentary *** has also been compared with two important plans of the MosqueCathedral drawn in 1767 and *** first task was a photogrammetric survey of the oil painting has been carried ***,some data has been measured in the monument using a 3D *** orthophoto of the oil painting has been overlapped to the digital model to verify its metric accuracy in a selection of *** the first time,the legend and labels included in the oil painting have been *** precise graphic document contains reliable abundant data for future research about the transformations and restorations of a monument that is part of the UNESCO World Heritage *** oil painting dating from 1741 can be considered as the first scientific plan of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba,and as an outstanding architectural survey of eighteenth-century Europe.
Inherited retinal diseases are uncommon pathologies and one of the most harmful causes of childhood and adult blindness. Leber congenital amaurosis(LCA) is the most severe kind of these diseases accounting for approxi...
Inherited retinal diseases are uncommon pathologies and one of the most harmful causes of childhood and adult blindness. Leber congenital amaurosis(LCA) is the most severe kind of these diseases accounting for approximately 5% of the whole retinal dystrophies and 20% of the children that study on blind schools. Clinical ophthalmologic findings including severe vision loss, nystagmus and ERG abnormalities should be suspected through the first year of life in this group of patients. Phenotypic variability is found when LCA patients have a full ophthalmologic examination. However, a correct diagnosis may be carried out; the determination of ophthalmologic clues as light sensibility, night blindness, fundus pigmentation, among other, join with electroretinographics findings, optical coherence tomography, and new technologies as molecular gene testing may help to reach to a precise diagnosis. Several retinal clinical features in LCA may suggest a genetic or gene particular defect; thus genetic-molecular tools could directly corroborate the clinical diagnosis. Currently, approximately 20 genes have been associated to LCA. In this review, historical perspective, clinical ophthalmological findings, new molecular-genetics technologies, possible phenotype-genotypes correlations, and gene therapy for some LCA genes are described.
Aims While the influence of mistletoe-host interactions on each other’s evolution is well-recognized,the role of interactions between mis-tletoes and its mutualistic pollinators and seed dispersers mediated by host s...
Aims While the influence of mistletoe-host interactions on each other’s evolution is well-recognized,the role of interactions between mis-tletoes and its mutualistic pollinators and seed dispersers mediated by host species is relatively *** Here,we examine the effects of host species(Mexican hawthorn Crataegus mexicana DC,black cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh.,leather-leaf Mexican oak Quercus crassipes Bonpl.)on flower morphology,nectar production,pollinator visitation rate and female reproduct-ive fitness in hemiparasitic Mexican mistletoe Psittacanthus caly-culatus(DC.)***(Loranthaceae)populations at three different *** first measured the lengths of corolla,style,stamen,exerted stamen and anther,the length and width of the ovary and nectar availability for mistletoe flowers in natural ***,we evaluated flower visitation and measured(length and width)and weighed the fruits and its seeds of mistletoes growing on each of the three host ***,we evaluated the effects of host species,location and flower traits on fruit or seed size variation(both as proxies of reproductive fitness).Important Findings We found mistletoes growing on natural hosts *** and *** produced larger flowers,fruits and seeds than mistle-toes on cultivated ***,these differences varied across *** amount of available nectar and hummingbird vis-itation rates in flowers of mistletoes on *** was higher at the three sites than in flowers of mistletoes on *** or *** effects of host species,study site and floral trait covariates affected significantly all fitness measures,indicating that mistletoes’reproductive fitness is affected differently depending on the host species and their site of *** host-associated differ-ences in reproduction might have implications for interactions with mutualistic vectors.