Ba.KGROUND: Low-frequency a.d high-risk situa.ions, such a. neona.a. resuscita.ion, a.e the idea. ta.gets for simula.ion-ba.ed lea.ning. The a.m of this is to present the structure of our interna. neona.a. resus...
Ba.KGROUND: Low-frequency a.d high-risk situa.ions, such a. neona.a. resuscita.ion, a.e the idea. ta.gets for simula.ion-ba.ed lea.ning. The a.m of this is to present the structure of our interna. neona.a. resuscita.ion tra.ning progra., using a.rea.istic, simula.ed delivery room, a.d to present the pa.ticipa.ts' opinions a.out, emotiona. stress, a.d their subjective a.ility to fa.e a.resuscita.ion. METHODS: We a.ministered a.tra.ning course to 24 doctors a.d midwives. One of the simula.ion cla.srooms wa. modified to a.pea. simila. to a.rea. delivery room. Four scena.ios were conducted using a.previously designed checklist of prima.y a.d seconda.y goa.s. Upon completion, a.l students pa.ticipa.ed in a.debriefing session with the help of review. RESULTS: Students ra.ed the a.hievement of their previously defined goa.s on of 1 to 5. Grouping together the of the highest ra.ings (Ca.egories 4 a.d 5), 83.4% (20/24) of the students considered the course useful for a.quiring clinica. skills. For 87.5% (21/24) of the students, the scena.ios simula.ed rea. clinica. situa.ions, the room properly simula.ed a.rea. delivery room, a.d the course improved the students' a.ility to work in a.tea.. For 66.6% (16/24) of the students, the course improved their stress in confronting neona.a. resuscita.ion., only 33.3% (8/24) of the students considered themselves very ca.a.le or fully a.le to cope with a.resuscita.ion. a.ter the course, tha. percenta.e rose to 62.5% (15/24). CONCLUSIONS: The incorpora.ion of simula.ion-ba.ed lea.ning into neona.a. resuscita.ion tea.hing progra.s, using rea.istic scena.ios, is useful a.d offers the possibility of a.quiring technica. skills, but it a.lows for the improvement of a.d the a.option of different roles a.d positive a.titudes towa.ds emotiona. stress.