Thymic epithelial tumours(TET)are rare,heterogeneous neoplasms that range from resectable indolent tumours to aggressive thymic carcinomas with a strong tendency to *** pathological diagnosis is complex,in part due to...
Thymic epithelial tumours(TET)are rare,heterogeneous neoplasms that range from resectable indolent tumours to aggressive thymic carcinomas with a strong tendency to *** pathological diagnosis is complex,in part due to the management of TETs is scant and mainly based on non-randomised studies and retrospective ***,the clinical management of TETs tends to be highly heterogenous,which makes it difficult to improve the evidence *** role of technological advances in the field of radiotherapy and new systemic therapies in the treatment of TETs has received little attention to *** the present clinical guidelines,developed by the GOECP/SEOR,we review recent developments in the diagnosis and classification of *** also present a consensus-based therapeutic strategy for each disease stage that takes into consideration the best available *** guidelines focus primarily on the role of radiotherapy,including recent advances,in the management of *** main aim of this document is to promote the standardisation of clinical practice and lay the foundations for future studies to clarify the main unresolved questions related to the optimal management of TET.
Oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)describes an intermediate stage of NSCLC between localized and widely-disseminated *** stage of NSCLC is characterized by a limited number of metastases and a more indo...
Oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)describes an intermediate stage of NSCLC between localized and widely-disseminated *** stage of NSCLC is characterized by a limited number of metastases and a more indolent tumor ***,the management of oligometastatic NSCLC involves radical treatment(radiotherapy or surgery)that targets the metastatic lesions and the primary tumor to achieve disease *** approach offers the potential to achieve prolonged survival in patients who,in the past,would have only received palliative *** optimal therapeutic strategies for the different scenarios of oligometastatic disease(intracranial vs extracranial disease,synchronous vs metachronous)remain *** the lack of head-to-head studies comparing radiotherapy to surgery in these patients,the decision to apply surgery or radiotherapy(with or without systemic treatment)must be based on prognostic factors that allow us to classify *** classification will allow us to select the most appropriate therapeutic strategy on an individualized *** the future,the molecular or microRNA profiles will likely improve the treatment selection *** objective of the present article is to review the most relevant scientific evidence on the management of patients with oligometastatic NSCLC,focusing on the role of radiotherapy and *** also discuss areas of controversy and future directions.
In recent years, graphene field-effect-transistors(GFETs) have demonstrated an outstanding potential for terahertz(THz) photodetection due to their fast response and high-sensitivity. Such features are essential to en...
In recent years, graphene field-effect-transistors(GFETs) have demonstrated an outstanding potential for terahertz(THz) photodetection due to their fast response and high-sensitivity. Such features are essential to enable emerging THz applications, including 6G wireless communications, quantum information, bioimaging and security. However, the overall performance of these photodetectors may be utterly compromised by the impact of internal resistances presented in the device, so-called access or parasitic resistances. In this work, we provide a detailed study of the influence of internal device resistances in the photoresponse of high-mobility dual-gate GFET detectors. Such dual-gate architectures allow us to fine tune(decrease) the internal resistance of the device by an order of magnitude and consequently demonstrate an improved responsivity and noise-equivalent-power values of the photodetector, respectively. Our results can be well understood by a series resistance model, as shown by the excellent agreement found between the experimental data and theoretical calculations. These findings are therefore relevant to understand and improve the overall performance of existing high-mobility graphene photodetectors.