Dairy production plays an integral part in supporting smallholder farmers’ livelihoods. The desire to increase the number of dairy cattle is not feasible due to the reduced output of feed resources occasioned by clim...
Dairy production plays an integral part in supporting smallholder farmers’ livelihoods. The desire to increase the number of dairy cattle is not feasible due to the reduced output of feed resources occasioned by climate change. Consequently, the need to increase productivity per cow is inevitable. Conventional protein supplements are costly;hence, the need to explore affordable nutrientdense alternative feed resources. Liquid brewers’ yeast (LBY), a by-product of the brewing industry, is a rich protein supplement in dairy production. This study aimed to assess the dairy farming conditions and utilization levels of LBY as a feed supplement in Githunguri Sub-county, Kiambu. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to 457 dairy farmers in a cross-sectional survey. The findings revealed that most farmers (94.2%) fed their cattle on established forage/fodder and crop residues with supplementation. Even though 53.1% of the respondents were aware of the use of LBY, only 30.6% utilized it to supplement dairy cows, most of whom (96.0%) used it fresh without preservation. Membership in farmers’ organizations increased awareness of LBY (r = 0.732). Principal component analysis indicated that the benefits of using LBY outweigh the challenges involved with a loading matrix of 0.891 - 0.954 and 0.681 - 0.807, respectively. The low adoption and use levels of LBY as a source of protein supplements were due to low awareness. There is a need for concerted efforts by stakeholders in the industry to increase farmers’ knowledge base on the utilization and effectiveness of LBY in dairy production.
Dietary quality is vital in maintaining sound nutritional status. The ecological conditions thus influence the type of diets and their nutritional quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the trace element/...
Dietary quality is vital in maintaining sound nutritional status. The ecological conditions thus influence the type of diets and their nutritional quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the trace element/mineral content of some of the commonly consumed diets in Machakos, Kitui, Makueni and Mwingi districts. Decorticated maize, beans and finger millet flour samples were purchased from the local markets. For each category, a total of ten samples were collected from each district. The samples were put in plastic bags, sealed and transported to the laboratory in the Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology, University of Nairobi for preparation and analysis. The cooking of the samples was carried out according to local traditional methods. In the decorticated samples, mean copper concentrations were observed to be below 20 μg·g-1;mean zinc concentrations ranged from 34 to 63 μg·g-1 and mean manganese concentrations were in a similar range of 34 to 78 μg·g-1. The mean iron concentrations were significantly high with a range of 161 μg·g-1 to 287 μg·g-1. A similar trend was observed in the beans where the mean copper concentrations varied from 11 to 33 μg·g-1, mean zinc concentrations ranged from a low value of 24 μg·g-1 to a high value of 35 μg·g-1, mean manganese concentrations varied from 33 μg·g-1 to 98 μg·g-1 and the mean iron concentrations ranged from 227 μg·g-1 to 647 μg·g-1. The cooked Muthokoi samples from Machakos district had relatively high mean trace element concentrations: manganese—109 μg·g-1;iron—280 μg·g-1;copper—19 μg·g-1;and zinc—41 μg·g-1. The only exception was mean iron concentrations which were extremely high in samples from Mwingi District where the concentrations varied from 73 μg·g-1 to 1597 μg·g-1. In finger millet flour, the mean manganese concentrations varied from 95 to 290 μg·g-1, whereas the mean iron concentrations ranged from 127 μg·g-1 to 259 μg·g-1. In contrast, the mean copper and zinc concentrations were low in compariso
Leishmaniasis is a disease that ranges in severity infection. Resistance to infection is associated with from skin lesions to serious disfigurement and fatal systemic a T-helper-1 immune response that activates macrop...
Leishmaniasis is a disease that ranges in severity infection. Resistance to infection is associated with from skin lesions to serious disfigurement and fatal systemic a T-helper-1 immune response that activates macrophages to kill the intracellular parasite in a nitric oxide-dependent manner. Conversely, disease progression is generally associated with a T-helper-2 response that activates humoral immunity. Current control is based on chemothera- peutic treatments which are expensive, toxic and associated with high relapse and resistance rates. Vaccination remains the best hope for control of all forms of the disease, and the development of a safe, effective and affordable antileishmanial vaccine is a critical global public-health priority. Extensive evidence from studies in animal models indicates that solid protection can be achieved by immunization with defined subunit vaccines or live-at- tenuated strains of Leishmania. However, to date, no vaccine is available despite substantial efforts by many laboratories. Major impediments in Leishmania vaccine development include: lack of adequate funding from national and international agencies, problems related to the translation of data from animal models to human disease, and the transition from the laboratory to the field. Furthermore, a thorough understanding of protective immune responses and generation and maintenance of the immunological memory, an important but least-studied aspect of antiparasitic vaccine development, during Leishmania infection is needed. This review focuses on the progress of the search for an effective vaccine against human and canine leishmaniasis.