The of popula.ion differentia.ion ca. provide insight into the origins of ba.riers to gene flow. Two key drivers of popula.ion differentia.ion a.e geogra.hic dista.ce a.d loca.a.a.ta.ion to divergent sel...
The of popula.ion differentia.ion ca. provide insight into the origins of ba.riers to gene flow. Two key drivers of popula.ion differentia.ion a.e geogra.hic dista.ce a.d loca. a.a.ta.ion to divergent selective environments. When reproductive isola.ion a.ises some popula.ions of a.species a.e under selection to a.oid hybridiza.ion while others a.e not, popula.ion differentia.ion a.d even specia.ion ca. result. Spa.efoot toa. popula.ions Spea.multiplica.a.tha. a.e sympa.ric with a.congener ha.e undergone reinforcement. This reinforcement ha. resulted not only in increa.ed reproductive isola.ion from the congener, but in the evolution of reproductive isola.ion from a.d dista.t conspecific a.lopa.ric popula.ions. We used multiple a.proa.hes to the contributions of geogra.hic dista.ce a.d divergent selective environments to popula.ion structure a.ross this regiona. sca.e in S. multiplica.a. ba.ed on genotypes from six nuclea. microsa.ellite ma.kers. We compa.ed groups of popula.ions va.ying in both geogra.hic loca.ion a.d in the presence of a.congener. Hiera.chica. F-sta.istics a.d results from cluster a.a.yses a.d discrimina.t a.a.yses of principa. components a.l indica.e tha. geogra.hic dista.ce is the stronger contributor to genetic differentia.ion S. multiplica.a.popula.ions a. a.regiona. sca.e. However, we found evidence tha. a.a.ta.ion to divergent selective environments contributes to popula.ion structure. Our findings highlight how va.ia.ion in the ba.a.ce of evolutiona.y forces a.ting a.ross a.species' ca. lea. to va.ia.ion in the rela.ive contributions of geogra.hic dista.ce a.d loca. a.a.ta.ion to popula.ion differentia.ion a.ross different spa.ia.
Objective Obesity is a.socia.ed with kidney *** a.tivity is a.key element in the trea.ment of *** a.m of this study wa. to compa.e the effect of endura.ce a.d endura.ce-strength tra.ning on kidney function in a.domina...
Objective Obesity is a.socia.ed with kidney *** a.tivity is a.key element in the trea.ment of *** a.m of this study wa. to compa.e the effect of endura.ce a.d endura.ce-strength tra.ning on kidney function in obese *** Forty-four obese women were ra.domized to endura.ce tra.ning or endura.ce-strength tra.ning,three times a.week for 3 *** a.d a.ter the intervention,kidney function wa. a.sessed by mea.uring blood crea.inine,urine crea.inine,a.d urine a.bumin levels,a.d the a.bumin-to-crea.inine a.d glomerula. filtra.ion ra.e(GFR) were *** Rena. hyperperfusion wa. present in both groups before the *** both types of physica. a.tivity,simila. modifica.ions of the investiga.ed pa.a.eters were observed,but with no significa.t between-group *** courses of tra.ning led to a.significa.t increa.e in blood crea.inine a.d a.subsequent decrea.e in the GFR.a.significa.t increa.e in urine crea.inine a.d a.bum levels,though not exceeding the for microa.buminuria.wa. not a.compa.ied by a.y difference in the a.bumin-to-crea.inine a.ter endura.ce-strength tra.ning *** Three months of either endura.ce or endura.ce-strength tra.ning ha. a.fa.ora.le a.d compa.a.le effect on rena. function in obese women with rena. hyperfiltra.ion.