Payment for Ecosystem Services(PES)has been widely acknowledged as an effective tool for mitigating grassland degradation and enhancing ecosystem services ***,critical factors,such as herders'willingness to accept(WTA...
Payment for Ecosystem Services(PES)has been widely acknowledged as an effective tool for mitigating grassland degradation and enhancing ecosystem services ***,critical factors,such as herders'willingness to accept(WTA)preferences and compensation expectations,are often overlooked,leading to insufficient effectiveness of PES *** study focused on grassland ecological compensation policy(GECP),quantifying herders'WTA compensation for grassland grazing *** face-to-face surveys and employing the contingent valuation method,we estimated households'WTA for participating in a grassland conservation program to bolster ecosystem service *** findings indicated that herders required an average compensation of 237 CNY mu^(-1)yr^(-1)to engage in the grazing ban ***,herders'environmental awareness positively influenced their willingness to participate,whereas larger family sizes were negatively correlated with ***,herders in better health,with higher livestock incomes or categorized as semi-herders,tended to accept lower compensation *** insights are crucial for improving the effectiveness of GECP and provide valuable reference points for similar analyses in economically disadvantaged and ecologically fragile regions.
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) has been widely acknowledged as an effective tool for mitigating grassland degradation and enhancing ecosystem services ***, critical factors, such as herders’ willingness to acce...
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) has been widely acknowledged as an effective tool for mitigating grassland degradation and enhancing ecosystem services ***, critical factors, such as herders’ willingness to accept (WTA) preferences and compensation expectations, are often overlooked, leading to insufficient effectiveness of PES *** study focused on grassland ecological compensation policy (GECP), quantifying herders’WTA compensation for grassland grazing *** face-to-face surveys and employing the contingent valuation method, we estimated households’ WTA for participating in a grassland conservation program to bolster ecosystem service *** findings indicated that herders required an average compensation of 237 CNY mu–1yr–1 to engage in the grazing ban ***, herders’ environmental awareness positively influenced their willingness to participate, whereas larger family sizes were negatively correlated with ***, herders in better health, with higher livestock incomes or categorized as semi-herders, tended to accept lower compensation *** insights are crucial for improving the effectiveness of GECP and provide valuable reference points for similar analyses in economically disadvantaged and ecologically fragile regions.
*** China’s rural areas have experienced a significant transformation in the past four *** the period 1978-2019,agricultural production increased at an average rate of 5.4%per year[1].Although China’s water availabi...
*** China’s rural areas have experienced a significant transformation in the past four *** the period 1978-2019,agricultural production increased at an average rate of 5.4%per year[1].Although China’s water availability per capita is only one fourth of the global average and the nation’s cultivated land is only9%of the global total,China’s increased agricultural production has largely met the food needs of one fifth of the world’s population[2].
In this paper, we estimate the constants in the inverse inequalities for the finite ele- ment functions. Furthermore, we obtain the least upper bounds of the constants in inverse inequalities for the low-order finite ...
In this paper, we estimate the constants in the inverse inequalities for the finite ele- ment functions. Furthermore, we obtain the least upper bounds of the constants in inverse inequalities for the low-order finite element functions. Such explicit estimates of the con- stants can be used as computable error bounds for the finite element method.
In this work,we focus on the conforming and nonconforming leap-frog virtual element methods for the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation,and establish their unconditional stability and optimal error *** construc...
In this work,we focus on the conforming and nonconforming leap-frog virtual element methods for the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation,and establish their unconditional stability and optimal error *** constructing a time-discrete system,the error between the solutions of the continuous model and the numerical scheme is separated into the temporal error and the spatial error,which makes the spatial error τ-*** inverse inequalities in the existing conforming and new constructed nonconforming virtual element spaces are utilized to derive the L^(∞)-norm uniform boundedness of numerical solutions without any restrictions on time-space step ratio,and then unconditionally optimal error estimates of the numerical schemes are obtained *** needs to be emphasized is that if we use the pre-existing nonconforming virtual elements,there is no way to derive the L^(∞)-norm uniform boundedness of the functions in the nonconforming virtual element spaces so as to be hard to get the corresponding inverse ***,several numerical examples are reported to confirm our theoretical results.
This paper presents an anisotropic adaptive finite element method (FEM) to solve the governing equations of steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) duct flow. A resid- ual error estimator is presented for the standard FE...
This paper presents an anisotropic adaptive finite element method (FEM) to solve the governing equations of steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) duct flow. A resid- ual error estimator is presented for the standard FEM, and two-sided bounds on the error independent of the aspect ratio of meshes are provided. Based on the Zienkiewicz-Zhu es- timates, a computable anisotropic error indicator and an implement anisotropic adaptive refinement for the MHD problem are derived at different values of the Hartmann number. The most distinguishing feature of the method is that the layer information from some directions is captured well such that the number of mesh vertices is dramatically reduced for a given level of accuracy. Thus, this approach is more suitable for approximating the layer problem at high Hartmann numbers. Numerical results show efficiency of the algorithm.
Based on the primal mixed variational formulation,a stabilized nonconforming mixed finite element method is proposed for the linear elasticity problem by adding the jump penalty term for the *** we use the piecewise c...
Based on the primal mixed variational formulation,a stabilized nonconforming mixed finite element method is proposed for the linear elasticity problem by adding the jump penalty term for the *** we use the piecewise constant space for stress and the Crouzeix-Raviart element space for *** mixed method is locking-free,i.e.,the convergence does not deteriorate in the nearly incompressible or incompressible *** optimal convergence order is shown in the L^(2)-norm for stress and in the broken H1-norm and L2-norm for displacement,***,some numerical results are given to demonstrate the optimal convergence and stability of the mixed method.
Significant left-lateral movement along the Ailao Shan-Red River fault accommodated a substantial amount of the late Eocene to early Miocene India-Asia ***,the activation of this critical strike-slip fault remains poo...
Significant left-lateral movement along the Ailao Shan-Red River fault accommodated a substantial amount of the late Eocene to early Miocene India-Asia ***,the activation of this critical strike-slip fault remains poorly ***,we show key seismic evidence for the occurrence of massive lithospheric delamination in southeastern *** novel observation of reflected body waves(e.g.P410P and P660P) retrieved from ambient noise interferometry sheds new light on the massive foundered lithosphere currently near the bottom of the mantle transition zone beneath southeastern *** integrating the novel seismic and pre-existing geochemical observations,we highlight a linkage between massive lithospheric delamination shortly after the onset of hard collision and activation of continental extrusion along the Ailao Shan-Re d River *** information provides critical insight into the early-stage evolution of the India-Asia collision in southeastern Tibet,which has significant implications for continental collision and its intracontinental response.
High-quality spatial atmospheric delay correction information is essential for achieving fast integer ambiguity resolution(AR)in precise ***,traditional real-time precise positioning frameworks(i.e.,NRTK and PPP-RTK)d...
High-quality spatial atmospheric delay correction information is essential for achieving fast integer ambiguity resolution(AR)in precise ***,traditional real-time precise positioning frameworks(i.e.,NRTK and PPP-RTK)depend on spatial low-resolution atmospheric delay correction through the expensive and sparsely distributed CORS *** results in limited public *** the mass production of autonomous driving vehicles,more cost-effective and widespread data sources can be explored to create spatial high-resolution atmospheric *** this study,we propose a new GNSS positioning framework that relies on dual base stations,massive vehicle GNSS data,and crowdsourced atmospheric delay correction maps(CAM).The map is easily produced and updated by vehicles equipped with GNSS receivers in a crowd-sourced ***,the map consists of between-station single-differenced ionospheric and tropospheric *** introduce the whole framework of CAM initialization for individual vehicles,on-cloud CAM maintenance,and CAM-augmented user-end *** map data are collected and preprocessed in ***,the crowdsourced data are uploaded to a cloud *** massive data from multiple vehicles are merged in the cloud to update the CAM in ***,the CAM will augment the user positioning *** framework forms a beneficial cycle where the CAM’s spatial resolution and the user positioning performance mutually improve each *** validate the performance of the proposed framework in real-world experiments and the applied potency at different spatial *** highlight that this framework is a reliable and practical positioning solution that meets the requirements of ubiquitous high-precision positioning.
Based on the primal mixed variational formulation,a stabilized nonconforming mixed finite element method is proposed for the linear elasticity on rectangular and cubic *** kinds of penalty terms are introduced in the ...
Based on the primal mixed variational formulation,a stabilized nonconforming mixed finite element method is proposed for the linear elasticity on rectangular and cubic *** kinds of penalty terms are introduced in the stabilized mixed formulation,which are the jump penalty term for the displacement and the divergence penalty term for the *** use the classical nonconforming rectangular and cubic elements for the displacement and the discontinuous piecewise polynomial space for the stress,where the discrete space for stress are carefully chosen to guarantee the well-posedness of discrete *** stabilized mixed method is *** optimal convergence order is derived in the L^(2)-norm for stress and in the broken H^(1)-norm and L^(2)-norm for displacement.A numerical test is carried out to verify the optimal convergence of the stabilized method.