Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome(AGS)is a systemic inflammatory disorder caused by mutations in any one of the nine different genes,whose deficiency provokes a type I(interferon)IFN response probably central to pathogenesis...
Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome(AGS)is a systemic inflammatory disorder caused by mutations in any one of the nine different genes,whose deficiency provokes a type I(interferon)IFN response probably central to pathogenesis.^(1) ADAR1,one of the genes mutated in AGS(AGS6),encodes for an enzyme that belongs to the ADAR family(ADAR1,ADAR2,and ADAR3)that catalyzes the conversion of adenosine to inosine within double-stranded RNAs(dsRNAs)(RNA editing A-to-1).
Trypanosomosis remains the number one killer of livestock in spite of efforts made to eradicate tsetse flies in the Adamawa plateau of Cameroon. Acetone-baited Laveissière type biconical traps were pitched at 100 met...
Trypanosomosis remains the number one killer of livestock in spite of efforts made to eradicate tsetse flies in the Adamawa plateau of Cameroon. Acetone-baited Laveissière type biconical traps were pitched at 100 meter intervals in strategic geo-referenced positions in various ecological niches of the landscape for 5 consecutive days in selected villages in Mayo rey, Mbere, Vina and Faro et Deo divisions. All 493 tsetse flies captured in sites other than Mboula wereG. morsitans *** of different morphometric characters on the wings of each individual fly was undertaken using the Du Jardin package. The data was processed and analysed by “Permutaciones, Analisis Discriminante (PAD)” and “Bootstraps, Analisis en Componentes principales”. The three major sampling sites on the plateau yielded similar results as demonstrated by the neighbour joining tree of Mahalanobis distances but tests using PAD showed the differences between group means to be significant