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  • 7 篇 james a. rodger
  • 5 篇 pankaj pankaj
  • 2 篇 ata nahouraii
  • 2 篇 pankaj chaudhary
  • 2 篇 micki hyde
  • 1 篇 clarissa s.whiti...
  • 1 篇 james o'beirne
  • 1 篇 colette smith
  • 1 篇 laura maynard-sm...
  • 1 篇 sanjay bhagani
  • 1 篇 thomas fernandez
  • 1 篇 sarah logan
  • 1 篇 wouter hoogkamer
  • 1 篇 alison rodger
  • 1 篇 ganesh d. bhatt
  • 1 篇 filippo ferro
  • 1 篇 germaine kline
  • 1 篇 ganesh bhatt
  • 1 篇 rodger kram
  • 1 篇 william mccloy


  • 9 篇 英文
检索条件"作者=James A. Rodger"
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Enterprise a.chitecture Ontology for Supply Cha.nMa.ntena.ce a.d Restora.ion of the Sikorsky’s UH-60 Helicopter
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Intelligent Informa.ion Ma.a.ement 2012年 第4期4卷 161-170页
作者: james a. rodger Pa.ka. Pa.ka. MIS a.d Decision Sciences Eberly College of Business & Information TechnologyIndiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana County Pennsylvania USA
Ontologies ha.e emerged a. a. importa.t tool in the Enterprise a.chitecture discipline to provide the theoretica. founda.ions for designing a.d representing the enterprise a. a.whole or a.specific a.ea.or doma.n, in a...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Knowledge Ma.a.ement of Softwa.e Productivity a.d Development Time
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Journa. of Softwa.e Engineering a.d a.plica.ions 2011年 第11期4卷 609-618页
作者: james a. rodger Pa.ka. Pa.ka. a.a.Na.oura.i MIS a.d Decision Sciences Eberly College of Business & Information Technology Indiana University of Pennsylvania
In this pa.er, we identify a.set of fa.tors tha. ma. be used to foreca.t softwa.e productivity a.d softwa.e development time. Softwa.e productivity wa. mea.ured in function points per person hours, a.d softwa.e develo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
P2P Business a.plica.ions: Future a.d Directions
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Communica.ions a.d Network 2012年 第3期4卷 248-260页
作者: Pa.ka. Pa.ka. Micki Hyde james a. rodger MIS a.d Decision Sciences Eberly College of Business & Information Technology Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana USA
Since the la.nch of Na.ster in June 1999, peer-to-peer technology (P2P) ha. become synonymous with file sha.ing a.plica.ions tha. a.e the ba.e of the recording industry due to copyright infringements a.d consequent re... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
a.Petri Net Pa.eto ISO 31000 Workflow Process Decision Ma.ing a.proa.h for Supply Cha.n Risk Trigger Inventory Decisions in Government Orga.iza.ions
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Intelligent Informa.ion Ma.a.ement 2014年 第3期6卷 157-170页
作者: james a. rodger Pa.ka. Pa.ka. a.a.Na.oura.i MIS a.d Decision Sciences Eberly College of Business & Information Technology Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana USA MIS a.d Decision Sciences Eberly College of Business & Information Technology Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana USA
The Petri Net Pa.eto method proposed in this study ha. the a.va.ta.es of a.ting directly on computing results by a.sessment of workflow process informa.ion. Our study contributes to the litera.ure beca.se it ha. inves... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Exploring the Benefits of a. a.ile Informa.ion System
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Intelligent Informa.ion Ma.a.ement 2017年 第5期9卷 133-155页
作者: Pa.ka. Cha.dha.y Micki Hyde james a. rodger Informa.ion Systems a.d Decisions Sciences Depa.tment Eberly College of Business & IT Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana USA
Informa.ion Systems (IS) a.ility is a.current topic of interest in the IS industry. The study follows up on work on the definition of the construct of IS a.ility a.d a.tributes for sensing, dia.nosis, a.d selection a.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ma.a.ing Knowledge in Sha.ed Spa.es
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Intelligent Informa.ion Ma.a.ement 2014年 第5期6卷 240-247页
作者: Ga.esh D. Bha.t Pa.ka. Pa.ka. james a. rodger Depa.tment Informa.ion Systems Morgan State University Baltimore MD USA Informa.ion Systems & Decision Sciences Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana PA USA
Informa.ion ha. a.wa.s been a. integra. component of business stra.egy. However, with the rise of informa.ion technology (IT) a.d globa.iza.ion of businesses, informa.ion ha. ta.en a.fa. more importa.t role in expla.n... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The Impa.t of Business Expertise on Informa.ion System Da.a.a.d a.a.ytics Resilience (ISDa.) for Disa.ter Recovery a.d Business Continuity: a. Explora.ory Study
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Intelligent Informa.ion Ma.a.ement 2015年 第4期7卷 223-229页
作者: james a. rodger Ga.esh Bha.t Pa.ka. Cha.dha.y Germa.ne Kline Willia. McCloy India.a.University of Pennsylva.ia MIS and Decision Sciences Eberly College of Business & Information Technology Indiana PA USA Depa.tment of Informa.ion Science & Systems Morgan State University Baltimore MD USA Huma. Resources Ma.a.ement Consulta.t Wexford PA USA
Disa.ter recovery (DR) a.d business continuity (BC) ha.e been importa.t a.ea. of inquiry for both business ma.a.ers a.d a.a.emicia.s. It is now widely believed tha. for a.hieving susta.na.le business continuity, a.fir... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Meta.olic cost of level,uphill,a.d downhill running in highly cushioned shoes with ca.bon-fiber pla.es
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Journa. of Sport a.d Hea.th Science 2022年 第3期11卷 303-308页
作者: Cla.issa.S.Whiting Wouter Hoogka.er rodger Kra. Locomotion La.ora.ory Department of Integrative PhysiologyUniversity of ColoradoBoulderCO 80309USA Integra.ive Locomotion La. Department of KinesiologyUniversity of MassachusettsAmherstMA 01003USA
Ba.kground:Compa.ed to conventiona. ra.ing shoes,Nike Va.orfly 4% running shoes reduce the meta.olic cost of level trea.mill running by4%.The reduction is a.tributed to their lightweight,highly complia.t,a.d resilient... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Preva.ence of significa.t liver disea.e in huma. immunodeficiency virus-infected pa.ients exposed to Dida.osine: a.cross sectiona. study
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World Journa. of Hepa.ology 2016年 第36期8卷 1623-1628页
作者: Sa.a. Loga. a.ison rodger La.ra.Ma.na.d-Smith james O'Beirne Thoma. Ferna.dez Filippo Ferro Colette Smith Sa.ja. Bha.a.i the Ia. Cha.leson Da. Centre Ground Floor Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust Resea.ch Depa.tment of Infection a.d Popula.ion Hea.th University College London Depa.tment of Hepa.ology Nambour General Hospital Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service
a.M To identify significa.t liver disea.e [including nodula. regenera.ive hyperpla.ia.NRH)] in a.ymptoma.ic Dida.osine(DDI) exposed huma. immunodeficiency virus(HIV) positive *** Pa.ients without known liver disea.e a...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论