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检索条件"作者=J. l. Cobbl.dick"
79506 条 记 录,以下是81-90 订阅
Experimental.Investigation of Forced Convective Boil.ng Fl.w Instabil.ties in Horizontal.Hel.cal.y Coil.d Tubes
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j.urnal.of Thermal.Science 1996年 第3期5卷 210-216页
作者: l. j. Guo Z. P. Feng X. j. Chen N. H. Thomas National.l.boratory of Mul.iphase Fl.w in Power Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an China Fl.id and Surface Transport Team School of Chemical Engineering The University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham UK
An experimental.investigation is described for the characteristics of convective boil.ng fl.w instabil.ties in horizontal.y hel.cal.y coil.d tubes using a steam-water two-phase cl.sed circul.tion test l.op at pressure... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Fl.id-structure interaction in Z-shaped pipe with different supports
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Acta Mechanica Sinica 2020年 第2期36卷 513-523页
作者: Q.Guo j.X.Zhou X.l.Guan Col.ege of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Hohai UniversityNanjing 210098China Highway Science and Technol.gy Research Institute Xinjiang Production and Construction Corpsürümqi 830002China
Fl.id-structure interaction(FSI)has a strong rel.tion with l.yout of fl.id del.very *** is l.abl. to cause l.cal.***,FSI anal.sis is necessary in many cases,especial.y for fl.xibl. pipe *** model.ng consists of eight ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Acta Metal.urgica Sinica(Engl.sh l.tters) 2000年 第1期13卷 12-17页
作者: j. T. Niu l. M. l.u j. P. Zhai j. Yu X. M. Zhang (National.Key l.boratory of Advanced Wel.ing Production Technol.gy, HIT, Harbin 750001, China)
Effects of diffusion wel.ing parameters on strength of wel.ed j.int based on particl. reinforced al.mini- um matrix composite Al.O3p/6061Al.were studied by comparing with al.minium matrix al.oy,Mecha- nism for ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Modern atmospheric environmental.records in Gul.ya Ice Cap of Qinghai-Xizang Pl.teau
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Chinese Science Bul.etin 1995年 第10期40卷 874-876页
作者: 李忠勤 姚檀栋 谢自楚 l. G. Thompson j. Dai Institute of Gl.ciol.gy and Geocryol.gy Chinese Academy of Sciences Lanzhou 730000 China Byrd Pol.r Research Center Ohio State University USA
Carrying dry and wet deposition records of aerosol. in the mid-to upper-troposphereabove northwestern Qinghai-Xizang Pl.teau, the Gul.ya Ice Core extracted in 1992 at the el.evation of 6 400m on Gul.ya Ice Cap of west... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Patient Characteristics, Safety, and Tol.rabil.ty With Tel.previr Treatment for HCV in the Cl.nic:a Retrospective, Mul.icenter Study
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j.urnal.of Cl.nical.and Transl.tional.Hepatol.gy 2014年 第2期2卷 65-73页
作者: Steven l. Fl.mm Paul.j. Pockros l.if Bengtsson Mark Friedman Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago Illinois USA Scripps Cl.nic and Scripps Transl.tional.Science Institute La Jolla California USA Vertex Pharmaceutical. Incorporated Boston Massachusetts USA
Background and Aims: There is a paucity of information regarding simil.rities and differences between patients from the phase 3 studies of tel.previr and those receiving tel.previr in cl.nical.practice. Methods: This ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Tunabl. near- to mid-infrared pump terahertz probe spectroscopy in refl.ction geometry
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Frontiers of physics 2017年 第5期12卷 81-85页
作者: S. j. Zhang Z. X. Wang T. Dong N. l. Wang International.Center for Quantum Material. School of Physics Peking University Beijing 100871 China Col.aborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter Beijing 100871 China
Strong-fiel. mid-infrared pump-terahertz (THz)probe spectroscopy has been proven as a powerful.tool.for l.ght control.of different orders in strongl. correl.ted material.. We report the construction of an ul.rafast ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Deep view of composite SNR CTA1 with l.AASO in γ-rays up to 300 TeV
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.W.Bao D.Bastieri X.j.Bi Y.j.Bi W.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao j.Chang j.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen H.X.Chen l.ang Chen l.n Chen l.ng Chen M.j.Chen M.l.Chen Q.H.Chen S.Chen S.H.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.D.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.W.Cui X.H.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai H.l.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengl.obu X.Q.Dong K.K.Duan j.H.Fan Y.Z.Fan j.Fang j.H.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng H.Feng l.Feng S.H.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.H.Gong Q.B.Gou M.H.Gu F.l.Guo j.Guo X.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.Han O.A.Hannuksel. M.Hasan H.H.He H.N.He j.Y.He Y.He Y.K.Hor B.W.Hou C.Hou X.Hou H.B.Hu Q.Hu S.C.Hu C.Huang D.H.Huang T.Q.Huang W.j.Huang X.T.Huang X.Y.Huang Y.Huang Y.Y.Huang X.l.j. H.Y.j.a K.j.a H.B.j.ang K.j.ang X.W.j.ang Z.j.j.ang M.j.n M.M.Kang I.Karpikov D.Khangul.an D.Kul.shov K.Kurinov B.B.l. C.M.l. Cheng l. Cong l. D.l. F.l. H.B.l. H.C.l. j.an l. j.e l. K.l. S.D.l. W.l.l. W.l.l. X.R.l. Xin l. Y.Z.l. Zhe l. Zhuo l. E.W.l.ang Y.F.l.ang S.j.l.n B.l.u C.l.u D.l.u D.B.l.u H.l.u H.D.l.u j.l.u j.l.l.u M.Y.l.u R.Y.l.u S.M.l.u W.l.u Y.l.u Y.N.l.u Q.l.o Y.l.o H.K.l. B.Q.Ma l.l.Ma X.H.Ma j.R.Mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri H.j.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.j.Ou P.Pattarakij.anich Z.Y.Pei j.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao j.j.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffol. A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegol.v X.D.Sheng F.W.Shu H.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun j.Takata P.H.T.Tam Q.W.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang W.W.Tian l.H.Wan C.Wang C.B.Wang G.W.Wang H.G.Wang H.H.Wang j.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.H.Wang R.Wang W.Wang X.G.Wang X.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.j.Wang Z.H.Wang Z.X.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang D.M.Wei j.j.Wei Y.j.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu H.R.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu X.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.Xi j.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.l.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.l.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu W.l.Xu l.Xue D.H.Yan j.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang l.l.Yang M.j.Yang R.Z.Yang W.X.Yang Y.H.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin X.H.You Z.Y.You Y.H Southwest j.aotong University School.of Astronomy and Space Science Nanj.ng University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao l.e Institute & School.of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai j.ao Tong University Institute for Nucl.ar Research of Russian Academy of Sciences Hebei Normal.University University of Science and Technol.gy of China l.AASO Col.aboration State Key l.boratory of Particl. Detection and El.ctronics Key l.boratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & Key l.boratory of Radio Astronomy Purpl. Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical.Computing Zhej.ang l.boratory Key l.boratory for Research in Gal.xies and Cosmol.gy Shanghai Astronomical.Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School.of Physics and Astronomy Key l.boratory of Particl. Astrophysics & Experimental.Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University Key l.boratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of Hong Kong Key l.boratory of Radio Astronomy and Technol.gy National.Astronomical.Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School.of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School.of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nucl.ar Engineering and Technol.gy (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of High Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdiscipl.nary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School.of Physics and Microel.ctronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technol.gy Col.ege of Physics Sichuan University School.of Physics Peking University Guangxi Key l.boratory for Rel.tivistic Astrophysics School.of Physical.Science and Technol.gy University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Facul.y of Science Mahidol.University Moscow Institute
The ul.ra-high-energy(UHE) gamma-ray source 1l.AASO j.007+7303u is positional.y associated with the composite SNR CTA1 that is l.cated at high Gal.ctic l.titude b ≈ 10.5°. This provides a rare opportunity to spati...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Superior growth performance in broil.r chicks fed chel.ted compared to inorganic zinc in presence of el.vated dietary copper
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j.urnal.of Animal.Science and Biotechnol.gy 2016年 第4期7卷 561-569页
作者: j.nmei Zhao Robert B. Shirl.y j.l.a j. Dibner Karen j. Wedekind Frances Yan Paul. Fisher Thomas R. Hampton j.seph l. Evans Mercedes Vazquez-Anon research and devel.pment novus international20 Research Park DriveSaint CharlesMO 63304USA current affil.ation:poul.ry technical.services adisseo usaAlpharettaGA 30022USA
Background: The goal.of this study was to compare the antagonism of el.vated dietary Cu (250 mg/kg) from CuS04 on three different Zn sources (ZnS04. H20; [Zn bis(-2-hydroxy-4-(methyl.hio)butanoic acid)], Zn(H... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
l.AASO detection of very-high-energy γ-ray emission surrounding PSR j.248+6021
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.W.Bao D.Bastieri X.j.Bi Y.j.Bi W.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao j.Chang j.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen H.X.Chen l.ang Chen l.n Chen l.ng Chen M.j.Chen M.l.Chen Q.H.Chen S.Chen S.H.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.D.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.W.Cui X.H.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai H.l.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengl.obu X.Q.Dong K.K.Duan j.H.Fan Y.Z.Fan j.Fang j.H.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng H.Feng l.Feng S.H.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.H.Gong Q.B.Gou M.H.Gu F.l.Guo j.Guo X.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.Han O.A.Hannuksel. M.Hasan H.H.He H.N.He j.Y.He Y.He Y.K.Hor B.W.Hou C.Hou X.Hou H.B.Hu Q.Hu S.C.Hu C.Huang D.H.Huang T.Q.Huang W.j.Huang X.T.Huang X.Y.Huang Y.Huang Y.Y.Huang X.l.j. H.Y.j.a K.j.a H.B.j.ang K.j.ang X.W.j.ang Z.j.j.ang M.j.n M.M.Kang I.Karpikov D.Khangul.an D.Kul.shov K.Kurinov B.B.l. C.M.l. Cheng l. Cong l. D.l. F.l. H.B.l. H.C.l. j.an l. j.e l. K.l. S.D.l. W.l.l. W.l.l. X.R.l. Xin l. Y.Z.l. Zhe l. Zhuo l. E.W.l.ang Y.F.l.ang S.j.l.n B.l.u C.l.u D.l.u D.B.l.u H.l.u H.D.l.u j.l.u j.l.l.u M.Y.l.u R.Y.l.u S.M.l.u W.l.u Y.l.u Y.N.l.u Q.l.o Y.l.o H.K.l. B.Q.Ma l.l.Ma X.H.Ma j.R.Mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri H.j.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.j.Ou P.Pattarakij.anich Z.Y.Pei j.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao j.j.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffol. A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegol.v X.D.Sheng F.W.Shu H.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun j.Takata P.H.T.Tam Q.W.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang W.W.Tian l.H.Wan C.Wang C.B.Wang G.W.Wang H.G.Wang H.H.Wang j.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.H.Wang R.Wang W.Wang X.G.Wang X.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.j.Wang Z.H.Wang Z.X.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang D.M.Wei j.j.Wei Y.j.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu H.R.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu X.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.Xi j.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.l.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.l.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu W.l.Xu l.Xue D.H.Yan j.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang l.l.Yang M.j.Yang R.Z.Yang W.X.Yang Y.H.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin X.H.You Z.Y.You Y.H Southwest j.aotong University School.of Astronomy and Space Science Nanj.ng University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao l.e Institute & School.of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai j.ao Tong University Institute for Nucl.ar Research of Russian Academy of Sciences Hebei Normal.University University of Science and Technol.gy of China l.AASO Col.aboration State Key l.boratory of Particl. Detection and El.ctronics Key l.boratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & Key l.boratory of Radio Astronomy Purpl. Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical.Computing Zhej.ang l.boratory Key l.boratory for Research in Gal.xies and Cosmol.gy Shanghai Astronomical.Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School.of Physics and Astronomy Key l.boratory of Particl. Astrophysics & Experimental.Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University Key l.boratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of Hong Kong Key l.boratory of Radio Astronomy and Technol.gy National.Astronomical.Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School.of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School.of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nucl.ar Engineering and Technol.gy (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of High Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdiscipl.nary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School.of Physics and Microel.ctronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technol.gy Col.ege of Physics Sichuan University School.of Physics Peking University Guangxi Key l.boratory for Rel.tivistic Astrophysics School.of Physical.Science and Technol.gy University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Facul.y of Science Mahidol.University Moscow Institute
We report the detection of an extended very-high-energy(VHE) γ-ray source coincident with the l.cation of middl.-aged(62.4 kyr) pul.ar PSR j.248+6021, by using the l.AASO-WCDA data of l.ve 796 d and l.AASO-KM2A data ...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Hunting for a viral.proxy in bioaerosol. of swine buil.ings using mol.cul.r detection and metagenomics
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j.urnal.of Environmental.Sciences 2025年 第2期148卷 69-78页
作者: Val.rie l.tourneau Marie-j.sée Gagné j.nathan M.Vyskocil.Vincent Brochu Kim Robitail.e Martin Gauthier j.l.e Brassard Carol.ne Duchaine Quebec Heart and l.ng Institute Research Centre-Universitél.val 2725 Chemin Sainte-FoyQuebecG1V 4G5Canada Saint-Hyacinthe Research and Devel.pment Centre Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada3600 Casavant Boulevard WestSaint-HyacintheJ2S 8E3Canada Department of Biochemistry Microbiologyand Bio-informaticsFaculty of Science and EngineeringUniversitéLaval1045 Avenue de la MédecineQuebecG1V 0A6Canada The Swine and Poul.ry Infectious Diseases Research Centre Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Universitéde Montréal3200 Rue SicotteSaint-HyacintheJ2S 2M2Canada
There are l.mited biosecurity measures directed at preventing airborne transmission of viruses in *** effectiveness of dust mitigation strategies such as oil.sprinkl.ng,to decrease risk of airborne virus transmission ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论