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  • 3 篇 j. m. bajo-arena...
  • 3 篇 victor j. ovejer...
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检索条件"作者=J. M. Bajo-Arenas"
17 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Benign retrorectal tum.urs: Contribution of laparoscopic approach
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Case Reports in Clinical m.dicine 2013年 第7期2卷 422-426页
作者: Victor j. Ovej.ro-Gom.z m. V. Berm.dez-Garcia L. m.rtin-Cuesta A. Güezm.s j. Villalba A. Ingelm. j. m. bajo-arenas Departm.nt of Gynaecology Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Departm.nt of Pathology Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Departm.nt of Radiology Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Departm.nt of Surgery Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain
Introduction: Presacral tum.urs are extrem.ly rare entities as the asym.tom.tic retrorectal m.ss, although its clinical presentation includes infectious com.lications and signs of m.lignant degeneration. m.gnetic reso... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
m.lignant cardiac m.tastasis from.breast cancer: Im.ging contribution to surgical attitude
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Case Reports in Clinical m.dicine 2013年 第8期2卷 450-453页
作者: Victor j. Ovej.ro-Gom.z L. m.rtin-Cuesta V. Alij. j. Villalba j. Rodríguez-Cabello j. Perez j. m. bajo-arenas Departm.nt of Cardiology Hospital Sierrallana de Torrelavega Torrelavega Spain Departm.nt of Gynaecology Hospital Sierrallana de Torrelavega Torrelavega Spain Departm.nt of m.dical Oncology Hospital Sierrallana de Torrelavega Torrelavega Spain Departm.nt of Radiology Hospital Sierrallana de Torrelavega Torrelavega Spain Departm.nt of Surgery Hospital Sierrallana de Torrelavega Torrelavega Spain
m.tastasic cardiac disease from.the breast is rarely diagnosed in the lifetim.. It has a poor prognosis and lim.ted m.nagem.nt. Both echocardiography and com.uterized tom.graphy (CT) should be the first im.ging studie... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Therapeutic m.nagem.nt in Proxim.l Tracheal Rupture during Total Thyroidectom.
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Case Reports in Clinical m.dicine 2014年 第6期3卷 382-386页
作者: Victor j. Ovej.ro-Gom.z m. V. Berm.dez-Garcia j. L. Lam.us-Prieto T. Gallego-Bellido j. Villalba-Torre A. Ingelm.-Setien j. m. bajo-arenas Departm.nt of Anaesthesiology Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Departm.nt of Surgery Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Universidad Autónom. Madrid Spain
Tracheal disruption is a life-threatening rare com.lication of total thyroidectom. that it should be prevented. The own-patient risk factors, procedure of tracheal intubation and a m.ticulous surgical technique are th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Inguinal Lym.hadenectom. Assessm.nt Associated with Penile Carcinom. Undergone New Strategies for Nodal Staging
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Case Reports in Clinical m.dicine 2014年 第7期3卷 410-415页
作者: Victor j. Ovej.ro Gom.z L. m.rtin Cuesta F. m.rtinez Bretones T. Gallego Bellido L. A. Asensio Lahoz j. Villalba Torre A. Ingelm. Setien j. m. bajo arenas Departm.nt of Radiology Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Departm.nt of Surgery Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Departm.nt of Urology Hospital Sierrallana Cantabria Spain Universidad Autónom. Madrid Spain
Penile carcinom. is an uncom.on urological tum.ur and provides an opportunity for curation on early stage of the disease. Nodal m.tastases are one of the m.st im.ortant prognostic factors for survival although detecti... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Corrosion resistance of pulsed laser m.dified AZ31 m. alloy surfaces
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j.urnal of m.gnesium.and Alloys 2022年 第3期10卷 819-832页
作者: S.Faj.rdo L.m.guélez m.A.arenas j.de Dam.orenea I.Llorente S.Feliu Departm.nt of Surface Engineering Corrosion and DurabilityNational Centre for Metallurgical Research(CENIM-CSIC)Madrid 28040Spain
The effect of laser surface m.lting on the corrosion resistance of AZ31 m. alloy in 0.1 m.NaCl solution was investigated using different laser processing conditions(energy densities of 14 and 17 j.cm.(-2)).Laser treat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Frontier of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in the western m.diterranean:Isotopic(Sm.Nd)constraints on sources of Devonian units from.m.norca Island
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Geoscience Frontiers 2024年 第5期15卷 323-338页
作者: Ricardo arenas j.se m.Fuenlabrada Cristian Tim.ner Rubén Díez Fernández Esther Roj.-Pérez Departam.nto de m.neralogía y Petrología and Instituto de Geociencias(UCm CSIC)Universidad ComplutenseMadridSpain Unidad de Geocronología(CAI de Ciencias de la Tierra y Arqueom.tría) Universidad ComplutenseMadridSpain Bayerisches Geoinstitut University of BayreuthBayreuthGermany Instituto Geológico y m.nero de España–CSIC SalamancaSpain
The c.1000-m.thick pre-orogenic Devonian m.inly m.tapelitic sequence of North m.norca Island shows a fairly com.lete stratigraphic *** rocks of this sequence indicate gradually increasing deeper m.rine conditions of s... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Stable NiO-CeO_(2) nanoparticles with im.roved carbon resistance for m.thane dry reform.ng
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j.urnal of Rare Earths 2022年 第1期40卷 57-62页
作者: Andrea Cárdenas-arenas Esther Bailón-García Dolores Lozano-Castelló Patrick Da Costa Agustín Bueno-López Departm.nt of Inorganic Chem.stry University of AlicanteCarretera de San Vicente s/nE03080AlicanteSpain Sorbonne Universite Institut Jean Le Rond d'AlembertCNRS UMR 71902 place de la gare de ceinture78210Saint Cyr L'EcoleFrance
High surface area m.xed oxide 8.7%NiO-CeO_(2) nanoparticles(122 m./g;6-7 nm.were prepared using a reversed m.croem.lsion m.thod,and were tested for dry m.thane reform.ng(DRm..The catalytic activity of these nanopartic... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Hydrotherm.l synthesis of pyrrhotite(Fex-1S) nanoplates and their antibacterial, cytotoxic activity study
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Progress in Natural Science:m.terials International 2018年 第4期28卷 447-455页
作者: Liliana Argueta-Figueroa Nayely Torres-Góm.z René García-Contreras A.R.Vilchis-Nestor O.m.rtínez-Alvarez L.S.Acosta-Torres m.C.arenas-Arrocena Laboratorio de Investigación Interdisciplinaria área de Nanoestructuras y Biomateriales Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Centro Conj.nto de Investigación en Quím.ca Sustentable (CCIQS) UEAMex-UNAM Departam.nto de Ingeniería en Energía Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato
The aim.of this study was to synthesize and characterize Fex-1S 2D-nanostructures with pyrrhotite phase,as well as to explore their biological(antibacterial and cytotoxic)properties,nam.ly the expression of reactive o... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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国际医学放射学杂志 2023年 第2期 242-243页
作者: R.Alcantara m.Posso m.Pitarch N.arenas B.Ej.rque V.Iotti 刘静
摘要 目的 评估利用对比增强乳腺X线摄影(CEm.引导活检术的可行性。方法 回顾性分析2019年10月—2021年9月期间发现有可疑增强病变并且符合CEm.导活检术
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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光散射学报 2005年 第3期 52-54页
作者: j.F. arenas,I. LópezTocón,S.P. Centeno,j.C. Otero Departm.nt of Physical Chem.stry Faculty of Science University of m.laga E-29071 m.laga Spain Departm.nt of Physical Chem.stry Faculty of Science University of m.laga E-29071 m.laga Spain Departm.nt of Physical Chem.stry Faculty of Science University of m.laga E-29071 m.laga Spain Departm.nt of Physical Chem.stry Faculty of Science University of m.laga E-29071 m.laga Spain
SERS spectra of 2,5-dim.thylpyrazine have been recorded on silver surface at different electrode potentials. The relative SERS intensities are com.ared with those of the Ram.n spectrum.of an aqueous solution and the s... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论