Purpose We eva.ua.ed the frequency o f long-term compli-ca.ions of orbita. irra.ia.ion(ra.ia.ion-induced tumors,ca.a.a.t,a.d retinopa.hy)in compa.ison with *** We conducted a.follow-up study in a.cohort of 245graves...
Purpose We eva.ua.ed the frequency o f long-term compli-ca.ions of orbita. irra.ia.ion(ra.ia.ion-induced tumors,ca.a.a.t,a.d retinopa.hy)in compa.ison with *** We conducted a.follow-up study in a.cohort of 245gravesophtha.mopa.hy pa.ie nts who ha. been trea.ed with retrobulba. irra.ia.ion(20Gy in 2weeks)a.d /or ora. glucocorticoids between 1982a.d 1993in our *** pa.ients were compa.ed with nonir-ra.ia.ed *** Da.a.on morta.ity a.d ca.se of dea.h were *** pa.ient s were invited to pa.-ticipa.e in a.follow-up *** retinopa.hy wa. a.-sessed in a.ma.ked fa.hion a.d defined a. the presence of≥1hemorrha.es a.d /or microa.eurysm son red-free retina.***>5lesions were present,pa.ients were ca.egorized a. suffering from defin ite *** wa. a.sessed using the Lens Opa.ity C la.sifica.ion System II *** outcome mea.ures Morta.ity,preva.ence of retinopa.hy,preva.ence of ca.a.a. t,a.d type of *** Thirty-seven of the 245pa.i ents ha. died,none of them from a. intra.ra.ia. *** wa. simila. in the irra.ia.ed(27/15917%-)a.d nonirra.ia.ed pa.tients(10/8612%;P=0.264).One hundred fifty-seven of the 208living pa.ien ts(75%)consented to pa.ticipa.e in a.follow-up ophtha.m ologic investiga.ion;the mea. follow-up time (±sta.da.d devia.ion)wa. 11±*** retinopa.hy wa. pre sent in 15%of pa.tients,22of the irra.ia.ed a.d 1of t he nonirra.ia.ed pa.tients(P=0.002).In 5pa.ients(a.l ha. been irra.ia.-ed),definite retinopa.hy(i.e.,>5retina. lesions)wa. *** these,3ha. dia.etes mellitus,a.d 1ha. *** wa. a.socia.ted with both possible(P=0.029)a.d definite(P=0.005)retinopa.hy,with a.rela.ive risk of 21(95%confidence interva.,3-179).The preva.ence a.d severity of ca.a.a.t were simila. in the ra.iothera.y group(29%)a.d the glucocorticoid group(34%);it should be noted tha. 88of 104of th e irra.ia.ed pa.ients were a.so trea.ed with ora. glucoco
Obj.ctive: To a.sess the intra.bserver a.d interobserver relia.ility of recording uniocula. fields of fixa.ion using a.modified perimeter technique in hea.thy subj.cts a.d pa.ients with graves orbitopa.hy (GO). Pa.ien...
Obj.ctive: To a.sess the intra.bserver a.d interobserver relia.ility of recording uniocula. fields of fixa.ion using a.modified perimeter technique in hea.thy subj.cts a.d pa.ients with graves orbitopa.hy (GO). Pa.ients with restrictive myopa.hies, pa.ticula.ly GO, require a.cura.e mea.urement of monocula. excursions. These ductions a.e recorded in 4 to 12 directions of ga.e using a.perimeter, producing a.plot known a. a.uniocula. field of fixa.ion. While 4 direction plots give limited informa.ion on vertica. muscles, recording 12 directions is time consuming a.d uncomforta.le. This modified technique uses the 6 directions of ga.e corresponding to the prima.y field of a.tion of ea.h muscle. Methods: a.single observer mea.ured modified uniocula. fields of fixa.ion in 35 hea.thy subj.cts a.ed 20 to 60 yea.s to esta.lish norma. a.d a.e-rela.ed ra.ges for a.l ductions. Fifteen subj.cts underwent mea.urement on 5 sepa.a.e occa.ions by the sa.e observer to esta.lish intra.bserver reproducibility. a.second observer independently performed mea.urements in 10 of the subj.cts to determine interobserver reproducibility. Relia.ility wa. compa.ed with tha. mea.ured in 29 pa.ients with GO. Results: The technique wa. reproducible to within 4° for hea.thy subj.cts undergoing a.sessment by a.single observer. When results of 2 observers were compa.ed, the coefficient of repea.a.ility wa. 7.9° . For subj.cts with GO, however, ma.ima. va.ia.ility wa. 7.8° . For clinica. purposes, only a.cha.ge of 8° or more ca. be a.sumed to be significa.t. Conclusions: This technique offers a.va.ta.es for a.sessing a.y restrictive myopa.hy, including GO to within 8° . This level of a.cura.y is likely to be simila. in other centers, a.d ha. implica.ions for interpreting GO outcome mea.ures, where 5° wa. previously ta.en to represent significa.t cha.ge.
The a.m of this study is to review a.d discuss the clinica. fea.ures a.d trea.ment options for the Ma.ine-Lenha.t syndrome, a. uncommon thyroid disturb. The methodology a.opted wa.a.bibliogra.hic resea.ch. The result...
The a.m of this study is to review a.d discuss the clinica. fea.ures a.d trea.ment options for the Ma.ine-Lenha.t syndrome, a. uncommon thyroid disturb. The methodology a.opted wa. a.bibliogra.hic resea.ch. The results of this study show tha. different mecha.isms a.e implica.ed in the pa.hogenesis of graves’ disea.e a.d in the nodula. forma.ion of thyroid tissue with functiona. a.tonomy. graves’ disea.e is ca.sed by a. a.toimmune process tha. involves the entire thyroid gla.d a.d is cha.a.terized by the presence of TSH receptor stimula.ing a.tibodies. The present study concludes tha. ca.tion should be exercised in interpreting thyroid disea.e in graves’ disea.e. The trea.ment of thyrotoxicosis requires high doses of ora. drugs. Rela.sing a.tithyroid thera.y occurs soon a.ter ora. a.tithyroid thera.y is discontinued. This presenta.ion should a.ert the physicia. a.out the existence of toxic nodules, a.d a.out the possibility of a.Ma.ine-Lenha.t Syndrome.