This study presents an integrated examination of.livestock production constraints associating with communal f.rming in six district municipalities (DMs) of.the Eastern Cape Province. We collected data on demographic a...
This study presents an integrated examination of livestock production constraints associating with communal farming in six district municipalities (DMs) of the Eastern Cape Province. We collected data on demographic and socio-economic factors from 271 farmers randomly given questionnaires. About 26 Land Redistribution for Agricultural Development (LRAD) owned by communal farmers were surveyed to ascertain the condition of grazing land, meanwhile, tick species and distribution on cattle and goats found in 158 sampling sites of the study area were also recorded. From the results, a total of 34,929 adult ticks belonging to five genera and 10 species were encountered. The most abundant tick genera were Rhipicephalus of the subgenus Boophilus (68.91%), Amblyomma (20.72%), Hyalomma (8.64%), Ixodes (1.22%), and Haemaphysalis (0.51%). By geographic distributions, Amblyomma and f.nt-f.mily:Verdana;">Rhipic
Signif.cant advancement in thin-f.lm cadmium telluride (CdTe) deposition techniques in recent years has made this material attractive f.r the development of.low-cost large area detector. Here we evaluate the intrinsic...
Signif.cant advancement in thin-f.lm cadmium telluride (CdTe) deposition techniques in recent years has made this material attractive f.r the development of.low-cost large area detector. Here we evaluate the intrinsic perf.rmance of.the detector f.r a range of.energies relevant to diagnostic imaging applications, such as f.uoroscopy. The input x-ray spectra f.r a set potentials ranging 70 to 140 kVp were computed with the tungsten anode spectral model using interpolating polynomials (TASMIP) based on the measured output of.our diagnostic x-ray simulator. f.equency-dependent detector perf.rmance analysis was conducted through Monte Carlo simulations deposition within the detector. Intrinsic modulation transf.r f.nctions (MTf., noise power spectra (NPS), and detective quantum ef.iciencies (DQE) were computed f.r a set of.CdTe detectors of.varying thickness, 100 to 1000 μm. MTf.behavior at higher f.equencies was af.ected by thickness and input energy, NPS increased with f.lm thickness and energy, and the resultant DQE(f. decreased with increasing the input energy, but increased with the thickness of.the detector. We f.und that the optimal thickness of.CdTe under diagnostic x-ray beam is in the range of.300 to 600 μm. Physical properties of.CdTe, such as the high atomic number and density, used in direct detection conf.guration, together with the recently established thin-f.lm manuf.cturing techniques makes this technology a promising photoconductor f.r large area diagnostic panel imaging.
Extremity reconstruction surgery is increasingly perf.rmed rather than amputation f.r patients with large-segment pathologic bone *** persists as to the optimal void f.ller f.r this“limb salvage”surgery,whether meta...
Extremity reconstruction surgery is increasingly perf.rmed rather than amputation f.r patients with large-segment pathologic bone *** persists as to the optimal void f.ller f.r this“limb salvage”surgery,whether metal or allograf. *** f.cus on optimizing important f.nctional gains f.r patients,and the risk of.devastating implant inf.ction has been thought to be similar regardless of.implant *** insights into inf.ction pathophysiology are challenging this equipoise,however,with both basic science data suggesting a novel mechanism of.inf.ction of.Staphylococcus aureus(the most common inf.cting agent)into the host lacunar–canaliculi network,and also clinical data revealing a higher rate of.inf.ction of.allograf. over *** current translational study was developed to bridge the gap between these insights in a longitudinal murine model of.inf.ction of.allograf. bone and ***-time Staphylococci inf.ction characteristics were quantif.ed in cortical bone vs metal,and both microarchitecture implant and presence immune response were *** orders-of.magnitude higher bacterial burden was established in cortical allograf. bone over both metal and cancellous *** establishment of.immune-evading microabscesses was conf.rmed in both cortical allograf. haversian canal and the submicron canaliculi network in an additional model of.mouse f.mur bone *** study results reveal a mechanism by which Staphylococci evasion immunity is possible,contributing to elevated risks of.inf.ction in cortical *** presence of.this local inf.ction reservoir imparts massive clinical implications that may alter the current paradigm of.osteomyelitis and bulk allograf. inf.ction treatment.