i. mammals. lactati.n i. the mos. energeti.ally demandi.g peri.d of a female’s.reproducti.e li.e. Thi.s.udy was.des.0}ned to evaluate the effect of fermented s.ya bean and Vi.ami. C s.pplement on li.i. peroxi.ati.n a...
i. mammals. lactati.n i. the mos. energeti.ally demandi.g peri.d of a female’s.reproducti.e li.e. Thi. s.udy was.des.0}ned to evaluate the effect of fermented s.ya bean and Vi.ami. C s.pplement on li.i. peroxi.ati.n and anti.xi.ant enzymes.i. lactati.g albi.o rats. Thi.ty fi.e (35) adult female rats.were us.d for thi. s.udy. At parturi.i.n, the ani.als.were randomly di.i.ed i.to fi.e groups.of fi.e (5) rats.each. Except group four (4) that was.s.bdi.i.ed i.to three (3) s.b groups.of fi.e ani.als.each (n = 5). Treatment was.carri.d out as.follows. Group i. (Normal control) was.gi.en normal feed and di.ti.led water, orally (1 ml/kg), Group i.: metocloprami.e (5 mg/kg), Group i.i. 100 mg/kg of Vi.ami. C. The three (3) s.b groups.under group four (4) recei.ed 10%, 20% and 40% s.ya bean, res.ecti.ely, Group V: was.co-admi.i.tered wi.h 20% s.ya bean s.pplement and Vi.ami. C (100 mg/kg). Treatment was.done for the peri.d of ten (10) days.at 06:00 h dai.y. Although there was.an i.creas. i. s.rum MDA concentrati.ns.i. all the treated groups.compared to the control, li.i. peroxi.ati.n was.however s.0}ni.i.antly hi.her (P i. the metocloprami.e group relati.e to the s.ya bean s.pplemented groups. Thi. s.udy has.s.own that s.pplementati.n wi.h s.ya bean i.duces.a mi.d anti.xi.ant effect by i.creas.0}g s.rum level of s.peroxi.e di.mutas.. There was.however a s.0}ni.i.ant decreas. i. s.rum s.D i. the 10% s. group compared to the control. There was.a s.0}ni.i.ant di.ference i. s.rum catalas. acti.i.y i. the group treated wi.h METCL (46.20 ± 1.53), s. 10% (44.00 ± 1.14) and s. 20% (45.20 ± 1.28) compared to the control (52.00 ± 0.71) (P s.rum level of glutathi.ne peroxi.as. GPx s.owed a s.0}ni.i.ant di.ference i. the group treated wi.h Vi. C, s. 10% and s. 20% compared to the control (P < 0.05).
***,Wes. Ni.e vi.us.WNV)i. an i.portant arbovi.us.that affects.both ani.als.and *** i. a flavi.i.us.member of the Flavi.i.i.ae fami.y and i. pri.ari.y s.read by Culex *** mai. enzooti. cycle of WNV occurs.between bi.d...
***,Wes. Ni.e vi.us.WNV)i. an i.portant arbovi.us.that affects.both ani.als.and *** i. a flavi.i.us.member of the Flavi.i.i.ae fami.y and i. pri.ari.y s.read by Culex *** mai. enzooti. cycle of WNV occurs.between bi.ds.and mos.ui.oes.wi.h hors.s.and humans.s.rvi.g as.dead-end *** mos. human i.fecti.ns.are i.apparent,the vi.us.can caus. flu-li.e malai.e(20%)and s.vere neuroi.vas.0}e di.orders.i. no s.eci.i. treatment or approved human vacci.es.