In Software-Dened Networks(SDN),the divergence of the control interface from the data plane provides a unique platform to develop a programmable and exible network.A single controller,due to heavy load trafc triggered...
In Software-Dened Networks(SDN),the divergence of the control interface from the data plane provides a unique platform to develop a programmable and exible network.A single controller,due to heavy load trafc triggered by different intelligent devices can not handle due to it’s restricted *** manage this,it is necessary to implement multiple controllers on the control plane to achieve quality network performance and *** ow of data through the multiple controllers also varies,resulting in an unequal distribution of load between different *** major drawback of the multiple controllers is their constant conguration of the mapping of the switch-controller,quickly allowing unequal distribution of load between *** overcome this drawback,Software-Dened Vehicular Networking(SDVN)has evolved as a congurable and scalable network,that has quickly achieved attraction in wireless communications from research groups,businesses,and industries *** this paper,we have proposed a load balancing algorithm based on latency for multiple SDN *** acknowledges the evolving characteristics of real-time latency *** *** choosing the required latency and resolving multiple overloads simultaneously,our proposed algorithm solves the loadbalancing problems with multiple overloaded controllers in the SDN control *** addition to the migration,our algorithm has improved 25%latency as compared to the existing algorithms.
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to study a nascent theory and an emerging concept of solving a fully fuzzy linear system(FFLS)with no non negative restrictions on the triangular fuzzy numbers chosen as *** new s...
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to study a nascent theory and an emerging concept of solving a fully fuzzy linear system(FFLS)with no non negative restrictions on the triangular fuzzy numbers chosen as *** new simplified computational methods are proposed to solve a FFLS without any sign *** first method eliminates the non-negativity constraint from the coefficient matrix while the second method eliminates the constraint of non-negativity on the solution *** methods are introduced with an objective to broaden the domain of fuzzy linear systems to encompass a wide range of problems occurring in ***/methodology/approach–The design of numerical methods is motivated by decomposing the fuzzy based linear system into its equivalent crisp linear form which can be further solved by variety of classical methods to solve a crisp linear *** the paper investigates Schur complement technique to solve the crisp equivalent of the ***–The results that are obtained reveal interesting properties of a *** using the proposed methods,the authors are able to check the consistency of the fuzzy linear system as well as obtain the nature of obtained solutions,***,unique or *** it is also seen that an n£n FFLS may yield finitely many solutions which may not be entirely feasible(strong).Also the methods successfully remove the non-negativity restriction on the coefficient matrix and the solution vector,*** limitations/implications–Evolving methods with better computational complexity and that which remove the non-negativity restriction jointly on all the parameters are left as an open ***/value–The proposed methods are new and conceptually simple to understand and apply in several scientific areas where fuzziness *** methods successfully remove several constraints that have been employed exhaustively by researchers and thus eventually tend to widen the breadt
Climate change is expected to have long-term impacts on drought and wildfire risks in Oregon as summers continue to become warmer and drier. This paper investigates the projected changes in drought characteristics and...
Climate change is expected to have long-term impacts on drought and wildfire risks in Oregon as summers continue to become warmer and drier. This paper investigates the projected changes in drought characteristics and drought propagation in the Umatilla River Basin in northeastern Oregon for mid-century(2030–2059) and late-century(2070–2099) climate scenarios. Drought characteristics for projected climates were determined using downscaled CMIP5 climate datasets from ten climate models and Soil and Water Assessment Tool to simulate effects on hydrologic processes. Short-term(three months) drought characteristics(frequency, duration, and severity) were analyzed using four drought indices, including the Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI-3), Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index(SPEI-3), Standardized Streamflow Index(SSI-3), and the Standardized Soil Moisture Index(SSMI-3). Results indicate that short-term meteorological droughts are projected to become more prevalent, with up to a 20% increase in the frequency of SPI-3drought events. Short-term hydrological droughts are projected to become more frequent(average increase of 11% in frequency of SSI-3 drought events), more severe, and longer in duration(average increase of 8% for short-term droughts).Similarly, short-term agricultural droughts are projected to become more frequent(average increase of 28% in frequency of SSMI-3 drought events) but slightly shorter in duration(average decrease of 4%) in the future. Historically, drought propagation time from meteorological to hydrological drought is shorter than from meteorological to agricultural drought in most sub-basins. For the projected climate scenarios, the decrease in drought propagation time will likely stress the timing and capacity of water supply in the basin for irrigation and other uses.
Mature and healthy male house rats,Rattus rattus(n=160)were fed on bait(cracked wheat:powdered sugar,98:2)containing different concentrations of triptolide(0.1,0.05,0.025 and 0%)for 7 and 14 days in no-choice and bi-c...
Mature and healthy male house rats,Rattus rattus(n=160)were fed on bait(cracked wheat:powdered sugar,98:2)containing different concentrations of triptolide(0.1,0.05,0.025 and 0%)for 7 and 14 days in no-choice and bi-choice feeding tests in the *** objective of the study was to record the antifertility affects of triptolide after 30 and 60 days of termination of *** revealed no significant effect of triptolide treatment on weights of testis,epididymis,seminal vesicles and prostate gland of ***,sperm motility,live sperm count,sperm density and sperm morphology in the cauda epididymal fluid were found to differ significantly(P≤0.05)between untreated and treated groups of *** major effect of triptolide on sperm morphology was in the form of sperm head tail separation,which was up to 56.0%in rats treated for 14 days in no-choice and autopsied after 30 days.A significant effect(P≤0.05)of triptolide treatment was observed on the histomorphology of the testis,which included a dose-dependent decrease in diameter of seminiferous tubules,thickness of germinal epithelium and numbers of various spermatogenic *** associations in the seminiferous epithelial cycle were poorly developed in rats ingesting medium(4.7-5.1 mg/100 g bw)and high doses(6.9-7.2 mg/100 g bw)of triptolide than rats ingesting low doses(1.8-2.3 mg/100 g bw)and untreated *** cell stages affected had not recovered fully within the 60 day period following triptolide *** present study suggests the potential of triptolide in reproductive management of Rattus rattus.
Accuracy of hydrodynamic and water quality numerical models developed for a specific site is dependent on multiple model parameters and variables whose values are attained via calibration processes and/or expert knowl...
Accuracy of hydrodynamic and water quality numerical models developed for a specific site is dependent on multiple model parameters and variables whose values are attained via calibration processes and/or expert knowledge. Real time variations in the actual aquatic system at a site necessitate continuous monitoring of the system so that model parameters and variables are regularly updated to reflect accurate conditions. Multiple sources of observations can help adjust the model better by providing benefits of individual monitoring technology within the model updating process. For example, remote sensing data provide a spatially dense dataset of model variables at the surface of a water body, while in-situ monitoring technologies can provide data at multiple depths and at more frequent time intervals than remote sensing technologies. This research aims to present an overview of an integrated modeling and data assimilation framework that combines three-dimensional numerical model with multiple sources of observations to simulate water column temperature in a eutrophic reservoir in central Indiana. A variational data assimilation approach is investigated for incorporating spatially continuous remote sensing temperature observations and spatially discrete in-situ observations to change initial conditions of the numerical model. The results demonstrate the challenges in improving the model performance by incorporating water temperature from multi-spectral remote sensing analysis versus in-situ measurements. For example, at a eutrophic reservoir in Central Indiana where four images of multi-spectral remote sensing data were assimilated in the numerical model, the overall error for the four images reduced from 20.9% (before assimilation) to 15.9% (best alternative after the assimilation). Additionally, best improvements in errors were observed on days closer to the starting time of model’s assimilation time window. However, when the original and updated model results for t