Geotechnical properties of sedimentary rocks exposed along upper Egypt-Red Sea road were investigated to evaluate their geotechnical behavior. One of the most important aims of this work was to determine the engineeri...
Geotechnical properties of sedimentary rocks exposed along upper Egypt-Red Sea road were investigated to evaluate their geotechnical behavior. One of the most important aims of this work was to determine the engineering problems affected on the road due to the geotechnical behavior of the studied sedimentary rocks and to suggest the suitable solution. Specific weight, unconfined compressive strength, slaking durability and free swelling were measured. The results showed that the studied crystalline limestone, marly limestone and Issawia limestone had higher unconfined compressive strength values ranging from 34,184.00 kN/m2 to 42,602.00 kN/m2 and the studied shale, siltstone and coral reef had lower values ranging from 3,689.00 kN/m2 to 6,933.00 kN/m2. The results showed also that the studied shale, siltstone and mudstone had fast to very fast slaking rate and their slaking amount described as low to medium after Gamble's slake durability classification. Replacement and/or chemical stabilization (using lime and/or cement kiln dust) of the expansive sedimentary rocks (shale and mudstone) were recommended to reduce the swelling. Geophysical investigations including shallow seismic, microgravity and GPR (ground penetrating radar) were recommended to scan the sub-grade of the road at El Maaza plateau to determine possible other caves and large voids under the road to avoid its collapse.
Lanthanum-bearing iron lithium borate glass is a quaternary system for oxide glasses and was prepared via the melt-quenching *** present article correlates the structure,optical,ligand field and M?ssbauer data on iron...
Lanthanum-bearing iron lithium borate glass is a quaternary system for oxide glasses and was prepared via the melt-quenching *** present article correlates the structure,optical,ligand field and M?ssbauer data on iron lithium borate glass co ntaining La^(3+).The density was measured,while the molar volume was *** physical parameters are *** increasing the La_(2)O_(3) content within the glass network,infrared spectra analysis reveals structural modifications such as the increase in BO_(4) units and the decline in both BO_(3) units and NBO bonds ***,optical absorption spectra were *** absorption spectra disclose a plethora of electronic transitions that are related to Fe^(3+)in tetrahedral and octahedral sites,however,Fe^(2+)phase is not observed in optical spectra,but it has a clear signature in M?ssbauer ***,the glass absorption edges undergo a clear blue shift,reflecting an increased band gap energy(1.96-2.28 eV).The decline in NBO bonds justifies this ***,the values of crystal field splitting are increased,while the values of Racah parameters are *** trend is justified by the decline in NBO bonds and increases electron localization around Fe cations.M?ssbauer spectra confirm the existence of Fe^(3+)in tetrahedral and octahedral sites,while Fe^(2+)exists in only a tetrahedral *** increasing La_(2)O_(3) content,the isomer shift of Fe^(3+)in tetrahedral sites changes to be 0.312-0.329 mm/s,while the isomer shift of octahedral Fe^(3+)is 0.424-0.456 mm/*** findings coincide with optical *** the isomer shift of tetrahedral Fe^(2+)is 0.902-0.911 mm/*** results of structural,optical and ligand field associated with M?ssbauer spectra open more vistas toward the utility of these samples in the optics realm.
The presented study dealt with geotechnical investigations on the sub-grade soils along the connector road between the electrical transformer station and the industrial city, New Tiba city, Luxor, to classify these so...
The presented study dealt with geotechnical investigations on the sub-grade soils along the connector road between the electrical transformer station and the industrial city, New Tiba city, Luxor, to classify these soils and to examine their geotechnical behavior and their proportionality for constructing the road at the study area. One of the most important aims of this work was to determine the problematic sub-grade soils and to recommend the suitable reclamation. To a.h.eve these goals sixty disturbed samples from six mechanical wa.h.drilling boreholes and three undisturbed samples from three open pits were collected. The studied soils were belonged to Quaternary age. Gradation parameters (coefficient of uniformity, Cu and coefficient of concavity, Cc), plasticity, California bearing ratio (CBR), proctor density and free swelling percent of the studied soils were measured. Ph-value, dissolved chloride, dissolved sulfate, calcium carbonate, total carbonate, and total dissolved salts were determined. The results pointed that the studied Quaternary soils along the study road were mainly composed of gravels, sands and clayey sands. The studied gravels were classified as poorly graded gravels (GP) according to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and as A-1-b according to American Association of State highway and Transportation Official (Aa.h.O). The studied sands were classified as well graded sands (SW) according to USCS and as A-1-a according to Aa.h.O. The results showed also that the sub-grades at boreholes no. 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were excellent to good and the sub-grade at boreholes no. 2 was fair to poor. Free swelling percent of the studied clayey sand soils was ranging from 30% to 80% and they were classified as low to medium grade expansive soil. Replacement and/or chemical stabilization (using lime and/or cement kiln dust) of the problematic clayey sands soils were suggested to reduce their swelling and to prevent the possible heave.
The present work dealt with the estimation of geotechnical parameters and earthquakes factors of poultry feed factory project constructing at an industrial Qift city, Qena, Egypt. The geotechnical parameters were incl...
The present work dealt with the estimation of geotechnical parameters and earthquakes factors of poultry feed factory project constructing at an industrial Qift city, Qena, Egypt. The geotechnical parameters were including gradation parameters, shear velocity (Vs), shear parameters (frictional angle and cohesion), and allowable bearing capacity. The earthquakes factors were including soil coefficient (S), limits of constant value for elastic response spectrum (TB and TC), and specified value for begin of the constant displacement spectrum (TD). The present study was interested also in an estimation of design ground acceleration (ag). To a.h.eve these objectives, five mechanical wa.h.boreholes were conducted at ten meter depth. Fifty disturbed samples were collected. Geotechnical laboratory tests were carried out like grain size analyses, direct shear box, and shear velocity (Vs). Standard penetration test (SPT) as geotechnical field test was conducted. The results showed that the studied soils were classified as well graded and poorly graded sands (SP and SW) according to the unified soil classification system (USCS). The earthquakes factors including S, TB, TC, and TD were 1.80, 0.10, 0.30, and 1.20 respectively. The ag-value of the studied area was 0.10. According to Egyptian code for vibration and dynamic load foundations, the studied project area was classified as low potential seismic. According to Egyptian code for shallow foundation, the allowable bearing capacity of the studied sands ranging from 1.5 to 3 kg/cm2 at shallow foundation width must be not less than one meter. Shallow foundations like isolated footing or structural mat were recommended.
This work dealt with a chemical stabilization of an expansive high plastic soil of Pliocene deposits exposed at El-Kawther quarter using cement kiln dust (CKD) and cement kiln dust with lime (L) to reduce their swelli...
This work dealt with a chemical stabilization of an expansive high plastic soil of Pliocene deposits exposed at El-Kawther quarter using cement kiln dust (CKD) and cement kiln dust with lime (L) to reduce their swelling and improve their geotechnical properties. Several specimens of the studied expansive soil were collected from El-Kawther quarter. Chemical analysis of the used cement kiln dust and the lime was conducted. Microstructural changes were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and after chemical treatment of the studied soil. Geotechnical properties including plasticity, compaction parameters, unconfined compressive strength (qu), ultrasonic velocities and free swelling of the studied soil were measured before and after the treatment. An optimum content of the cement kiln dust was 16% (CKD). The optimum content of the cement kiln dust with the lime was 14% (CKD) with 3% (L) according to ph-test. The results showed that the addition of cement kiln dust and cement kiln dust with lime led to a decrease in maximum dry density and an increase in optimum water content. Unconfined compressive strength values were increased using cement kiln dust and cement kiln dust with lime at 7 days curing time. Ultrasonic longitudinal (Vp) and shear (Vs) velocities values were also increased by addition of the cement kiln dust and the cement kiln dust with lime at 7 days curing time. Increment of the curing time from 7 to 28 days led to an increase in both unconfined compressive strength and ultrasonic velocities values. Free swelling percent of the studied soil was reduced from 80.0% to 0.0% after the treatment.
Lanthanum-bearing iron lithium borate glass is a quaternary system for oxide glasses and was prepared via the melt-quenching *** present article correlates the structure,optical,ligand field and M?ssbauer data on iron...
Lanthanum-bearing iron lithium borate glass is a quaternary system for oxide glasses and was prepared via the melt-quenching *** present article correlates the structure,optical,ligand field and M?ssbauer data on iron lithium borate glass co ntaining La3+.The density was measured,while the molar volume was *** physical parameters are *** increasing the La2O3content within the glass network,infrared spectra analysis reveals structural modifications such as the increase in BO4units and the decline in both BO3units and NBO bonds ***,optical absorption spectra were *** absorption spectra disclose a plethora of electronic transitions that are related to Fe3+in tetrahedral and octahedral sites,however,Fe2+phase is not observed in optical spectra,but it has a clear signature in M?ssbauer ***,the glass absorption edges undergo a clear blue shift,reflecting an increased band gap energy(1.96-2.28 eV).The decline in NBO bonds justifies this ***,the values of crystal field splitting are increased,while the values of Racah parameters are *** trend is justified by the decline in NBO bonds and increases electron localization around Fe cations.M?ssbauer spectra confirm the existence of Fe3+in tetrahedral and octahedral sites,while Fe2+exists in only a tetrahedral *** increasing La2O3content,the isomer shift of Fe3+in tetrahedral sites changes to be 0.312-0.329 mm/s,while the isomer shift of octahedral Fe3+is 0.424-0.456 mm/*** findings coincide with optical *** the isomer shift of tetrahedral Fe2+is 0.902-0.911 mm/*** results of structural,optical and ligand field associated with M?ssbauer spectra open more vistas toward the utility of these samples in the optics realm.
Great efforts had been made to use indirect non-destructive tests in the geotechnical evaluation of rocks, especially sandstones, employing different empirical equations. however, most of these equations have been der...
Great efforts had been made to use indirect non-destructive tests in the geotechnical evaluation of rocks, especially sandstones, employing different empirical equations. however, most of these equations have been derived from hard and compacted sandstones data;therefore, the focus of this research is on weak and weakly compacted sandstones, aiming firstly to obtain empirical equations for estimating their characteristics, secondly to demonstrate and visualize the correlations between the studied variables, and finally to cluster the studied samples based on their characteristics. To attain these aims, twenty oriented block samples were collected from Nubia sandstone, central Eastern Desert, Golden Triangle area, Egypt. These samples were prepared and tested according to standard test methods, including uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), Brazilian tensile strength (BTS), Schmidt rebound number (SRN), porosity (n), bulk density (ρ), and ultrasonic P-wave velocity (UPV). The loss on ignition (LOI) was also employed as a physicochemical test for classifying the studied samples and indicating pores filling materials. The results revealed that these sandstones are characterized mainly by high n, low ρ, and low UPV values and these give an indication of weakly compacted and weakly cemented sandstone with shallow burial diagenetic conditions. Based on UCS and elastic modulus values, these sandstones are mainly classified as very low strength and highly yielding rocks. The results of regression analysis show satisfactory correlations between physical and mechanical characteristics, indicating the suitability of obtained empirical equations to deduce these properties. Principal component analysis revealed that the LOI, BTS, SRN, and US
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)is quickly becoming one of the most prominent causes of liver disease *** increasing incidence of NAFLD is tied to the obesity epidemic and the subsequent metabolic derangements ...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)is quickly becoming one of the most prominent causes of liver disease *** increasing incidence of NAFLD is tied to the obesity epidemic and the subsequent metabolic derangements brought along with *** efforts to elucidate the mechanism and causes of the disease have answered some questions,but much remains unknown about *** aim of this article is to discuss the current knowledge regarding the pa.h.genesis of the disease,as well as the current and future diagnostic,preventative,and therapeutic options available to clinicians for the management of NAFLD.
Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer related dea.h.owing to its destructive nature and postponed detection at advanced *** recognition of lung cancer is essential to increase the survival rate of persons and it rem...
Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer related dea.h.owing to its destructive nature and postponed detection at advanced *** recognition of lung cancer is essential to increase the survival rate of persons and it remains a crucial problem in the healthcare *** aided diagnosis(CAD)models can be designed to effectually identify and classify the existence of lung cancer using medical *** recently developed deep learning(DL)models find a way for accurate lung nodule classification ***,this article presents a deer hunting optimization with deep convolutional neural network for lung cancer detection and classification(DhODCNNLCC)*** proposed DhODCNN-LCC technique initially undergoes pre-processing in two stages namely contrast enhancement and noise ***,the features extraction process on the pre-processed images takes place using the Nadam optimizer with RefineDet *** addition,denoising stacked autoencoder(DSAE)model is employed for lung nodule ***,the deer hunting optimization algorithm(DhOA)is utilized for optimal hyper parameter tuning of the DSAE model and thereby results in improved classification *** experimental validation of the DhODCNN-LCC technique was implemented against benchmark dataset and the outcomes are assessed under various *** experimental outcomes reported the superior outcomes of the DhODCNN-LCC technique over the recent approa.h.s with respect to distinct measures.
This paper validates the optimal operation for a grid-connected double-fed induction generator(DFIG)in an oscillating water column power plant(OWCPP).This study presents a novel optimization technique called the circu...
This paper validates the optimal operation for a grid-connected double-fed induction generator(DFIG)in an oscillating water column power plant(OWCPP).This study presents a novel optimization technique called the circulatory system-based optimization(CSBO) develop six adaptive fuzzy logic controllers(AFLCs)with 30 parameters and compare them to chaotic-billiards optimization(C-BO)and genetic algorithm(GA).The proposed controller is also compared with a proportional-integral differential(PID)controller based on a self-adaptive global-best harmony search(SGhS).CSBO-based AFLCs are fully investigated under different scenarios and experimented with using a real-time interface *** results of using CSBO-AFLCs revealed a fast time response,fast convergence,less overshoot and minimal error compared with those a.h.eved with C-BO-AFLC,SGhS-PID and GA-AFLC during different case *** CSBO-based AFLCs ensure maximum power from the DFIG in an OWCPP and enhance dynamic response with very low *** results show that the CSBO shows better power tracking by 25%as compared with C-BO,by 45%when compared with the GA and by 56%when compared with ***,the integral absolute errors of six controllers are investigated to demonstrate the feasibility of *** root mean square of the errors of six controllers using CSBO is improved by 68.27%when compared with GA,by 22.57%when compared with C-BO and by 38.42%when compared with *** indicators demonstrate the feasibility of CSBO when compared with other algorithms with the same OWCPP.