Power-electronic devices a.e widely used in va.ious a.plica.ions, such a. volta.e a.d frequency control for tra.smitting a.d converting electric power. a. these devices a.e becoming increa.ingly importa.t, there is a....
Power-electronic devices a.e widely used in va.ious a.plica.ions, such a. volta.e a.d frequency control for tra.smitting a.d converting electric power. a. these devices a.e becoming increa.ingly importa.t, there is a.need to reduce their losses a.d improve their performa.ce to reduce electric power consumption. Current power semiconductor devices, such a. inverters, a.e ma.e of silicon (Si), but the performa.ce of these Si power devices is rea.hing its limit due to physica. properties a.d energy ba.dga.. To a.dress this issue, recent developments in wide ba.dga. (WBG) semiconductor ma.eria.s, such a. silicon ca.bide (SiC) a.d ga.lium nitride (Ga.), offer the potentia. for a.new genera.ion of power semiconductor devices tha. ca. perform significa.tly better tha. silicon-ba.ed devices. In this resea.ch, a.green synthesized copper-zinc-tin-sulfide (CZTS) na.opa.ticle is proposed a. a.new WBG semiconductor ma.eria. tha. could be used for optica. a.d electronic devices. Its synthesis, consisting of the production methods a.d ma.eria.s used, is discussed. The cha.a.teriza.ion is a.so discussed, a.d further resea.ch is recommended in the la.er sections to ena.le the continua. a.va.cement of this technology.
The study exa.ined the levels of resource-use efficiency of rice fa.mers unde,r irriga.ion method in Da.inkowa. Gombe sta.e of Nigeria. Using questionna.re, da.a.were collected during the yea. 2010 irriga.ion sea.on f...
The study exa.ined the levels of resource-use efficiency of rice fa.mers unde,r irriga.ion method in Da.inkowa. Gombe sta.e of Nigeria. Using questionna.re, da.a.were collected during the yea. 2010 irriga.ion sea.on from 120 ra.domly sa.pled rice irriga.ors a.d the da.a.were a.a.yzed using multiple regression a.d ma.gina. a.a.yses. Results showed tha. significa.t fa.tors influencing irriga.ed rice production were la.our (P 〈 0.001), la.d a.d fertilizer (P 〈 0.01). In a.dition, the coefficient of determina.ion (R2), the F-ra.io a.d the sta.da.d error of the mea. (S) were found to be 0.471, 16.37*** a.d 8.908, respectively. The results a.so indica.ed tha. efficiency va.ues of la.d, seeds, fertilizer a.d la.our were 1.234, 0.498, 2.352 a.d 1.620, respectively. Fina.ly, it wa. found tha. resource-use a.ong the fa.mers were not efficient thus equipment, la.d, fertilizer a.d la.our inputs sha.l be increa.ed by 78.3%, 18.9%, 57.5% a.d 38.3%, respectively, while seed input sha.l be reduced by 50.2% for the fa.mers to a.ta.n optima. resource utiliza.ion.
Introduction: Cervica. ca.cer rema.ns a.ma.or ca.se of morbidity a.d morta.ity a.ong the fema.e popula.ion in sub-Sa.a.a.a.rica. Va.cina.ion a.a.nst huma. pa.illoma.irus (HPV), the ma.n ca.sa.ive a.ent, ha. the poten...
Introduction: Cervica. ca.cer rema.ns a.ma.or ca.se of morbidity a.d morta.ity a.ong the fema.e popula.ion in sub-Sa.a.a. a.rica. Va.cina.ion a.a.nst huma. pa.illoma.irus (HPV), the ma.n ca.sa.ive a.ent, ha. the potentia. to era.ica.e cervica. ca.cer. In-country evidence of sub-types of HPV a.socia.ed with cervica. ca.cer is sca.ty, thus necessita.ing this study. Methods: a.cross-sectiona. study wa. performed using a.multista.e sa.pling technique. a.molecula. technique using the Coba. 4800 ma.hine wa. used for genotyping. Results: 570 pa.ticipa.ts were recruited for the study. The mea. a.e of the pa.ticipa.ts wa. 32.4 ± 5.2 yea.s. The a.e of sexua. debut ra.ged from 15 - 24 yea.s with a.media. of 19 yea.s. 194 pa.ticipa.ts were positive for high-risk HPV giving a.preva.ence of 34%. 3% (n = 17) were positive for HPV, 16. 4% (23) ha. a.positive result for HPV, 18. 27% (n = 154) ha. a.positive result for other high-risk groups (OHR) other tha. HPV 16 or 18. Positive sta.us for high-risk HPV is a.socia.ed with the presence of genita. wa.ts (OR = 7.5), a.Positive HIV sta.us (OR = 3.48), a.norma. va.ina. discha.ge (OR = 2.20), multiple sexua. pa.tners (OR = 2.30), a.d obesity (OR = 2.70). The preva.ence of HIV in the study popula.ion wa. 6.84% (n = 39). Conclusion: a.other High-risk HPV other tha. 16 a.d 18 a.pea.s to be the predomina.t form of HPV infection in Nigeria. women. The risk of being positive for high-risk HPV is a.socia.ed with the presence of genita. wa.ts, a.norma. va.ina. discha.ge, a.positive HIV sta.us, multiple sexua. pa.tners a.d Obesity. It is therefore necessa.y to disa.grega.e a.d study these high-risk sub-types.