h.gh.spin states in th. odd-odd nucleus 128I h.ve been populated via th.h.avy-ion induced fusion-evaporation reaction 124Sn(7Li, 3n)128I. Th. 7Li beams at 28 and 32 energies were provided by th. tandem accelerator in...
h.gh.spin states in th. odd-odd nucleus 128I h.ve been populated via th. h.avy-ion induced fusion-evaporation reaction 124Sn(7Li, 3n)128I. Th. 7Li beams at 28 and 32 energies were provided by th. tandem accelerator in th. University of Tsukuba, Japan. Th. target was an enrich.d self-supporting 124Sn metallic foil of 4 mg/cm2 th.ckness.
Th. electroph.retic mobility of positively ch.rged,cylindrically sh.ped α-FeO Oh.particles dispersed in dilute sodium ch.oride solutions was measured at 25℃,as a function of ionic strength.and ph.using microelectrop...
Th. electroph.retic mobility of positively ch.rged,cylindrically sh.ped α-FeO Oh.particles dispersed in dilute sodium ch.oride solutions was measured at 25℃,as a function of ionic strength.and ph.using microelectroph.resis apparatus. Th. mobility data were processed th.ough.a number of selected relationsh.ps th.t represent various stages of understanding of electroph.retic th.ory,culminating in th. determination of values of th. electrokinetic ch.rge and zeta potential of th. colloid α-FeO Oh.NaCl aq.