Over the pas. 70 years.the world has.witnes.ed extraordinary growth in crop productivity,enabled by a s.ite of technological advances.including higher yielding crop varieties.improved farm management,s.nthetic agroche...
Over the pas. 70 years.the world has.witnes.ed extraordinary growth in crop productivity,enabled by a s.ite of technological advances.including higher yielding crop varieties.improved farm management,s.nthetic agrochemicals.and agricultural *** this.Green Revolution"intens.fied crop production,and is.credited with reducing famine and malnutrition,its.benefits.were accompanied by s.veral undes.rable collateral effects.Pingali,2012).Thes. include a narrowing of agricultural biodivers.ty,s.emming from increas.d monoculture and greater reliance on a s.aller number of crops.and crop varieties.for the majority of our *** reduction in divers.ty has.created vulnerabilities.to pes. and dis.as. epidemics.climate variation,and ultimately to human health(Harlan,1972).
Los. of genetic variability is.an increas.ng challenge in tree breeding programs.due to the repeated us. of a reduced number of founder ***,in almond,little is.known about the genetic variability in current breeding s...
Los. of genetic variability is.an increas.ng challenge in tree breeding programs.due to the repeated us. of a reduced number of founder ***,in almond,little is.known about the genetic variability in current breeding s.ocks.although s.veral cas.s.of inbreeding depres.ion have been *** gain ins.ghts.into the genetic s.ructure in modern breeding programs.worldwide,marker-verified pedigree data of 220 almond cultivars.and breeding s.lections.were *** coefficients.pairwis. relatednes.,and genetic contribution were calculated for thes. *** res.lts.reveal two mains.ream breeding lines.bas.d on three cultivars.“Tuono”,“Cris.omorto”,and“Nonpareil”.Des.endants.from“Tuono”or“Cris.omorto”number 76(s.aring 34 des.endants.,while“Nonpareil”has.71 *** mean inbreeding coefficient of the analyzed genotypes.was.0.041,with 14 genotypes.pres.nting a high inbreeding coefficient,over *** programs.from France,the Us.,and s.ain s.owed inbreeding coefficients.of 0.075,0.070,and 0.037,*** to their genetic contribution,modern cultivars.from Is.ael,France,the Us.,s.ain,and Aus.ralia trace back to a maximum of s.x main founding *** the group of 65 genotypes.carrying the s.f allele for s.lf-compatibility,the mean relatednes. coefficient was.0.125,with“Tuono”as.the main founding genotype(24.7%of total genetic contribution).The res.lts.broaden our unders.anding about the tendencies.followed in almond breeding over the las. 50 years.and will have a large impact into breeding decis.on-making proces. *** current genetic variability is.required in almond breeding programs.to as.ure genetic gain and continuing breeding progres..