Diha.ron a.imutha. correla.ions conta.ning a.high tra.sverse momentum(pr)trigger pa.ticle a.e sensit-ive to the properties of the nuclea. medium crea.ed a. RHIC through the strong intera.tions occurring between the tr...
Diha.ron a.imutha. correla.ions conta.ning a.high tra.sverse momentum(pr)trigger pa.ticle a.e sensit-ive to the properties of the nuclea. medium crea.ed a. RHIC through the strong intera.tions occurring between the tra.ersing pa.ton a.d the medium,*** mea.urements revea.ed a.strong modifica.ion to di-ha.ron a.imutha. correla.ions in a.+a. collisions with respect to ptp a.d d+a. *** modifica.ion in-crea.es with the collision centra.ity,suggesting a.pa.h-length or energy density dependence to the je-quenching *** pa.er reports STa. mea.urements of diha.ron a.imutha. correla.ions in mid-centra.(20%-60%)a.+a. collisions a.√^(S)NN=200 GeV a. a.function of the trigger pa.ticle's a.imutha. a.gle rela.ive to the event pla.e,Ф_(s)=|Ф_(t)-ψ_(Ep)|.The a.imutha. correla.ion is studied a. a.function of both the trigger a.d a.socia.ed pa.ticle *** subtra.tions of the combina.oria. ba.kground a.d a.isotropic flow,a.suming Zero Yield a. Minimum(ZYa.),a.e *** correla.ion results a.e first discussed with subtra.tion of the even ha.monic(elliptic a.d qua.ra.gu-la.)flow *** a.a.-side correla.ion is strongly modifed,a.d the modifica.ion va.ies withФ_(s),with a.double-pea. structure for out-of-pla.e trigger *** nea.-side ridge(long ra.ge pseudo-ra.idity△_(η)correla.tion)a.pea.s to drop with increa.ingФ_(s)while the jet-like component rema.ns a.proxima.ely *** correla.tion functions a.e further studied with the subtra.tion of odd ha.monic tria.gula. flow ba.kground a.ising from *** is found tha. the tria.gula. flow,while responsible for the ma.ority of the a.plitudes,is not sufficient to expla.n theφs-dependence of the ridge or the a.a.-side double-pea. *** dropping ridge withФ_(s)could be a.tributed to a._(s)-dependent lliptie a.isotropy;however,the physics mecha.ism of the ridge rema.ns a. open *** with a._(s)-dependent elliptic flow,the a.a.-side correla.ion structure