Ba.kground: Complica.ions linked to postpa.tum & a.e one of the ma.or of fema.e dea.h. In order to understa.d the of complica.ions a.d encoura.e women to ta.e sufficient a.tion in order to rece...
Ba.kground: Complications linked to postpartum & pregnancy are one of the major causes of female death. In order to understand the causes of complications and encourage women to take sufficient action in order to receive emergency treatment, a critical step should therefore be taken to minimize complications related to pregnancy, in order to ensure the safety of both women and newborns.a.>a.> a.>a.>Aim of the worka.>a.>:a.>a.> a.>a.>Evaluate the effectiveness of the education programs for pregnant women on obstetric danger signs in rural areas and help minimize the incidence of pregnancy loss and comorbidities.a.>a.> a.>a.>Methodsa.>a.>a. style="font-fa.ily:Verda.a.">a. style="font-fa.ily:Verda.a.">a. style="font-fa.ily:Verda.a.">: a.qua.i-experimenta. design on 70 women from a.popula.ion of through 372 women in six-month in a.tena.a. clinics recruited from the previously mentioned settings with pre- a.d post-test wa. conducted a. a.tena.a. clinics (M.C.H centers) a.filia.ed to the geogra.hica. zones in EL-fa.oum rura. a.ea.including: a.-sheikh a. sa.orse. We collected the da.a.of women cha.a.teristics by a.self-a.ministered interview q
Biologica. effects of electroma.netic fields on the huma. body, a.ima.s a.d pla.ts ha.e been a.subject of scientific interest a.d public concern for their risk on the living orga.isms such a. blood leukemia.a.d others...
Biologica. effects of electroma.netic fields on the huma. body, a.ima.s a.d pla.ts ha.e been a.subject of scientific interest a.d public concern for their risk on the living orga.isms such a. blood leukemia.a.d others. The high volta.e tra.smission a.d distribution lines, which pa.s beside some houses, fa.tories a.d schools a.e source of electroma.netic fields. This presents the field ca.cula.ions a.ound a.d nea. of high volta.e tra.smission lines 220 kV a.d 500kV. To ca.cula.e the induced current, the power density, the electric field a.d the ma.netic field of grounded a.d ungrounded huma. body cylindrica. model a.e used. Ma.La. progra. pa.ka.e is used for ma.hema.ica. ca.cula.ion of the distribution of the EMF in huma. body under high volta.e power tra.smission lines.
This proposes a.methodology for the energy consumed by a.Wireless Sensor Network a. well a. its throughput under the effect of a.ja.ming node modelling interference to a.count for collisions a.d retr...
This proposes a.methodology for the energy consumed by a.Wireless Sensor Network a. well a. its throughput under the effect of a.ja.ming node modelling interference to a.count for collisions a.d retra.smissions. a.cordingly, the proposed methodology into considera.ion retra.smissions a.d da.a.dropped due to interference a.d collisions simulta.eously. Simula.ions a.e conducted using OPNET to model va.ious scena.ios utilizing off-the-shelf wireless communica.ion sta.da.ds, na.ely ZigBee, Wi-Fi a.d Low Power Wi-Fi. a.figure of merit is developed to offer more representa.ive results for a.plica.ions with different requirements. In a.hieving different requirements for a.given a.plica.ion, there is a.clea. tra.e-off between energy consumption a.d throughput.