项目大事记/CHRONOLOGY规划设计/Start of Planning:02/1995动工/Start of Construction:12/1998竣工/Com.letion:09/2001项目参数/PROJECT DATA建筑面积/Floor Area:35 000m.建成区面积/Built-up Area:5 200m.公寓数量/Num.er of Apart...
项目大事记/CHRONOLOGY规划设计/Start of Planning:02/1995动工/Start of Construction:12/1998竣工/Com.letion:09/2001项目参数/PROJECT DATA建筑面积/Floor Area:35 000m.建成区面积/Built-up Area:5 200m.公寓数量/Num.er of Apartm.nts:254套居住公寓76套学生公寓/254 living units&76 student apartm.nts层数/Num.er of Storeys:22购物中心/Shopping m.ll:2 000m.活动大厅/Event Hall:可容纳3 000人,位于地下1~2层/3 000 persons, on the 1st and 2nd basem.nt实用面积/m.rketable Areas:26 941 m.(包含公寓、通廊、商铺、办公、餐饮、学生公寓/apartm.nts, loggias, shops, offices, restaurant, student apartm.nts)实用面积/m.rketable Areas:5 637 m.(包含活动大厅、前厅、其他用房/event hall, lobby, extra room.)公寓总面积(包括通廊)/Apartm.nt incl. Loggias:17 730m.公寓平均面积/Average Size of Apartm.nts:77m.
Epichloae endophytes of fam.ly Clavicipitaceae(com.rising genera Epichloëand Neotyphodium.are fungal sym.ionts of Pooideae *** associations form.d,range from.m.tually beneficial to antagonistic and the nature of this ...
Epichloae endophytes of fam.ly Clavicipitaceae(com.rising genera Epichloëand Neotyphodium.are fungal sym.ionts of Pooideae *** associations form.d,range from.m.tually beneficial to antagonistic and the nature of this relationship is dependent upon the im.ortance of vertical(via host seeds)versus horizontal(ascospore m.diated)transm.ssion of the *** endophytes can enhance their hosts’survival through protection from.abiotic and biotic stresses and can thus be utilized in an agricultural ***-safe grass-endophyte associations that confer bio-protective properties for increased pasture persistence and productivity have been developed and *** of the crucial drivers underpinning the selection of epichloae strains for com.ercial developm.nt is endophyte derived *** potential of next generation endophytes is determ.ned by testing a num.er of attributes such as agronom.c fitness,anim.l and food safety as well as com.atibility with host plants of *** research supports these activities by focusing on elucidating m.chanism. of com.atibility between host and fungal sym.iont,as well as investigating other m.lecular drivers of sym.iosis such as siderophore m.diated iron-uptake,fungal signalling,fungal growth in host plants and fungal secondary *** review weaves together the different strands of m.ltidisciplinary research aim.d at ultim.tely exploiting epichloae endophytes for increased pasture perform.nce.
项目大事记/CHRONOLOGY竞赛(一等奖)/Com.etition(1st Prize):2001规划设计起始时间/Start of Planning:11/2001施工起始时间/Start of Construction:08/2003投入使用/Opening:20/10/2007-21/10/2007项目参数/PROJECT DATA用地面积/...
项目大事记/CHRONOLOGY竞赛(一等奖)/Com.etition(1st Prize):2001规划设计起始时间/Start of Planning:11/2001施工起始时间/Start of Construction:08/2003投入使用/Opening:20/10/2007-21/10/2007项目参数/PROJECT DATA用地面积/Site Area:约25 000m./Approx. 25 000m.建筑毛面积/Gross Floor Area:约73 000m.(除坡道)=100%/Approx.73 000m.(excluding ram.s)=100%地上建筑毛面积/Gross Floor Area above ground:约28 500m.=40%/Approx.28 500m.=40%地下建筑毛面积/Gross Floor Area underground:约44 500m.=60%/Approx.44 500m.=60%
The objective of this guideline is to outline the role of m.gnetic resonance im.ging(m.I) in clinical decision m.king and outcom. prediction in patients with traum.tic spinal cord injury(SCI).m.thods A system.tic revi...
The objective of this guideline is to outline the role of m.gnetic resonance im.ging(m.I) in clinical decision m.king and outcom. prediction in patients with traum.tic spinal cord injury(SCI).m.thods A system.tic review of the literature was conducted to address key questions related to the use of m.I in patients with traum.tic *** review focused on longitudinal studies that controlled for baseline neurologic status.A m.ltidisciplinary Guideline Developm.nt Group(GDG) used this inform.tion,their clinical expertise,and patient input to develop recom.endations on the use of m.I for SCI *** on GRADE(Grading of Recom.endation,Assessm.nt,Developm.nt and Evaluation),a strong recom.endation is worded as " we recom.end," whereas a weaker recom.endation is indicated by "we suggest." Results Based on the lim.ted available evidence and the clinical expertise of the GDG,our recom.endations were:(1) "We suggest that m.I be perform.d in adult patients with acute SCI prior to surgical intervention,when feasible,to facilitate im.roved clinical decision-m.king"(quality of evidence,very low) and(2) "We suggest that m.I should be perform.d in adult patients in the acute period following SCI,before or after surgical intervention,to im.rove prediction of neurologic outcom. "(quality of evidence,low).Conclusions These guidelines should be im.lem.nted into clinical practice to im.rove outcom.s and prognostication for patients with SCI.