Weedy plants affect the biodiversity and ecosystem function as well as the crop and fodder plant production. However, adequate management requires detailed knowledge of the taxonomic identity of these plants. Here, we...
Weedy plants affect the biodiversity and ecosystem function as well as the crop and fodder plant production. However, adequate management requires detailed knowledge of the taxonomic identity of these plants. Here, we focused on a hemiparasitic Pedicularis species(Orobanchaceae), which occurs at high densities and results in significant biomass reductions in forage grasses in Bayanbulak Grassland of Xinjiang. The identity of this target species is not clear, with conflicting reports in publications and in herbarium collections. Hence, clear and management-relevant information on demography and reproductive ecology is difficult to be obtained from the literature. Therefore, we analyzed field and archival materials collected from Xinjiang in order to clarify the identity and distribution of the target species. Morphological analyses suggested that the populations at Bayanbulak Grassland should be Pedicularis kansuensis Maxim. rather than P. verticillata L. which has been accepted in the available literature. Phylogenetic analysis with a combination of three barcodes(mat K, rbc L and trn H-psb A) uniting a clade of P. kansuensis and individuals from Bayanbulak Grassland populations with 100% bootstrap support, confirmed the target species to be P. kansuensis. Anatomical investigations and field observations showed that the target species is an annual or biennial herb, which also fits with the life cycle as P. kansuensis. Based on archive material and field observations, we verified that the distribution of P. kansuensis is mainly concentrated in the Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang.
The geographical region of Central Asia comprises Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan,and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of *** Asia’s temperate forests,steppes,and sandy deserts,including ...
The geographical region of Central Asia comprises Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan,and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of *** Asia’s temperate forests,steppes,and sandy deserts,including riparian tugai forests,have been identified by the World Wide Fund for Nature as Global 200 ecoregions,and the Mountains of Central Asia are considered biodiversity ***,we describe and analyze the diverse characteristics and utilization of plant diversity and resources of the *** confirm that there are 9520 species of higher plants,20%of which are endemic species,belonging to 138 families and 1176 *** vegetation geography of Central Asia can be divided into 5 provinces and 33 districts,and more than 65%species have a Central Asian geographical distribution *** resource utilization can be grouped into 5 categories and 31 subcategories,including food,medicine,industry,environmental protection,construction,and plant *** this review,we also discuss the principal threats to plant biodiversity in Central Asia posed by global climate change and offer recommendations for conservation strategies.
The desiccation tolerant desert moss Syntrichia caninervis is a potential source for genetic element that could be utilized for crop improvement for drought *** ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3(ABI3) transcriptional facto...
The desiccation tolerant desert moss Syntrichia caninervis is a potential source for genetic element that could be utilized for crop improvement for drought *** ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3(ABI3) transcriptional factor,that plays critical role in the regulation ABA influenced dehydration tolerance,has been isolated,characterized and overexpressed in transgenic *** ScABI3 gene encodes a highly conserved protein structure typical of ABI3 genes from other plant *** is induced by dehydration,rehydration,and *** is localized in the nuclei of transiently transformed tobacco endodermal cells and exhibits transactivation *** expression of ScABI3 in Arabidopsis enhanced salinity and osmotic stress tolerance,and alters the responsiveness of several abiotic stress induced *** results suggest that ScABI3 has promise as a possible target gene for abiotic stress tolerance improvement strategies.
Pedicularis L. (Orobanchaceae) is a large lineage of root hemiparasitic plants, consisting of about 600 described species widely distributed in temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, and best represented (>352 sp...
Pedicularis L. (Orobanchaceae) is a large lineage of root hemiparasitic plants, consisting of about 600 described species widely distributed in temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, and best represented (>352 species) in the mountains of SW China. Pedicularis has great ornamental values with striking corolla shapes and colors. In addition, some species have special pharmacological effects and have been used as medicinal herbs. Unfortunately, Pedicularis has been known for difficulty in cultivation and its utilization is greatly hindered. What makes things worse is that some species are threatened or endangered and are in dire need of immediate protection. On the other hand, some Pedicularis species (e.g. P. kansuensis) are undergoing rapid spatial expansion and strongly influencing plant community structures and productivity in the ecosystems that they occur. Plant resource utilization as well as plant biodiversity conservation calls for a better understanding of basic biology of Pedicularis, particularly their interactions with host plants and other biotic and abiotic factors. However, despite that parasitic habit of Pedicularis has been known since 1847, investigation on parasitism of Pedicularis has been rare. To our knowledge, the small number of studies (mostly very preliminarily) on the parasitic biology of Pedicularis are exclusively on European or American species. Parasitic biology of Chinese Pedicualris species and their interactions with environmental factors have hardly been documented. Our research interests in Pedicularis are broad within the areas of understanding their parasitic biology and their interactions with other biotic and abiotic factors. Particularly, we are keen to research into the following aspects concerning the root hemiparasites: 1) host dependency and selectivity and relevant mechanisms;2) tripartite interactions among Pedicularis, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their host plants from a nutritional perspective;3) plastic