In this study,the effect of hot deformation on martensitic stainless steel was carried out in temperatures between 950 to 1100℃ and strain rates of 0.001,0.01 and 0.1 s *** important dynamic recrystallization paramet...
In this study,the effect of hot deformation on martensitic stainless steel was carried out in temperatures between 950 to 1100℃ and strain rates of 0.001,0.01 and 0.1 s *** important dynamic recrystallization parameters,the critical strain and the point of maximum dynamic softening,were derived from strain hardening rate vs stress *** the calculated parameters were used to predict the dynamic recrystallized *** results show that critical stress and strain increase with decreasing deformation temperature and increasing strain *** hot deformation activation energy of the steel is also investigated in the present work with 413 kJ/*** experimental flow curves are in fair agreement with the kinetics of dynamic recrystallization model.
Single-and two-step hot compression experiments were carried out on 16Cr25Ni6Mo superaustenitic stainless steel in the temperature range from 950 to 1150°C and at a strain rate of 0.1 s^(-1). In the two-step tests,...
Single-and two-step hot compression experiments were carried out on 16Cr25Ni6Mo superaustenitic stainless steel in the temperature range from 950 to 1150°C and at a strain rate of 0.1 s^(-1). In the two-step tests, the first pass was interrupted at a strain of 0.2; after an interpass time of 5, 20, 40, 60, or 80 s, the test was resumed. The progress of dynamic recrystallization at the interruption strain was less than 10%. The static softening in the interpass period increased with increasing deformation temperature and increasing interpass time. The static recrystallization was found to be responsible for fast static softening in the temperature range from 950 to 1050°C. However, the gentle static softening at 1100 and 1150°C was attributed to the combination of static and metadynamic recrystallizations. The correlation between calculated fractional softening and microstructural observations showed that approximately 30% of interpass softening could be attributed to the static recovery. The microstructural observations illustrated the formation of fine recrystallized grains at the grain boundaries at longer interpass time. The Avrami kinetics equation was used to establish a relationship between the fractional softening and the interpass period. The activation energy for static softening was determined as 276 kJ/mol.
In this study,the microstructural evolution,mechanical properties and biocorrosion performance of a Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloy were investigated under different conditions of heat treatment,extrusion,one pass and two passes...
In this study,the microstructural evolution,mechanical properties and biocorrosion performance of a Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloy were investigated under different conditions of heat treatment,extrusion,one pass and two passes of half equal channel angular pressing(HECAP)*** results showed significant grain refinement of the homogenized alloy after two passes of HECAP process from 345μm to 2μ*** emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM)revealed the presence of finer Mg_(6)Zn_(3)Ca_(2)phase as well asα-Mn phase after HECAP *** results also showed that mechanical characteristics such as yield strength,ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the HECAPed samples improved by~208%,~144%and~100%compared to the homogenized one,*** texture analysis indicated that most of the grains at the surface were reoriented parallel to the(0001)basal plane after HECAP *** corrosion tests and immersion results indicated that the sample with two passes of HEACP had the highest biocorrosion resistance confirming that the basal planes had the lowest corrosion rate compared to the non-basal *** mechanical behavior and bio-corrosion evaluation demonstrated that the HECAPed Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloy has great potential for biomedical applications and a mechanism was proposed to explain the interrelations between the thermomechanical processing and bio-corrosion behavior.
Duplex stainless steels (DSS) with ferritic-austenitic microstructures offergood combination of resistance to pitting corrosion and high strength that are not concomitantly attainable using conventional single phas...
Duplex stainless steels (DSS) with ferritic-austenitic microstructures offer good combination of resistance to pitting corrosion and high strength that are not concomitantly attainable using conventional single phase austenitic or ferritic stainless steels, The DSS used in this investigation was 2205 alloy having a stable microstructure consisting of about 45% ferrite and 55% austenite at ambient temperature. In order to investigate aging behavior of this steel and the influences on mechanical properties, different aging treatments were conducted at temperatures of 350-950℃ for various aging time of 15, 30, 60 and 180 min. The aged specimens were subjected to impact testing and hardness measurements. Finally, the changes in microstructure due to aging were studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that aging at temperatures lower than 550℃ for different time had negligible effects on mechanical properties. Besides, no considerable changes in term of precipitation of harmful intermetallic particles were observed in microstructure below this temperature. However, a critical temperature range, 550-650 ℃, was introduced here. Aging in this range led to a significant decrease in toughness and notable increase in hardness. The formation of intermetallic phases such as CT was recognized as the major reason for the observed changes.
In this study,the effect of strontium addition on hot deformation of AZ61 alloy was investigated by hot compression tests.A reference alloy(AZ61)and an Sr-containing alloy(AZ61+Sr)was cast while their average initial ...
In this study,the effect of strontium addition on hot deformation of AZ61 alloy was investigated by hot compression tests.A reference alloy(AZ61)and an Sr-containing alloy(AZ61+Sr)was cast while their average initial grain size were supposed to be about 140 and 40μm,*** AZ61+Sr alloy,the Sr-containing precipitations were stable at homogenization *** the hot compression curves,it was revealed that dynamic recrystallization phenomenon had occurred and controlled the thermomechanical behaviour of the *** derived constitutive equations showed that the hot deformation parameters(n and Q)in AZ61+Sr alloy is smaller than those of AZ61 alloy;this can be related to the small initial grain size and the lower amounts of solute aluminium *** analysis of DrX kinetics along with the micrographs of the deformed microstructures showed that at the same condition the development of DrXed microstructure in AZ61+Sr alloy was faster than AZ61 *** increased recrystallized microstructure was interpretated to be attributed to(1)the more grain boundaries present and(2)the existance of the Al-Mg-Sr precipitations assisted the PSN ***,the attenuated intensity of the basal texture of AZ61+Sr was related to the DrX fraction of microstructure.
The mechanical properties of two main precipitating phases(LPSO and MgrE)and matrix in Mg-gd-Y-Nd-Zn bioalloy were examined using nanoindentation method.A new is suggested for characterizing the elastic-plastic behavi...
The mechanical properties of two main precipitating phases(LPSO and MgrE)and matrix in Mg-gd-Y-Nd-Zn bioalloy were examined using nanoindentation method.A new is suggested for characterizing the elastic-plastic behavior,fracture toughness and strain rate sensitivity(SrS)of materials within micro/***,a nanomechanical model was developed for extracting hardness(H),young’s modulus(E)and yield stress(σY)from the characteristic load points which were subsequently analyzed by atomic force microscope(AFM)*** elasticity data and AFM data were then utilized for determination of plastic deformation in constituent *** displacement of the indentation gets the highest value for Mg matrix and between precipitates,depth is more in LPSO rather than that of *** serrated flow or the behavior of shear bands may originate from the side effect of the interface region in Mg alloys with *** can be deduced that the KIC produced by both L method and energy-based calculation are both reliable for KIC *** maximum load in simulation withμ=0.2 friction is marginally lesser than that of the frictionless(μ=0)one while elastic recovery of indentation withμ=0.2 is higher to some extent.
To assess the effect of strain and strain rate on texture evolution of an extruded Mg–6Al–3Zn alloy,compression tests were carried *** were prepared in the extrusion direction(ED)and normal direction(ND).The compres...
To assess the effect of strain and strain rate on texture evolution of an extruded Mg–6Al–3Zn alloy,compression tests were carried *** were prepared in the extrusion direction(ED)and normal direction(ND).The compression tests were performed at 250℃ and with different strain rates of 0.01 sec−1 and 1 sec−1 and different *** observation and texture investigation show that at early stages of deformation,extension twins lead to the development of strong basal texture intensity along rolling direction(rD)in ED samples and contraction twins result in texture evolution along transverse direction(TD)in ND ***,microstructural investigation at high strains reveals that dynamic recrystallization occurs in both samples and consequently the basal texture intensity has been decreased.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the modeling and prediction of the high temperature flow characteristics of a cast magnesium(Mg-Al-Ca)alloy by both constitutive equation and ANN *** this end,hot compre...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the modeling and prediction of the high temperature flow characteristics of a cast magnesium(Mg-Al-Ca)alloy by both constitutive equation and ANN *** this end,hot compression experiments were performed in 250-450℃and in strain rates of 0.001-1 s^(−1).The true stress of alloy was first and foremost described by the hyperbolic sine function in an Arrhenius-type of constitutive equation taking the effects of strain,strain rate and temperature into *** indicated that unlike low strain rates and high temperature with dominant DrX activation,in relatively high strain rate and low temperature values,the precision of the models become decreased due to activation of twinning *** that moment and for a better evaluation of twinning effect during deformation,a feed-forward back propagation ANN was developed to study the flow behavior of the investigated ***,the performance of the two suggested models has been assessed using a statistical *** comparative assessment of the gained results specifies that the well-trained ANN is much more precise and accurate than the constitutive equations in predicting the hot flow behavior.
The microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-Zn alloy containing Y element were investigated in temperature range of 300-450°C and strain rate range of 0.001-1 s-1 through hot compression *** maps were...
The microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-Zn alloy containing Y element were investigated in temperature range of 300-450°C and strain rate range of 0.001-1 s-1 through hot compression *** maps were used to indicate optimum conditions and instability zones for hot deformation of *** Mg-Zn and Mg-Zn-Y alloys,peak stress,temperature and strain rate were related by hyperbolic sine function,and activation energies were obtained to be 177 and 236 kJ/mol,*** curves showed that the addition of Y element led to increase in peak stress and decrease in peak strain,and indicated that DrX started at lower strains in Mg-Zn-Y alloy than in Mg-Zn *** stability domains of Mg-Zn-Y alloy were indicated in two domains as 1)300°C,0.001 s-1;350°C,0.01-0.1 s-1 and 400°C,0.01 s-1 and 2)450°C,0.01-0.1 *** observations showed that DrX was the main restoration mechanism for alloys,and fully dynamic recrystallization of Mg-Zn-Y alloy was observed at 450°*** instability domain in Mg-Zn-Y alloy was located significantly at high strain *** addition,the instability zone width of Mg-Zn and Mg-Zn-Y alloys increased with increasing strain,and cracks,twins and severe deformation were considered in these regions.
Hot compression behavior of Al6061/Al2O3nanocomposite was investigated in the temperature range of350-500°C andthe strain rate range of0.0005-0.5s-1,in order to determine the optimum conditions for the hot workabilit...
Hot compression behavior of Al6061/Al2O3nanocomposite was investigated in the temperature range of350-500°C andthe strain rate range of0.0005-0.5s-1,in order to determine the optimum conditions for the hot workability of *** energy of285kJ/mol for the hot compression test is obtained by using hyperbolic sine *** means of dynamicmaterial model(DMM)and the corresponding processing map,safe zone for the hot workability of AA6061/Al2O3is recognized attemperature of450°C and strain rate of0.0005s-1and at temperature of500°C and the strain rate range of0.0005-0.5s-1,with themaximum power dissipation efficiency of38%.Elongated and kinked grains are observed at400°C and strain rate of0.5s-1due tothe severe deformation.