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检索条件"作者=Franc.s Y c.Thio"
11 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
m^(6)A Profile Dynamics Indicates Regulation of Oyster Development by m^(6)A-RNA Epitranscriptomes
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Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2023年 第4期21卷 742-755页
作者: Lorane Le franc Bruno Petton Pascal Favrel Guillaume Rivière Laboratoire de Biologie des Organismes et des Ecosyste`mes Aquatiques(BOREA) Muséum d’Histoire NaturelleSorbonne UniversitéUniversitéde Caen NormandieUniversitédes AntillesCNRS UMR 8067IRD14032 CaenFrance Ifremer Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Environnement MarinUMR 6539 CNRS/UBO/IRD/IfremerCentre Bretagne29280 PlouzanéFrance
The N6-methylation of RNA adenosines(N6-methyladenosine,m^(6)A)is an important regulator of gene expression with critical implications in vertebrate and insect ***,the developmental significance of epitranscriptomes i... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
solidification of Be-free Ni-based dental alloy
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Transactions of Nonferrous Metals society of china 2018年 第11期28卷 2227-2236页
作者: franc ZUPANIc carlos A.NUNEs Gilberto c.cOELHO Paula L.cURy Gorazd LOJEN Tonica BONcINA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Maribor2000 MariborSlovenia Department of Materials Engineering School of EngineeringUniversity of Sao Paulo12602-810 LorenaSao PauloBrazil
A novel, Nb- and si-rich and Be-free Ni-based alloy was cast by two methods of investment casting and continuouscasting to study the microstructure evolution during solidification and its mechanical properties. The so... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Aboveground biomass allometric equations and distribution of carbon stocks of the African oak(Afzelia africana sm.)in Burkina Faso
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Journal of Forestry Research 2020年 第5期31卷 1699-1711页
作者: Larba Hubert Balima Blandine Marie Ivette Nacoulma Philippe Bayen Kangbeni Dimobe franc¸ois N’Guessan Kouame Adjima thiombiano West African science service centre on climate change and Adapted Land Use(WAscAL) Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and BiodiversityUFR BiosciencesUniversity Felix Houphouet BoignyB.P.165Abidjan 31Cote d’Ivoire Department of Plant Biology and Physiology Laboratory of Plant Biology and EcologyUniversity Ouaga 1Pr.Joseph Ki-Zerbo03 B.P.7021Ouagadougou 03Burkina Faso Laboratory of Botany and Plant Ecology Department of BotanyUniversity of LomeB.P.1515LomeTogo
The significant role of tropical forest ecosystems in the global carbon budget has increased the need for accurate estimates of tropical forest *** lack of large-scale biomass allometric equations hampers the understa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
children safety Devices in Brazil—Why Do People Don’t Use Them after the Law?
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Journal of Transportation Technologies 2014年 第3期4卷 205-215页
作者: s.c.V.Abib A.M.francóia F.Ricci M.V.B.cezillo B.R.Müller Department of surgery Paulista School of MedicineFederal University of Sao PauloSao PauloBrazil criança segura—safe Kids Brazil Sao PauloBrazil
Introduction: children safety car devices decrease injuries and death in children. A survey conducted in Brazil in 2009 revealed that only 36.1% of children safely transported. In 2010, a Brazilian law was implemented... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
迷迭香(Rosmarinus officinalis)提取残渣栽培糙皮侧耳(英文)
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食用菌学报 2008年 第2期15卷 15-19页
作者: Andrej GREGORI Bojan PAHOR franc POHLEVEN 自然科学研究所 SRC Bistra PtujSlovenski trg 62250 PtujUlica bratov Ucakar 1081000 LjubljanaBiolab d.o.o.Podkoren 724280 Kranjska goraSlovenia Perutnina Ptuj d.d. Potrceva cesta 102250 PtujSlovenia 卢布而雅那大学生物技术学院木材科学与技术系 Ro na dolinaCesta VIII/341000 LjubljanaSlovenia
食品工业中用迷迭香提取抗氧化物质后的残渣(rosemary processing waste RPW)拌入粉碎的玉米粒可以用作栽培糙皮侧耳的培养料。提取抗氧化剂后的迷迭香残渣RPW-1中所含提取残留的丙酮对栽培有害,RPW-1直接栽培糙皮侧耳所获子实体产量比... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Assessing potential protection effects on commercial fish species in a cuban MPA
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Aquaculture and Fisheries 2020年 第5期5卷 234-244页
作者: Barbara Horta e costa Jorge Angulo-Valdés Jorge M.s.Gonçalves Pedro Barros center of Marine sciences CCMARUniversity of AlgarveCampus de GambelasFaro8005-139Portugal centro de Investigaciones Marinas Universidad de La HabanaCalle 16 No.114PayaLa HabanaCP 11300Cuba school of Natural Resources and Environment University of FloridaUnited States of America103 Black HallGainesvilleFL32611USA centre for Marine and Environmental Research(cIMA) University of AlgarveCampus de GambelasFaro8005-139Portugal Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Marine and Inland Fisheries Branch(FIRF)Rome00153Italy
cuba has been leading marine protected area(MPA)designation in the caribbean region to ensure conservation of its valuable marine ***,an efficient monitoring program for MPAs is still to be implemented and will benefi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) 2006年 第12期2卷 53-54页
作者: Naouri M. Bacq y. Machet M.c. L. Machet 王琼 service de Dermatologie Centre Hospitalier Universitaire UniversitéFrancis-Rabelais 37044 Tours Cedex France
Background. Hepatitis c virus (HcV) frequently causes leucocytoclastic vasculitis as a result of type II or III cryoglobulinemia. HcV-associated vasculitis without cryoglobulinemia is less common. Patients and methods... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) 2005年 第9期1卷 60-61页
作者: Forese J.-c. Girouard J. MassèJ. y. Giguérè 高雪莲 cHUQ Centre de R echerche de l'Hǒpital St.-Franc.ois d'Assise Unitède Périnatalogie 10 Ru e de l'Espinay Quebec City Que. G1 L 3L5 Canada Dr.
OBJEcTIVE: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the cardiovasc ul ar risk profile and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among women with a hist ory of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). METHODs:Fro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Long-term live-cell microscopy with labeled nanobodies delivered by laser-induced photoporation
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Nano Research 2020年 第2期13卷 485-495页
作者: Jing Liu Tim Hebbrecht Toon Brans Eef Parthoens saskia Lippens chengnan Li Herlinde De Keersmaecker Winnok H.De Vos stefaan c.De smedt Rabah Boukherroub Jan Gettemans Ranhua Xiong Kevin Braeckmans Laboratory of General Biochemistry and Physical Pharmacy Faculty of PharmacyGhent UniversityGhent B-9000Belgium Department of Biomolecular medicine Faculty of Medicine and Health SciencesGhent UniversityGhent B-9000Belgium VIB-UGent center for Inflammation Research VIBGhent B-9000Belgium VIB Bioimaging core Ghent VIBGhent B-9000Belgium Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology Ghent UniversityGhent B-9000Belgium Univ.Lille CNRSCentrale LilleISENUniv.ValenciennesUMR 8520-IEMNLille F-59000Franc Laboratory of cell Biology and Histology Department of Veterinary SciencesUniversity of Antwerp2020 AntwerpBelgium centre for Advanced Light Microscopy Ghent UniversityGhent B-9000Belgium
Fluorescence microscopy is the method of choice for studying intracellular ***,its success depends on *** of specific and stable markers.A prominent example of markers that are rapidly gaining interest are nanobodies(... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Turbo-taxonomy to assemble a megadiverse lichen genus:seventy new species of cora(Basidiomycota:Agaricales:Hygrophoraceae),honouring David Leslie Hawksworth’s seventieth birthday
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Fungal Diversity 2017年 第3期84卷 139-207页
作者: Robert Lücking Manuela Dal Forno Bibiana Moncada Luis Fernando coca Leidy yasmín Vargas-Mendoza André Aptroot Laura Juliana Arias Betty Besal Frank Bungartz Diego Mauricio cabrera-Amaya Marcela E.s.cáceres José Luis chaves sionara Eliasaro Martha cecilia Gutiérrez Jesús E.Hernández Marin María de los Ángeles Herrera-campos María E.Holgado-Rojas Harald Jonitz Martin Kukwa Fabiane Lucheta santiago Madriñán Marcelo Pinto Marcelli suzana Maria de Azevedo Martins Joel A.Mercado-Díaz Jorge Alberto Molina Eduardo A.Morales Peter R.Nelson Freddy Nugra franc.sco Ortega Telma Paredes Ayda Lucía Patiño Rouchi Nadine Peláez-Pulido Rosa Emilia Pérez Pérez Gary B.Perlmutter Eimy Rivas-Plata Javier Robayo camilo Rodríguez Diego Fernando simijaca Edier soto-Medina Adriano Afonso spielmann Alejandra suárez-corredor Jean-Marc Torres carlos Alberto Vargas Alba yánez-Ayabaca Gothamie Weerakoon Karina Wilk Marcela celis Pacheco Mauricio Diazgranados Grischa Brokamp Thomas Borsch Patrick M.Gillevet Masoumeh sikaroodi James D.Lawrey Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin KöniginLuise-Straße 6-814195 BerlinGermany science Education The Field Museum1400 South Lake ShoreChicagoIL 60605USA Department of Botany Smithsonian InstitutionNational Museum of Natural History10th St Constitution Ave NWWashingtonDC 20560USA Department of Environmental science and Policy George Mason UniversityFairfaxVA 22030-4444USA Licenciatura en Biologı´a Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose´de CaldasCra.4 No.26D-54Torre de LaboratoriosHerbarioBogota´D.C.Colombia Herbario Universidad de caldas(FAUc) Edificio BicentenarioCalle 65No.26-10ManizalesA.A.275CaldasColombia ABL Herbarium G.v.d.Veenstraat 1073762 XK SoestThe Netherlands Biologı´a Universidad del Quindı´oCarrera 15 Calle 12 NorteArmeniaQuindı´oColombia 120 chavis Avenue LexingtonVA 24450USA charles Darwin Foundation Puerto AyoraSanta Cruz IslandGala´pagosEcuador schedestraße 8 53113 BonnGermany Jardı´n Bota´nico de Bogota´Joscelestino Mutis Avenida Calle 63 No.68-95Bogota´D.C.Colombia Departamento de Biocieˆncias Universidade Federal de SergipeAvenida Vereador Olı´mpio Grandes/n.ItabaianaCEP:49.500-000 SergipeBrazil Laboratorio de Hongos Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad(INBio)Apdo.22-3100Santo Domingo de HerediaCosta Rica Departamento de Botaˆnica Universidade Federal do Parana´Campus Polite´cnicoSetor de Cieˆncias Biolo´gicasAv.Cel.Francisco H.dos Santoss/nJardim das Ame´ricas81531-980 CuritibaPRBrazil Ingenierı´a Ambiental Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose´de CaldasCarrera 5 Este No.15-82Av.CircumvalarBogota´D.C.Colombia Instituto Experimental Jardı´n Bota´nico Dr.Tobı´as Lasser Centro de Investigacio´n y DesarrolloUniversidad Central de VenezuelaAve.Salvador AllendeJardı´n Bota´nico de CaracasApartado#2156Caracas 1010-AVenezuela Departamento de Bota´nica Instituto de Biologı´aUniversidad Nacional Auto´noma de Me´xicoApartado Postal 70-36704510 Ciudad De Me´xicoMexico Facultad de ciencias Escuela Profesional de Biologı´aUniv
Following a large-scale phylogenetic study of the lichenized genus cora(Basidiomycota:Agaricales:Hygrophoraceae),we formally describe 70 new species,honouring the seventieth birthday of David Leslie Hawksworth,one of ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论