This article is the tenth series of the Fungal Diversity Notes,where 114 taxa distributed in three phyla,ten classes,30 orders and 53 fam.lies are described and *** described in the present study include one new fam.l...
This article is the tenth series of the Fungal Diversity Notes,where 114 taxa distributed in three phyla,ten classes,30 orders and 53 fam.lies are described and *** described in the present study include one new*** in Dothideom.cetes),five new genera(Caatingom.ces,Cryptoschizotrem.,Neoacladium.Param.ssaria and Trochilispora)and 71 new species,(*** thailandica,Am.iculicola aquatica,***,Angustim.ssarina sylvatica,Blackwellom.ces lateris,Boubovia gelatinosa,Buellia viridula,Caatingom.ces brasiliensis,Calophom.,Cam.rosporidiella m.ri,Canalisporium.dehongense,Cantharellus brunneopallidus,***,Castanediella m.liponae,Coprinopsis psam.ophila,Cordyceps succavus,Cortinarius m.nusculus,***,Diaporthe italiana,***,Diatrypella delonicis,Dictyocheirospora aquadulcis,***,,Distoseptispora dehongensis,***,Dothiorella styphnolobii,Ellisem.ia aurea,Falciform.spora aquatic,Fom.tiporia carpinea,***,Gram.othele aurantiaca,***,Herm.tom.ces bauhiniae,Jahnula queenslandica,Kam.lom.ces m.ngrovei,Lecidella yunnanensis,m.carea squam.losa,m.riphaeosphaeria angustifoliae,Neoacladium.indicum.Neodidym.lliopsis sam.uci,Neosetophom. m.scanthi,***,Nodulosphaeria aquilegiae,***,Param.ssaria sam.neae,Penicillium.circulare,***,***-pum.lae,***,***,Phaeoisaria siam.nsis,Phaeopoacea asparagicola,Phaeosphaeria penniseti,Plectocarpon galapagoense,Porina sorediata,,Pyrenochaetopsis sinensis,Rhizophydium.koreanum.Russula prasina,Sporoschism. chiangraiense,Stigm.tom.ces cham.em.iae,***,***,***,***,Thysanorea uniseptata,Torula breviconidiophora,***,Trochilispora schefflerae and Vaginatispora palm.e).Further,twelve new com.inations(*** cryptotrem.,Prolixandrom.ces australi,***,***,***,P.
Follicular m.cinosis is a rare chronic inflam.atory disease of unknown aetiology, presenting as m.cin deposits around the follicles and sebaceous *** can progress to alopecia of the scalp and other hairy *** m.cinosis...
Follicular m.cinosis is a rare chronic inflam.atory disease of unknown aetiology, presenting as m.cin deposits around the follicles and sebaceous *** can progress to alopecia of the scalp and other hairy *** m.cinosis m.y be a benign prim.ry idiopathic disorder or secondary to m.lignant lym.hoproliferative *** can present with shiny papules or sharply m.rginated infiltrated erythem.tous scaling plaques, with follicular accentuation on the scalp, neck, trunk and *** are m.ny local and system.c *** paper discusses the case of an adult with an uncom.on acneiform.follicular m.cinosis controlled with system.c corticosteroids.