AIM: To review the current data about the success rates of fibrin sealant use in pilonidal ***: Fibrin sealant can be used for different purposes in pilonidal sinus treatment, such as filling in the sinus tracts, cove...
AIM: To review the current data about the success rates of fibrin sealant use in pilonidal ***: Fibrin sealant can be used for different purposes in pilonidal sinus treatment, such as filling in the sinus tracts, covering the open wound after excision and lay-open treatment, or obliterating the subcutaneous dead space before skin closure. We searched Pubmed, Google-Scholar, Ebsco-Host, clinicaltrials, and Cochrane databases and found nine studies eligible for analysis; these studies included a total of 217 patients(84% male, mean age 24.2 ± 7.8). RESULTS: In cases where fibrin sealant was used to obliterate the subcutaneous dead space, there was no reduction in wound complication rates(9.8% vs 14.6%, P = 0.48). In cases where sealant was used to cover the laid-open area, the wound healing time and patient comfort were reported better than in previous studies(mean 17 d, 88% satisfaction). When fibrin sealant was used to fill the sinus tracts, the recurrence rate was around 20%, despite the highly selected grouping of ***: Consequently, using fibrin sealant to decrease the risk of seroma formation was determined to be an ineffective course of action. It was not advisable to fill the sinus tracts with fibrin sealant because it was not superior to other cost-effective and minimally invasive treatments. New comparative studies can be conducted to confirm the results of sealant use in covering the laid-open area.
This study reports a 69-year-old, obese, female patientpresenting with a biliary leakage after laparoscopiccholecystectomy for cholelithiasis. Closure of the um-bilical trocar site had been neglected during the lapa-r...
This study reports a 69-year-old, obese, female patientpresenting with a biliary leakage after laparoscopiccholecystectomy for cholelithiasis. Closure of the um-bilical trocar site had been neglected during the lapa-roscopic cholecystectomy. Early, on postoperative dayfive, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) requirement after laparoscopic cholecystectomyresolved the biliary leakage problem but resulted with amore complicated clinical picture with an intestinal ob-struction and severe abdominal pain. Computed tomog-raphy revealed a strangulated hernia from the umbilicaltrocar site. Increased abdominal pressure during ERCPhad strained the weak umbilical trocar site. Emergencysurgical intervention through the umbilicus revealed anischemic small bowel segment which was treated withresection and anastomosis. This report demonstratesthat negligence of trocar site closure can result in veryearly herniation, particularly if an endoscopic interven-tion is required in the early postoperative period.
At present,natural orifice specimen extraction surgery(NOSES)has attracted more and more attention worldwide,because of its great advantages including minimal cutaneous trauma and post-operative pain,fast post-operati...
At present,natural orifice specimen extraction surgery(NOSES)has attracted more and more attention worldwide,because of its great advantages including minimal cutaneous trauma and post-operative pain,fast post-operative recovery,short hospital stay,and positive psychological ***,NOSES for the treatment of gastric cancer(GC)is still in its infancy,and there is great potential to improve its theoretical system and clinical ***,several key points including oncological outcomes,bacteriological concerns,indication selection,and standardized surgical procedures are raised with this innovative ***,it is necessary to achieve an international consensus to regulate the implementation of GC-NOSES,which is of great significance for healthy and orderly development of NOSES worldwide.