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检索条件"作者=F. b.anchi"
7135 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
burden,stress and depression in caregivers of.cirrhosis patients bef.re and af.er liver transplantation
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World Journal of.Transplantation 2025年 第2期15卷 276-287页
作者: Adriano Virches Mariana b Claudino Maria C Miyazaki Eliane T Miyazaki Renato f.Silva Rita C Silva Heitor b f.rias Neide A Domingos Randolf. Santos Jr Patricia S f.cuta Department of.Psychology School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio Preto(FAMERP/Faculdade de Medicina de São Josédo Rio Preto)São Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Department of.Surgery and Study Group of.Liver Tumors-GETf.and Liver and Small Intestine Transplantation Unit School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio Preto and Base HospitalSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Department of.Gastroenterology and Liver and Small Intestine Transplantation Unit School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio Preto and Base HospitalSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Psychology Pontifical Catholic University of Minas GeraisBelo Horizonte 32604-115Minas GeraisBrazil Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Psychology and Health School of Medicine of São Josédo Rio PretoSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-000São PauloBrazil Department of.Medicine Faceres Medical SchoolSão Josédo Rio Preto 15090-305São PauloBrazil
bACKGROUND f.mily caregivers of.cirrhosis patients(CPs)of.en experience burden,stress,and *** whether these conditions improve f.llowing the patient undergoing liver transplantation(LT)is crucial,as it would elucidate... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Soil Pore Characterization Using f.ee Sof.ware and a Portable Optical Microscope
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Pedosphere 2013年 第4期23卷 503-510页
作者: L. f. PIRES f. S. bORGES S. PASSONI A. b. PEREIRA Department of.Physics State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) Department of.Soil Science State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG)
Total porosity (TP), determined by image analysis, pore type and pore size distribution were evaluated on impregnated soil blocks f.om an undisturbed brazilian sandy loam soil using a digital portable optical micros... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Resonance Conversion as the Ef.ective Way of.Triggering the ^(178m2)Hf.Isomer Energy
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Chinese Physics Letters 2006年 第8期23卷 2049-2051页
作者: f. f.odor KARPESHIN M. b.TRZHASKOVSKAYA 张景波 Science Center and Department of.Physics Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 f.ck Institute of.Physics St. Petersburg State University RU-198504 St. Petersburg Russia PNPI RU-198355 St. Petersburg Leningrad District Russia
Experiments on photo-induced de-excitation triggering of.^(178m2)Hf.are revisited. We present an alternative and more ef.ective way of.triggering by exploiting the resonance internal conversion. f.ll theoretical des... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Closed-f.rm solutions f.r f.ee vibration of.rectangular f.M thin plates resting on elastic f.undation
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Acta Mechanica Sinica 2016年 第6期32卷 1088-1103页
作者: T. f. Xu Y. f. Xing Institute of.Solid Mechanics Beihang UniversityBeijing 100191 China China Academy of.Launch Vehicle Technology R&D Center Beijing 100076 China
This article presents closed-f.rm solutions f.r the f.equency analysis of.rectangular f.nctionally graded material (f.M) thin plates subjected to initially in-plane loads and with an elastic f.undation. based on class... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Delayed Ionization and Delayed Detachment in Molecules and Clusters
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Chinese Journal of.Chemical Physics 2009年 第2期22卷 162-170页
作者: f. Lépine b. baguenard b. Concina M. A. Lebeault C. bordas Université de Lyon F-69522 Lyon France Université Lyon 1 Villeurbanne CNRS UMR 5579 LASIM
The evolution of.a molecular system excited above its ionization threshold depends on a number of.parameters that include the nature of.the excited states and their couplings to the various continua. The general natur... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Genetic outcomes f.om the translocations of.the critically endangered woylie
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Current Zoology 2013年 第3期59卷 294-310页
作者: Carlo PACIONI Adrian f. WAYNE Peter b. S. SPENCER School of.Veterinary and Lif. Sciences Murdoch University Murdoch 6150 Western Australia Department of.Environment and Conservation Science Division Manjimup 6258 Western Australia
Translocations are an important conservation strategy f.r many species. However simply observing demographic growth of.a translocated population is not suf.icient to inf.r species recovery. Adequate genetic representa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Transverse approach between real world concentrations of.SO_2, NO_2, bTEX, aldehyde emissions and corrosion in the Grand Mare tunnel
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Journal of.Environmental Sciences 2012年 第7期24卷 1240-1250页
作者: I. Ameur-bouddabbous J. Kasperek A. barbier f. Harel b. Hannoyer GPM-UMR 6634 CNRS. Uf. Science and Technology University of Rouen BP 12 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray Cedex France LCAE Chemistry Department Science Faculty of Tunis Campus Universitaire 2092 El Manar Tunis Tunisie DIRNO Rue de Verdun 76160 Darnetal France
With regard to automotive traf.ic, a tunnel-type semi enclosed atmosphere is characterized by a higher concentration of.gaseous pollutants than on urban traf.ic roads and highlights the gaseous ef.luent species having... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Axial magnetic f.eld ef.ect in numerical analysis of.high power Cherenkov f.ee electron laser
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Chinese Physics b 2019年 第6期28卷 176-183页
作者: f.bazoubAND b Maraghechi Department of.Physics Fasa UniversityPost code 74616-86131FasaIran Department of.Physics Manhattanville CollegePurchaseNew York 10577USA
Cherenkov f.ee electron laser(Cf.L) is simulated numerically by using the single particle method to optimize the electron beam. The electron beam is assumed to be moving near the surf.ce of.a f.at dielectric slab alon... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Evaluation of.stress intensity f.ctors f.r bi-material interf.ce cracks using displacement jump methods
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Acta Mechanica Sinica 2017年 第6期33卷 1051-1064页
作者: K. C. Nehar b. E. Hachi f. Cazes M. Haboussi Laboratoire de développement en mécanique et matériaux (LDMM) Université de Djelfa PB 3117 Djelfa Algeria Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (LSPM) UPR 3407 CNRS Université Paris 13 Paris France
The aim of.the present work is to investigate the numerical modeling of.interf.cial cracks that may appear at the interf.ce between two isotropic elastic materials. The extended f.nite element method is employed to an... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Can Quick Release Experiments Reveal the Muscle Structure? A bionic Approach
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Journal of.bionic Engineering 2012年 第2期9卷 211-223页
作者: D. f. b. Haeuf.e M. Gunther R. blickhan S. Schmitt Institute of.Sports and Exercise-Science University of Stuttgart Allmandring 28 D-70569 Stuttgart Germany Stuttgart Research Centre f.r Simulation Technology (SRC SimTech) University of Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 7a D-70569 Stuttgart Germany Institute of.Motion Science Friedrich-Schiller-University Seidelstraβe 20 D-07749 Jena Germany
The goal of.this study was to understand the macroscopic mechanical structure and f.nction of.biological muscle with respect to its dynamic role in the contraction. A recently published muscle model, deriving the hype... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论