Backgroun.:Epidemiological data in.icate that a large part of population.n.eds to be vaccin.ted to achieve herd ***,it is of high importan.e for public health officials to kn.w whether people are goin. to get vaccin.t...
Backgroun.:Epidemiological data in.icate that a large part of population.n.eds to be vaccin.ted to achieve herd ***,it is of high importan.e for public health officials to kn.w whether people are goin. to get vaccin.ted for *** objective of the presen. study was to examin. the of adult residen.s in.Greece to receive a COVID-19 ***:A cross-section.l was survey con.ucted amon. the adult gen.ral population.of Greece between.April 28,2020 to May 03,2020(last week of lockdown.,usin. a mixed methodology for data collection.Computer Assisted Telephon. In.erviewin.(CATI)an. Computer Assisted web In.erviewin.(CAWI).Usin. a sample size calculator,the target sample size was foun. to be aroun. 1000 *** en.ure a n.tion.lly represen.ative sample of the urban.rural population.accordin. to the Greek 2011,a proportion.te stratified by region.systematic samplin. procedure was used to recruit *** collection.was guided through a structured *** to COVID-19 vaccin.tion.participan.s were asked to an.wer the followin. question.“If there was a vaccin. available for the n.vel coron.virus,would you do it?”Results:Of 1004 respon.en.s on.y 57.7%stated that they are goin. to get vaccin.ted for *** aged>65 years old,those who either themselves or a member of their household belon.ed to a vuln.rable group,those believin. that the COVID-19 virus was n.t developed in.laboratories by human.,those believin. that coron.virus is far more con.agious an. lethal compared to the H1n. virus,an. those believin. that n.xt waves are comin. were statistically more likely to be willin. to get a COVID-19 *** kn.wledge score regardin. symptoms,tran.mission.routes an. con.rol measures again.t COVID-19 was associated with higher of respon.en.s to get ***:A sign.fican. proportion.of in.ividuals in.the gen.ral popu
The ability to predict the subcellular localization.of a protein.from its sequen.e is of great importan.e, as it provides in.ormation.about the protein.s fun.tion. We presen. a computation.l tool, PredSL, which utili...
The ability to predict the subcellular localization.of a protein.from its sequen.e is of great importan.e, as it provides in.ormation.about the protein.s fun.tion. We presen. a computation.l tool, PredSL, which utilizes n.ural n.tworks, Markov chain., profile hidden.Markov models, an. scorin. matrices for the prediction.of the subcellular localization.of protein. in.eukaryotic cells from the n.termin.l amin. acid sequen.e. It aims to classify protein. in.o five groups: chloroplast, thylakoid, mitochon.rion. secretory pathway, an. "other". When.tested in.a fivefold cross-validation.procedure, PredSL demon.trates 86.7% an. 87.1% overall accuracy for the plan. an. n.n.plan. datasets, respectively. Compared with TargetP, which is the most widely used method to date, an. Lumen., the results of PredSL are comparable in.most cases. When.tested on.the verified protein. of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PredSL performs comparably if n.t better available algorithm for the same task. Furthermore, PredSL is the on.y method capable for the prediction.of these subcellular localization. that is available as a stan.-alon. application.through the URL: http://***/PredSL/.