Rarely,scientific developments centered around the patient as a whole *** multidisciplinary group,headed by gastrointestinal surgeons,applied this research philosophy considering the most important aspects of thedisea...
Rarely,scientific developments centered around the patient as a whole *** multidisciplinary group,headed by gastrointestinal surgeons,applied this research philosophy considering the most important aspects of thediseases“colon-and rectal cancer”in the long-term *** expertcooperation/knowledge at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm(CCCU)wereapplied in several phase III trials for multimodal treatments of primary tumors(MMT)and metastatic diseases(involving nearly 2000 patients and 64 centers),fortreatment individualization of MMT and of metastatic disease,for psychooncology/quality of life involving the patients’wishes,and for disease *** of the targets initially were heavily rejected/discussed in thescientific communities,but now have become standards in treatments andnational guidelines or are topics in modern translational research protocolsinvolving molecular biology for e.g.,“patient centered individualized treatment”.In this context we also describe the paths we had to tread in order to realize ournew goals,which at the end were highly beneficial for the patients from manypoints of *** description is also important for students and youngresearchers who,with an actual view on our recent developments,might want toknow how medical progress was achieved.