Split-cylinder fracture of fiber-reinforced ultra-hig.-performance concrete (UHPC)was examined using.two complementary techniques:X-ray computed tomog.aphy (CT)and acoustic emission (AE).Fifty-mm-diameter specimens of two different fiber types were scanned both before and after load *** the CT imag.s,fiber orientation was evaluated to establish optimum and pessimum specimen orientations,at which fibers would have maximum and minimum effect,*** expected,fiber orientation affected both the peak load and the toug.ness of the specimen,with the optimum toug.ness being.between 20% and 30%hig.er than the *** AE energ. was also affected *** CT scans of the specimens were used to measure internal damag.. Damag. was quantified in terms of internal energ. dissipation due to both matrix cracking.and fiber pullout by using.calibration measurements for *** results showed that fiber pullout was the dominant energ. dissipation mechanism;however,the sum of the internal energ. dissipation measured amounted to only 60% of the total energ. dissipated by the specimens as measured by the net work of *** is postulated that localized compaction of the UHPC matrix as well as internal friction between fractured frag.ents makes up the balance of internal energ. dissipation.
Introduction:The Aspen-FACE experiment was an 11-year study of the effect of elevated CO_(2) and ozone(alone and in combination)on the g.owth of model aspen communities(pure aspen,aspen-birch,and aspen-maple)in the fi...
Introduction:The Aspen-FACE experiment was an 11-year study of the effect of elevated CO_(2) and ozone(alone and in combination)on the g.owth of model aspen communities(pure aspen,aspen-birch,and aspen-maple)in the field in northern Wisconsin,*** remains about how these short-term plotlevel responses mig.t play out over broader temporal and spatial scales where climate chang.,competition,succession,and disturbances interact with tree-level *** this study,we used a new physiolog.based approach(PnET-Succession v3.1)within the forest landscape model landis-II to extrapolate the FACE results to broader temporal scales(and ultimately to landscape scale)by mechanistically accounting.for the g.obally chang.ng.drivers of temperature,precipitation,CO_(2),and *** added novel alg.rithms to the model to mechanistically simulate the effects of ozone on photosynthesis throug. ozone-induced impairment of stomatal control(i.e.,stomatal slug.ishness)and damag. of photosynthetic capacity at the chloroplast ***:We calibrated the model to empirical observations of competitive interactions on the elevated CO_(2) and O_(3) plots of the Aspen-FACE experiment and successfully validated it on the combined factor *** used the validated model to extend the Aspen-FACE experiment for 80 *** only aspen clones competed,we found that clone 271 always dominated,althoug. the ozone-tolerant clone was co-dominant when ozone was *** all treatments,when aspen clone 216 and birch competed,birch was always dominant or co-dominant,and when clone 216 and maple competed,clone 216 was dominant,althoug. maple was able to g.ow steadily because of its shade *** also predicted long.term competitive outcomes for novel assemblag.s of taxa under each treatment and discovered that future composition and dominant taxa depend on treatment,and that short-term trends do not always persist in the long.***:We identified the streng.hs and weakne