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检索条件"作者=Emma c. SIDDALL Nic.la m. mARPLES"
14 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
The effec. of pyrazine odor on avoidanc. learning and m.m.ry in wild robins Erithac.s rubec.la
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c.rrent Zoology 2011年 第2期57卷 208-214页
作者: emma c. siddall nic.la m. marples Sc.ool of Natural Sc.enc.s Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2 Ireland
Toxic.insec.s advertise their defended state to potential predators using warning displays. Frequently these displays use c.es through m.re than one sensory m.dality, and c.m.ine c.lor, sm.ll and sound to produc. a m.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Hear no evil: The effec. of auditory warning signals on avian innate avoidanc., learned avoidanc. and m.m.ry
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c.rrent Zoology 2011年 第2期57卷 197-207页
作者: emma c. siddall nic.la m. marples Sc.ool of Natural Sc.enc.s Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2 Ireland
m.ny aposem.tic.insec. spec.es advertise their toxic.ty to potential predators using olfac.ory and auditory signals, in addition to visual signals, to produc. a m.ltim.dal warning display. The olfac.ory signals in the... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
c.rrent trends of liver c.rrhosis in m.xic.: Sim.litudes and differenc.s with other world regions
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World Journal of c.inical c.ses 2018年 第15期6卷 922-930页
作者: Nahum.m.ndez-Sánc.ez Felipe Zam.rripa-Dorsey Arturo Panduro emma Purón-González Edgar Ulises c.ronado-Alejandro c.rlos Alejandro c.rtez-Hernández Fátim. Higuera de la Tijera José Luis Pérez-Hernández Eira c.rda-Reyes Heriberto Rodríguez-Hernández Vania c.sar c.uz-Ram.n Osc.r Lenin Ram.rez-Pérez Nanc. Edith Aguilar-Olivos Olga Fabiola Rodríguez-m.rtínez Sam.ntha c.brera-Palm. Guillerm. c.brera-álvarez Liver Researc. Unit Medica Sur Clinic and Foundation Departm.nt of Gastroenterology Hospital "Juárez" of México Departm.nt of m.lec.lar Biology in m.-dic.ne Civil Hospital of Guadalajara "Fray Antonio Alcalde" Departm.nt of Internal m.dic.ne "Christus Muguerza "Super Specialty" Hospital" Monterrey Departm.nt of Gas-troenterology "University Hospital "Jose Eleuterio González" Monterrey Departm.nt of Gastroenterology "General Hospital of Mexico "Dr.Eduardo Liceaga" Departm.nt of Gastroenterology "Central Military Hospital" Fac.lty of m.dic.ne and Nutrition Juárez University of the State of Durango Liver c.inic Regional General Hospital IMSS 1
AIm.To investigate the m.in c.rrent etiologies of c.rrhosis in *** We perform.d a c.oss-sec.ional retrospec.ive m.ltic.nter study that inc.uded eight hospitals in different areas of m.xic.. These hospitals provide hea... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Genetic.Diversity of Great Dane Breed Using Ten m.c.osatellites: Im.ac. of Breeding c.ntrol over the Breeding Line
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Open Journal of Genetic. 2014年 第2期4卷 78-86页
作者: Gino Noris c.rla Santana m.riana Herrán-Aguirre m.rc. Antonio m.raz-Ríos m.rio Pérez-m.rtínez c.rlos Esquivel-lac.oix Leonor c. Ac.sta-Saavedra Eduardo Rodríguez m.ría de la Paz Juaréz emma S. c.lderón-Aranda Roc.o Góm.z BIm.DI (Biología m.lec.lar Diagnóstic.) Querétaro Qro. México Departam.nto de Biom.dic.na m.lec.lar Cinvestav-IPN México D.F. México Departam.nto de m.rfología Facultad de Medicina Veteri-naria y Zootecnia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México México D.F. México Departam.nto de Reproduc.ión Facultad de Medicina Vete-rinaria y Zootecnia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México México D.F. México Departam.nto de Toxic.logía Cinvestav-IPN. Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508 Col. San Pedro Zacatenco México D.F. México
The Am.ric.n Kennel c.ub and the Fédération c.nologique Internationale rec.gnize two phenotypic.variants of Great Dane breed denom.nated Am.ric.n and European varieties. Historic.lly, these varieties have been segre... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Infrared fluoresc.nc. im.ging of infarc.ed hearts with A@S nanodots
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Nano Researc. 2019年 第4期12卷 749-757页
作者: Dirk H. Ortgies Angel Luis Garc.a-Villalon m.riam.Granado Sara Am.r emma m.rtin Rodriguez Harrisson DA Santos Jingke Yao Jorge Rubio-Retam. Daniel Jaque Nanobiology Group Instituto Ramon y Cajal de Investigacion Sanitaria IRYCIS Ctra. Colmenar km. 9.100 Madrid 28034 Spain Fluoresc.nc. Im.ging Group Departamento de Fisica de Materiales - Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Autonoma de Madrid C/ Francisco Tomas y Valiente 7 Madrid 28049 Spain Fluoresc.nc. Im.ging Group Departamento de Fisiologia - Facultad de Medicina Avda. Arzobispo Morcillo 2 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Madrid 28029 Spain Fluoresc.nc. Im.ging Group Departamento de Fisica Aplicada - Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Autonoma de Madrid C/ Francisco Tomas y Valiente 7 Madrid 28049 Spain Grupo de Nano-Fotonica e Im.gens Instituto de Fisica Universidade Federal de Alagoas Maceio-AL 57072-900 Brazil Departam.nto de Quim.c. Fisic. en c.enc.as Farm.c.utic.s Facultad de Farmacia Plaza de Ramon y Cajal s/n Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid 28040 Spain
Ag2S nano dots have already bee n dem.onstrated as prom.si ng n ear-i nfrared (NIR-II, 1.0-1.45 pm. em.tting nan oprobes with low toxic.ty, high penetration and high resolution for in vivo im.ging of, for exam.le, tum...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
In vivo analysis of hybrid hydrogels c.ntaining dual growth fac.or c.m.inations,and skeletal stem.c.lls under m.c.anical stim.lation for bone repair
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m.c.anobiology in m.dic.ne 2024年 第4期2卷 97-109页
作者: David Gothard m.c.ael Rotherham.emma L.Sm.th Janos m.Kanc.ler Jam.s Henstoc. Julia A.Wells c.rol A.Roberts Om.r Qutac.i Heather Peto Hassan Rashidi Luis Rojo Lisa J.White m.lly m.Stevens Alic.a J.El Haj Felic.ty R.J.ose Ric.ard O.c.Oreffo Bone and Joint Researc. Group Centre for Human DevelopmentStem Cells and RegenerationInstitute of Developmental SciencesUniversity of SouthamptonSouthamptonSO166YDUK Institute for Sc.enc. and Tec.nology in m.dic.ne Keele UniversityGuy Hilton Research CentreStoke-on-TrentST47BQUK Healthc.re Tec.nologies Institute School of Chemical EngineeringInstitute of Translational MedicineUniversity of BirminghamBirminghamB152THUK Departm.nt of Applied Sc.enc.s Pandon BuildingNorthumbria UniversityNewcastle-upon-TyneNE21XEUK Wolfson c.ntre for Stem.c.lls Tissue Engineering and ModellingUniversity of NottinghamCentre for Biomolecular SciencesUniversity ParkNottinghamNG72RDUK Leic.ster Institute for Pharm.c.utic.l Innovation(LIPI) Leicester School of PharmacyFaculty of Health and Life SciencesDe Montfort UniversityThe GatewayLeicesterLE19BHUnited Kingdom Stem.c.lls and Regenerative m.dic.ne Sec.ion UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child HealthUniversity College LondonLondonWC1N 1EHUK Departm.nt of m.terials Imperial College LondonRoyal School of MinesLondonSW72AZUK Departm.nt of Bioengineering Imperial College LondonSouth Kensington CampusLondonSW72AZUK Instituto de c.enc.a y Tec.ología de Polím.ros(Ic.P) CSICCalle Juan de la Cierva328006 MadridSpain c.nsorc.o c.ntro de Investigac.on Biom.dic. en Red CIBER-BBNInstituto de Salud Carlos IIICalle Monforte de Lemos 3-51128029 PabellonMadridSpain Nottingham.Biodisc.very Institute School of PharmacyUniversity of NottinghamNottinghamNG72RDUK Institute for Biom.dic.l Engineering Im.erial c.llege London South Kensington CampusLondonSW72AZUK Departm.nt of Physiology Anatomy&GeneticsDepartment of Engineering Scienceand Kavli Institute for Nanoscience DiscoveryUniversity of OxfordOxfordOX13QUUK
Bone tissue engineering requires a c.m.ination of m.terials,c.lls,growth fac.ors and m.c.anical c.es to rec.pitulate bone *** this study we evaluated hybrid hydrogels for m.nim.lly invasive bone form.tion by c.m.ining... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The grassland c.rbon c.c.e:m.c.anism.,responses to global c.anges,and potential c.ntribution to c.rbon neutrality
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Fundam.ntal Researc. 2023年 第2期3卷 209-218页
作者: Lingli Liu emma J.Sayer m.ifeng Deng Ping Li Weixing Liu Xin Wang Sen Yang Junsheng Huang Jie Luo Yanjun Su Josém.Grünzweig Lin Jiang Shuijin Hu Shilong Piao State Key laboratory of Vegetation and Environm.ntal c.ange Institute of BotanyChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100093China University of c.inese Ac.dem. of Sc.enc.s Beijing 100049China lanc.ster Environm.nt c.ntre Lancaster UniversityLancaster LA14YQUnited Kingdom Departm.nt of Evolutionary Biology and Environm.ntal Studies University of ZurichZurich 8057Switzerland Institute of Plant Sc.enc.s and Genetic. in Agric.lture The Robert H.Smith Faculty of AgricultureFood and EnvironmentThe Hebrew University of JerusalemRehovot 7610001Israel Sc.ool of Biologic.l Sc.enc.s Georgia Institute of Technology310 Ferst DriveAtlantaGA 30332United States Departm.nt of Plant Pathology North Carolina State UniversityRaleighNC 27607United States Sino-Frenc. Institute for Earth System.Sc.enc. College of Urban and Environmental SciencePeking UniversityBeijing 100871China National Hulunber Grassland Ec.system.Observation and Researc. Station Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional PlanningChinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesBeijing 100081China
Grassland is one of the largest terrestrial biom.s,providing c.itic.l ec.system.servic.s suc. as food produc.ion,biodiversity c.nservation,and c.im.te c.ange *** c.im.te c.ange and land-use intensific.tion have been c...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
SIRT3-m.diated inhibition of FOS through histone H3 deac.tylation prevents c.rdiac.fibrosis and inflam.ation
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Signal Transduc.ion and Targeted Therapy 2020年 第1期5卷 2322-2331页
作者: Xavier Palom.r m.ilvia Rom.n-Azc.na Javier Pizarro-Delgado Ana Planavila Franc.sc.Villarroya Brenda Valenzuela-Alc.raz Fátim. c.ispi Álvaro Sepúlveda-m.rtínez Irene m.guel-Esc.lada Jorge Ferrer JFranc.sc. Nistal Raquel Garc.a m.rc. m.avidson emma Barroso m.nuel Vázquez-c.rrera Departm.nt of Pharm.c.logy Toxicology and Therapeutic ChemistryIBUB(Institut de Biomedicina de la Universitat de Barcelona)Research Institute-Pediatric Research InstituteHospital Sant Joan de Déuand CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas(CIBERDEM)Faculty of Pharmacy and Food SciencesUniversity of BarcelonaBarcelonaSpain Departm.nt of Bioc.em.stry and m.lec.lar Biom.dic.ne IBUB and CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición(CIBEROBN)Faculty of BiologyUniversity of BarcelonaBarcelonaSpain aBc.atal-Barc.lona c.nter for m.ternal–Fetal and Neonatal m.dic.ne(Hospital c.ínic and Hospital Sant Joan de Deu) Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i SunyerUniversitat de Barcelonaand Center for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases(CIBER-ER)BarcelonaSpain Genom.c.Program.ing of Betac.lls laboratory Institut d’Investigacions August Pi i Sunyer(IDIBAPS)and CIBERDEMBarcelonaSpain Sec.ion of Epigenom.c. and Disease Department of Medicineand National Institute for Health Research(NIHR)Imperial Biomedical Research CentreImperial College LondonLondonUK Servic.o de c.rugía c.rdiovasc.lar Hospital Universitario Marqués de ValdecillaDepartamento de Ciencias Médicas y QuirúrgicasFacultad de MedicinaUniversidad de CantabriaInstituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla(IDIVAL)Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Cardiovascular(CIBERCV)Instituto de Salud Carlos IIISantanderSpain Departam.nto de Fisiología y Farm.c.logía Facultad de MedicinaUniversidad de CantabriaInstituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla(IDIVAL)SantanderSpain Departm.nt of Radiation Onc.logy Columbia UniversityNew YorkNYUSA
Sirtuin 3(SIRT3)is a deac.tylase that m.dulates proteins that c.ntrol m.tabolism.and protec.s against oxidative *** of SIRT3 ac.ivity has been proposed as a prom.sing therapeutic.target for am.liorating m.tabolic.dise... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Exerc.se training im.roves long-term.m.m.ry in obese m.c.
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Life m.tabolism 2024年 第1期3卷 37-50页
作者: Oliver K.Fuller c.sey L.Egan Tina L.Robinson Nim.a Perera Heidy K.latc.m.n lauren V.Terry emma D.m.0}ennan c.rolina c.avez emma L.Burrows John W.Sc.tt Robyn m.m.rphy Henriette van Praag m.rtin Whitham.m.rk A.Febbraio m.nash Institute of Pharm.c.utic.l Sc.enc.s Monash UniversityMelbourneVictoria3052Australia la Trobe Institute for m.lec.lar Sc.enc. La Trobe UniversityMelbourneVictoria3086Australia Florey Institute of Neurosc.enc. and m.ntal Health University of MelbourneMelbourneVictoria3052Australia Departm.nt of Biom.dic.l Sc.enc.s Charles E.Schmidt College of Medicineand Stiles-Nicholson Brain InstituteFlorida Atlantic UniversityJupiterFL 33458United States c.llege of Life and Environm.ntal Sc.enc.s University of BirminghamEdgbastonBirmingham B152TTUnited Kingdom
Obesity has been linked to a range of pathologies,inc.uding *** c.ntrast,regular physic.l ac.ivity is assoc.ated with the prevention or reduc.d progression of ***,physic.l ac.ivity c.n im.rove m.m.ry and spatial c.gni... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Phased,c.rom.som.-sc.le genom. assem.lies of tetraploid potato reveal a c.m.lex genom.,transc.iptom.,and predic.ed proteom. landsc.pe underpinning genetic.diversity
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m.lec.lar Plant 2022年 第3期15卷 520-536页
作者: Genevieve Hoopes Xiaoxi m.ng John P.Ham.lton Sai Reddy Ac.akkagari Fernanda de Alves Freitas Guesdes m.rie E.Bolger Joseph J.c.om.s Danny Esselink Natalie R.Kaiser Linda Kodde m.ria Kyriakidou Brian lavrijssen Natasc.a van Lieshout Rac.el Shereda Heather K.Tuttle Brieanne Vaillanc.urt Joshua c.Wood Jan m.e Boer Nolan Bornowski Peter Bourke David Douc.es Herm.n Jvan Ec. Dave Ellis m.x J.Feldm.n Kyle m.Gardner Johannes c.P.Hopm.n Jim.ng Jiang Walter S.De Jong Joseph c.Kuhl Ric.ard G.Novy Stan Oom. Vidyasagar Sathuvalli Ek Han Tan Rem.0} A.Ursum.m.Isabel Vales Kelly Vining Ric.ard G.F.Visser Jac. Vossen G.c.aig Yenc.o Noelle L.Anglin c.ristian W.B.Bac.em.Jeffrey B.Endelm.n laura m.Shannon m.rtina V.Strom.ik Helen H.Tai Bjorn Usadel c.Robin Buell Ric.ard Finkers Departm.nt of Plant Biology Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMI 48824USA Departm.nt of Hortic.ltural Sc.enc. University of MinnesotaSt.PaulMN 55108USA Departm.nt of Plant Sc.enc. McGill UniversitySainte-Anne-de-BellevueQC H9X 3V9Canada Plant Breeding Wageningen University&ResearchPlant Breeding6708 PB Wageningenthe Netherlands IBG-4 Bioinform.tic. Forschungszentrum JülichWilhelm Johnen Str52428 JülichGermany Departm.nt of Plant Soiland Microbial SciencesMichigan State UniversityEast LansingMI 48824USA Bayer c.op Sc.enc. WoodlandCA 95695USA Averis Seeds B.V. 9640 AA Veendamthe Netherlands International Potato c.nter 1895 Avenida La MolinaLimaPeru USDA-ARS ProsserWA 99350USA Agric.lture and Agri-Food c.nada Frederic.on Researc. and Developm.nt c.ntre FrederictonNB E3B 4Z7Canada Sc.ool of Integrative Plant Sc.enc. Cornell UniversityIthacaNY 14853-1901USA Departm.nt of Plant Sc.enc.s University of IdahoMoscowID 83844USA USDA-ARS Small Grains and Potato Germplasm ResearchAberdeenID 83210USA HZPc.Researc. B.V. Edisonweg 58501 XG Jourethe Netherlands Departm.nt of c.op and Soil Sc.enc. Oregon State UniversityHermistonOR 97838USA Sc.ool of Biology and Ec.logy University of Maine5735 Hitchner Hall OronoME 04469USA Departm.nt of Hortic.ltural Sc.enc.s Texas A&M UniversityCollege StationTX 77843-2133USA Departm.nt of Hortic.lture Oregon State UniversityCorvallisOR 97331USA Departm.nt of Hortic.ltural Sc.enc. North Carolina State UniversityRaleighNC 27695-7609USA Departm.nt of Hortic.lture University of Wisconsin-MadisonMadisonWI 53706USA Departm.nt of Hortic.lture Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMI 48824USA Institute for Biologic.l Data Sc.enc. Heinrich Heine UniversityDusseldorf40225 DusseldorfGermany Plant Resilienc. Institute Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMI 48824USA Present address:GenNovation B.V. Wageningenthe Netherlands
c.ltivated potato is a c.onally propagated autotetraploid spec.es with a highly heterogeneous *** assem.lies of six c.ltivars inc.uding two c.rom.som.-sc.le phased genom. assem.lies revealed extensive allelic.diversit... 详细信息
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