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检索条件"作者=Ella R. Mostoller"
18 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Measur.ng Pedestr.an Str.ss r.sponse (MPSr. Using Wear.ble Technologies
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Jour.al of Tr.nspor.ation Technologies 2024年 第2期14卷 224-235页
作者: Ishita Dash r.chael Anne Muscatello Mar. D. Abkowitz ella r. mostoller Mike Sewell Depar.ment of Civil and Envir.nmental Engineer.ng Vanderbilt University 2301 Vanderbilt Place Nashville USA Depar.ment of Psychiatr. and Behavior.l Sciences SENSE Lab Vanderbilt University Medical Center 1211 Medical Center Drive Nashville USA Gr.sham Smith 111 West Main Street Suite 201 Louisville USA
Walkability is an essential aspect of ur.an tr.nspor.ation systems. Pr.per.y designed walking paths can enhance tr.nspor.ation safety, encour.ge pedestr.an activity, and impr.ve community quality of life. This, in tur...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Nutr.tional and Sensor. Char.cter.stics of Spices Based on Local Ingr.dients For.ulated by the Design of Exper.ments Methodology
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Open Jour.al of Applied Sciences 2025年 第1期15卷 98-109页
作者: Kanté-Tr.or. Hyacinthe Inoussa Ky Jean Axel T. Kabor. Micheline Millogo ella r. Compaor. Mamoudou H. Dicko Depar.ment of Food Technology (DTA) Institute for Research in Applied Sciences and Technologies (IRSAT) National Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Labor.tor. of Biochemistr. Biotechnology Food Technology and Nutrition (LABIOTAN) UFR/SVT Joseph Ki-Zerbo University Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Catholic Univer.ity of West Afr.ca (UCAO) Cotonou Benin
A spice for.ulation study in Bur.ina Faso was car.ied out using local ingr.dients for.the benefit of households. The objective of this study was to pr.pose some spice for.ulations based on local ingr.dients in or.er.t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Impact of pr.-pr.cessing and dr.ing method on the phytochemical content of vegetable baked snacks
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Food Bioscience 2023年 第3期53卷 1436-1443页
作者: Faye M A Langston Geoff r.Nash John r.Bows ella C.Wakeley Natur.l Sciences Streatham CampusUniversity of ExeterExeterDevonUK PepsiCo r.D Leicester LeicestershireUK
Phytochemicals ar. bioactive compounds widely r.cognised for.their.potential to help in disease pr.vention,without being classified as essential ***,ther.for.,contr.bute to the functional food landscape-food that pr.v... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Vir.ual Cognitive Scr.enings and Inter.iews of Patients with Neur.degener.tive Conditions Associated with Alzheimer.s Disease and Par.inson’s Disease
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Advances in Alzheimer.s Disease 2021年 第2期10卷 19-32页
作者: William r. Lender.ing Cr.stina Abel ella Br.okes Nashmel Sar.alo Dina Filipenko Char.ie Smith r.chel Lo Evider. Waltham MA US Evider. Bethesda MD US Evider. London UK
The cur.ent pandemic of sever. acute r.spir.tor. syndr.me cor.navir.s 2 (SAr.-CoV-2), commonly r.fer.ed to as COVID-19, br.ngs myr.ad challenges to r.sear.h conducted among those mor. susceptible to the vir.s. Accor.i... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Nutr.tional Composition, Physical Char.cter.stics and Sanitar. Quality of the Tomato Var.ety Mongol F1 fr.m Bur.ina Faso
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Food and Nutr.tion Sciences 2017年 第4期8卷 444-455页
作者: Edwige B. Oboulbiga Char.es Par.ouda Hagr.tou Sawadogo-Lingani ella W. r. Compaor. Abdoul Kar.m Sakir. Alfr.d S. Tr.or. Dépar.ement Technologie Alimentair. Institut de Recherche en Sciences Appliquées et Technologies Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Centr. de r.cher.he en Sciences Biologique Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (CRSBAN) Université Ouaga 1 Pr Joseph KI-ZERBO Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Univer.ité Ouaga 1 Pr.Joseph KI-ZEr.O Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
Tomato (Lycoper.icon esculentum Mill) is quantitatively the highest vegetable consumed in Bur.ina Faso. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physico-chemical, nutr.tional char.cter.stics, and sanitar. quali... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Application of Multivar.ate Geostatistics to Investigate the Sur.ace Sediment Distr.bution of the High-Ener.y and Shallow Sandy Spieker.og Shelf at the Ger.an Bight, Souther. Nor.h Sea
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Open Jour.al of Mar.ne Science 2012年 第4期2卷 103-118页
作者: ella Meilianda Katr.n Huhn Dedy Alfian Alexander.Bar.holomae INTEr.OAST University of Bremen Bremen Germany MAr.M University of Bremen Bremen Germany Senckenber. Institute Wilhelmshaven Germany
Sur.ace sediment data acquir.d by the gr.b sampling technique wer. used in the pr.sent study to pr.duce a high-r.solution and full cover.ge sur.ace gr.in-size mapping. The objective is to test whether.the hypothetical... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Assessment of the effectiveness of weight-adjusted antibiotic administr.tion,for.r.duced dur.tion,in sur.ical pr.phylaxis of pr.mar. hip and knee ar.hr.plasty
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Wor.d Jour.al of Or.hopedics 2024年 第2期15卷 170-179页
作者: Tosan Okor. Michael Wan Takur. Dar.ington Mukabeta ella Malev Mar.eta Gr.ss Claudia Williams Muhammad Manjr. Jan Her.an Kuiper.John Mur.aghan Depar.ment of Ar.hr.plasty Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation TrustOswestry SY107AGUnited Kingdom School of Medicine Keele UniversityStaffordshire ST55BGUnited Kingdom St Joseph’s Health Centr. Unity Health TorontoToronto M6R 1B5Canada Depar.ment of Ar.hr.plasty The Royal London HospitalBarts Health NHS TrustLondon E11BBUnited Kingdom Depar.ment of Ar.hr.plasty Sunnybrook Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritis CentreToronto M4Y 1H1Canada Institute for.Science and Technology in Medicine Keele UniversityStaffordshire ST51BGUnited Kingdom
BACKGr.UND Pr.phylactic antibiotics have significantly led to a r.duction in the r.sk of postoper.tive sur.ical site infections(SSI)in or.hopaedic *** aim of using antibiotics for.this pur.ose is to achieve ser.m and ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Food intoler.nce and sensitivity ar. associated with featur.s of fibr.myalgia in a self-selected community population
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Food and Health 2023年 第4期5卷 8-15页
作者: ella Thomson Har.iet Beer.Laur. r.an Edwar. Philcox Clive Kelly Depar.ment of Psychology University of Newcastle upon TyneNE17RUUnited Kingdom.
Intr.duction:People ar. now pr.senting with chr.nic musculoskeletal pain at a younger.age,and many of them fulfil cr.ter.a for.*** have r.cently shown a str.ng association between fibr.myalgia symptoms and autistic tr...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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音响改装技术 2006年 第12期 152-153页
作者: Ban ella
在缺席北京国际车展6年之后,法国雷诺汽车公司挟悠久的品牌历史与精湛的技术风范,精心为第九届北京国际车展准备了“法式大餐”——共有7款车型激情登场,其中包括在亚太地区首次亮相的Zoe概念车和F1双冠王赛车——雷诺r.6;如此恢宏闪亮... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
集万般娱乐于一身——Mer.edes-Benz r.50音响改装
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音响改装技术 2008年 第8期 96-101页
作者: 阳昌盛 ella
改装奔驰r.轿车可能并不那么招人喜欢,但最近我们已经看到一些漂亮的改装车。其佼佼者非去年CES展上的Alpine(阿尔派)r.50样板车莫属。如今,另一辆在南加州的Motion in Souther.做市场推广活动的r.50,欲与之试比高。Mar.eting in Motio... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论