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检索条件"作者=Elias E."
90 条 记 录,以下是71-80 订阅
Biosurfactant Production by Pse.domonas ae.uginosa and Yarrowia lipolytica and Its Use.for De.e.ge.t Formulations
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Journal of Che.istry and Che.ical e.gine.ring 2013年 第8期7卷 767-773页
作者: Silvanito Alve. Barbosa Die.o de.Fre.tas Coe.ho e.gar Silve.ra elias Basile.Tambourgi Robe.to Rodrigue. de.Souza De.artame.to de.e.ge.haria Quimica Universidade Federal e Sergipe S6o Crist6v~o 49100-000 Brazil De.artame.to de.e.ge.haria de.Siste.as Qulmicos e.Informftica Universidade Estadual de Campinas Campinas 13083-852Brazil Instituto de.Ge.dtica e.Bioquimica Universidade Federal de Uberldndia Uberldndia 38700-128 Brazil
This work re.orts de.e.ge.ts production using biological surfactants, microbiologically synthe.ize., and compare. its foaming powe. and e.ulsification capacity to those.pre.e.te. by a pe.role.m base. surfactant. Both ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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中外酒业 2021年 第11期 38-48页
作者: Florian Prille. elias Rictzsche. 栾春光(译) BIOTe.ON Diagnostics GmbH PotsdamGermany 中国食品发酵工业研究院
通常,啤酒不易受到微生物污染:然而,严重的腐败仍然可由多种酵母引起,如酵母变种,Saccharomyce. ce.e.isiae.***和Bre.tanomyce.,这会导致产品品牌形象受损。因此,对啤酒或啤酒混合饮料中有害的酵母菌的检测是确保啤酒酿造过程和成品质... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Production Optimization of Biodie.e. from Frying Oil Waste.to Re.uce.the.e.vironme.tal Impacts
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Journal of Che.istry and Che.ical e.gine.ring 2014年 第6期8卷 621-625页
作者: Silvério Cature.a da Silva Filho Thade. Alfre.o Farias Silva Arthur de.Que.roz e.Silva Amanda Carvalho Miranda Fe.ipe.Araájo Calarge.José Carlos Curve.o Santana elias Basile.Tambourgi Laboratory of Proce.se. and Quality Control Nine July University Sao Paulo 05001-100 Brazil School of Che.ical e.gine.ring State University of Campinas Campinas 13083-852 Brazil
The.obje.tive.of this study was to re.uce.the.e.vironme.tal impacts of use. frying oil waste.through the.production of biodie.e.. A 22 factorial planning has be.n use. to e.aluate.the.influe.ce. of alcohol/oil and re.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
e.trahe.atic chole.tasis associate. with paracoccidioidomycosis:Challe.ge. in the.diffe.e.tial diagnosis of biliopancre.tic ne.plasia
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World Journal of Gastrointe.tinal Oncology 2024年 第6期16卷 2531-2540页
作者: Jose.Se.astiao dos Santos Vitor de.Moura Arrais William Jose.Rosse.o Fe.re.ra Ricardo Ribe.ro Corre. Filho Mariange.a Ottoboni Brunaldi Rafae. Ke.p Ajith Kumar Sankanrakutty Jorge.elias Junior Fe.nando Be.lissimo-Rodrigue. Robe.to Martine. e.son Zangiacomi Martine. Jose.Ce.so Arde.gh Faculdade.de.Me.icina de.Ribe.rao Pre.o da Unive.sidade.de.Sao Paulo(FMRP-USP) Departamento de Cirurgia e AnatomiaRibeirao Preto 14049-900Sao PauloBrazil Unive.sidade.de.Sao Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto da Universidade de Sao Paulo(FMRP-USP)Departamento de PatologiaRibeirao Preto 14048900Sao PauloBrazil Unive.sidade.de.Sao Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto da Universidade de Sao Paulo(FMRP-USP)Departamento de Imagens MédicasHematologia e Oncologia ClínicaRibeirao Preto 14048900Sao PauloBrazil Unive.sidade.de.Sao Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto da Universidade de Sao Paulo(FMRP-USP)Departamento de Medicina SocialRibeirao Preto 14015-010Sao PauloBrazil Unive.sidade.de.Sao Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto da Universidade de Sao Paulo(FMRP-USP)Departamento de Clínica MédicaRibeirao Preto 14015-010Sao PauloBrazil Unive.sidade.de.Sao Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto da Universidade de Sao Paulo(FMRP-USP)Departamento de Cirurgia e AnatomiaRibeirao Preto 14049-900Sao PauloBrazil and Hospital MoriahServico de Endoscopia DigestivaSao Paulo 04084-002Sao PauloBrazil
BACKGROUND Paracoccidioidomycosis(PCM)may involve.the.he.atic pe.icle.and pe.ipan cre.tic lymph node.,cause.damage.to the.bile.duct and manife.t,e.ce.tionally,in combination with e.trahe.atic chole.tasis(e.C),making i... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Fabrication of graphe.e.oxide.ke.atin-chitosan nanocomposite.as an adsorbe.t to re.ove.turbidity from tanne.y waste.ate.
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Wate. Scie.ce.and e.gine.ring 2023年 第2期16卷 184-191页
作者: Kobita Roy Thuhin Kumar De. Mamun Jamal Rajase.ar Rathanasamy Moganapriya Chinnasamy Mdelias Uddin De.artme.t of Le.the. e.gine.ring Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringKhulna University of Engineering&TechnologyKhulna 9203Bangladesh De.artme.t of Che.istry Faculty of Civil EngineeringKhulna University of Engineering&TechnologyKhulna 9203Bangladesh De.artme.t of Me.hanical e.gine.ring Kongu Engineering CollegeErodeTamilnadu 638052India De.artme.t of Mining e.gine.ring Indian Institute of Technology KharagpurWest Bengal 721302India
e.ce.sive.turbidity in wate. is ae.the.ically unappe.ling and se.e.e.y malfunctions the.photosynthe.is proce.s of aquatic e.osyste.s. This study aime. to e.aluate.the.e.fe.tive.e.s of a nanocomposite.adsorbe.t made.of... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Inte.ration of Ae.omagne.ic Data and Landsat Image.y for Structural Analysis Purpose.: A Case.Study in the.Southe.n Part of Jordan
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Journal of Ge.graphic Information Syste. 2013年 第3期5卷 198-207页
作者: Hani Al Amoush Ne.ar Hammouri Mohamme. Al Farajat elias Salame. Abdullah Diabat Mohamme. Hassone. Rida Al-Adamat Al al-Bayt Unive.sity Mafraq Jordan
In this study, diffe.e.t digital format data source. including ae.omagne.ic and re.ote.y se.se. (Landsat e.M+) data we.e.use. for structural and te.tonic inte.pre.ation of the.southe.n part of Jordan. Ae.omagne.ic dat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Application of a bioche.ical and clinical mode. to pre.ict individual survival in patie.ts with e.d-stage.live. dise.se
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World Journal of Gastroe.te.ology 2009年 第22期15卷 2768-2777页
作者: e.uardo Vilar Gome. Luis Calzadilla Be.tot Bie.ve.ido Gra Oramas e.rique.Arus Sole. Raimundo Llanio Navarro Javie. Diaz elias Oscar Villa Jiméne. Maria de. Rosario Abre. Vazque. De.artme.t of He.atology National Institute of Gastroenterology De.artme.t of Pathology National Institute of Gastroenterology De.artme.t of Gastroe.te.ology National Institute of Gastroenterology De.arme.t of Gastroe.te.ology The"Calixto Garcia"Hospital De.artme.t of Biostatistics National Institute of Gastroenterology
AIM:To inve.tigate.the.capability of a bioche.ical and clinical mode.,BioCliM,in pre.icting the.survival of cirrhotic ***:We.prospe.tive.y e.aluate. the.survival of 172 cirrhotic *** mode. was constructe. using clinic... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Distribute. Diffe.e.ce. Structure. Unde.lie.Gating be.we.n the.Kin Channe. KAT1 and the.Kout Channe. SKOR
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Mole.ular Plant 2010年 第1期3卷 236-245页
作者: Janin Rie.e.sbe.ge. Tripti Sharma We.dy Gonzale. Pawe. Gajdanowicz Samue. elias Morale.-Navarro Carlos Garcia-Mata Be.nd Mue.le.-Roe.e. Fe.nando Danilo Gonzale.-Nilo Michae. R. Blatt Ingo Dre.e. Unive.sitat Potsdam Institut for Biochemie und Biologie Molekularbiologie Heisenberg-Gruppe Biophysik und Molekulare Pflanzenbiologie BPMPB Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25 Haus 20 D-14476 Potsdam-Golm Germany Max-Planck Institute.of Mole.ular Plant Physiology 14476 Potsdam-Golm Germany Ce.tro de.Bioinformatica y Simulacion Mole.ular Universidad de Talca Casilla 721 Talca Chile Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biophysics IBLS Plant Sciences Bower Building University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ UK Laboratorio de.Fisiologia Mole.ular e.Inte.rativa Institutos de Investigaciones Biologicas Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata 7600 Mar del Plata Buenos Aires Argentina Unive.sitat Potsdam Institut for Biochemie und Biologie Abteilung Molekularbiologie 14476 Potsdam-Golm Germany
The.family of voltage.gate. (Shake.-like. potassium channe.s in plants include. both inward-re.tifying (Kin) channe.s that allow plant ce.ls to accumulate.K+ and outward-re.tifying (Kout) channe.s that me.iate.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Challe.ge. in the.De.e.tion and Attribution of Northe.n He.isphe.e.Surface.Te.pe.ature.Tre.ds Since.1850
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Re.e.rch in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2023年 第10期23卷 367-386页
作者: Ronan Connolly Willie.Soon Michae. Connolly Sallie.Baliunas Johan Be.glund C.J.Butle. Rodolfo Gustavo Cionco Ana G.elias Vale.y M.Fe.orov He.mann Harde.Gre.ory W.He.ry Douglas V.Hoyt Ole.Humlum David R.Le.ate. Nicola Scafe.ta Jan-e.ik Solhe.m LászlóSzarka Víctor M.Ve.asco He.re.a Hong Yan We.jia Zhang Ce.te. for e.vironme.tal Re.e.rch and e.rth Scie.ce.Ce.e.) SalemMA 01970USA Inde.e.de.t scie.tists DublinIreland Institute.of e.rth Physics and Space.Scie.ce.e.SS) SopronHungary Re.ire. formerly Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsCambridgeMA 02138USA Inde.e.de.t re.e.rche. MalmöSweden Re.ire. formerly Armagh ObservatoryCollege HillArmagh BT619DGNorthern IrelandUK Comisión de.Inve.tigacione. Cie.tíficas de.la Provincia de.Bue.os Aire. Argentina Grupo de.e.tudios Ambie.tale. Universidad Tecnológica NacionalColón 332San Nicolás(2900)Buenos AiresArgentina Laboratorio de.Ionosfe.a Atmosfera Neutra y Magnetosfera(LIANM)Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y TecnologíaUniversidad Nacional de TucumánAv.Independencia 18004000 TucumánArgentina Instituto de.Física de. Noroe.te.Arge.tino(Conse.o Nacional de.Inve.tigacione. Cie.tíficas y Técnicas—Unive.sidad Nacional de.Tucumán) 4000 TucumánArgentina Faculty of Ge.graphy Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityLeninskie Gory St.1Moscow 119991Russia He.mut-Schmidt-Unive.sity HamburgGermany Ce.te. of e.ce.le.ce.in Information Syste.s Tennessee State UniversityNashvilleTN 37209 USA Inde.e.de.t scie.tist Berkeley SpringsWVUSA e.e.itus Profe.sor in Physical Ge.graphy Department of GeosciencesUniversity of OsloNorway Profe.sor e.e.itus College of EarthOceanand the EnvironmentUniversity of DelawareNewark DE 19716-2541USA De.artme.t of e.rth Scie.ce. Environment and GeoresourcesUniversity of Naples Federico IIComplesso Universitario di Monte S.Angelovia Cinthia21I-80126 NaplesItaly Re.ire. formerly Department of Physics and TechnologyUiT The Arctic University of Norway9037 TromsøNorway Instituto de.Ge.fisica Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoCiudad UniversitariaCoyoacán04510México D.F.México State.Ke. Laboratory of Loe.s and Quate.nary Ge.logy Institute of Earth EnvironmentChinese Academy of SciencesXi’an 710061China De.artme.t of Mathe.atics and Physics Shaoxing UniversityShaoxing 312000China
Since.2007,the.Inte.gove.nme.tal Pane. on Climate.Change.IPCC)has he.vily re.ie. on the.comparison be.we.n global climate.mode. hindcasts and global surface.te.pe.ature.ST)e.timate. for concluding that post-1950s glob... 详细信息
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Live.-dire.te. tre.tme.t is associate. with improve. survival and incre.se. re.ponse.to immune.che.kpoint blockade.in me.astatic uve.l me.anoma:re.ults from a re.rospe.tive.multice.te. trial
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Frontie.s of Me.icine 2023年 第5期17卷 878-888页
作者: elias A.T.Koch Anne.Pe.zold Anja We.se.y e.gar Dippe. Markus e.kste.n Anja Ge.ie.ich Ralf Gutzme. Je.sica C.Hasse. Harald Knorr Nicole.Kre.zbe.g Ulrike.Le.te. Carme. Loquai Frie.e.und Me.e. Markus Me.ssne. Pe.e. Mohr Claudia Pföhle. Farnaz Rahimi Dirk Schade.dorf Max Schlaak Kai-Martin Thoms Se.ma Ugure. Joche. Utikal Michae. We.che.thal Be.trice.Schule.-Thurne. Carola Be.king Markus V.He.pt De.artme.t of De.matology Uniklinikum ErlangenFriedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg(FAU)91054ErlangenGermany Compre.e.sive.Cance. Ce.te. e.lange.e.rope.n Me.ropolitan Are. of Nürnbe.g(CCC e.-e.N) 91054ErlangenGermany De.tsche. Ze.trum Immunthe.apie.DZI) Uniklinikum ErlangenFriedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg(FAU)91054ErlangenGermany Bavarian Cance. Re.e.rch Ce.te.(BZKF) Uniklinikum ErlangenÖstliche Stadtmauerstraße 3091054ErlangenGermany De.artme.t of De.matology Ludwigshafen Medical Center67059LudwigshafenGermany Institute.of Pathology Uniklinikum ErlangenFriedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg91054ErlangenGermany De.artme.t of De.matology University Hospital Würzburg97080WürzburgGermany Skin Cance. Ce.te. Minde. Department of DermatologyMühlenkreiskliniken AöRRuhr UniversityBochum Campus Minden32423MindenGermany Skin Cance. Ce.te. Department of Dermatology and National Center for Tumor Diseases(NCT)University Hospital Heidelberg69120HeidelbergGermany De.artme.t of Ophthalmology Uniklinikum ErlangenFriedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg(FAU)91054ErlangenGermany De.artme.t of De.matology and Ve.e.e.logy Skin Cancer Center at the Center of Integrated Oncology(CIO)Köln BonnUniversity Hospital of Cologne50937CologneGermany De.artme.t of De.matology Center for DermatooncologyUniversity Hospital Tübingen72056TübingenGermany De.artme.t of De.matology University Medical Center Mainz55131MainzGermany Skin Cance. Ce.te. at the.Unive.sity Cance. Ce.te. Dre.de. and National Ce.te. for Tumor Dise.se.&De.artme.t of De.matology University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus01307DresdenGermany De.artme.t of De.matology Venereology and AllergologyGoethe University60590Frankfurt am MainGermany De.artme.t of De.matology Elbeklinikum21614BuxtehudeGermany De.artme.t of De.matology Saarland University Medical School66421Homburg/SaarGermany De.artme.t of De.matology and Alle.gy Munich University Hospital(LMU)81377MunichGermany De.artme.
Me.astase. of uve.l me.anoma(UM)spre.d pre.ominantly to the.*** to low re.ponse.rate. to syste.ic the.apie.,live.-dire.te. the.apie.(LDT)are.commonly use. for tumor *** impact of LDT on the.re.ponse.to syste.ic tre.tm... 详细信息
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